Volume 3 - Chapter 49(Battle on Uninhabited Island(Part 13))


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


[The Dark Ball is a unique Poké Ball. It is known to augment a Pokémon's abilities, allowing them to surpass the limits of the original Pokémon's powers by bringing a Pokémon to its highest level. The Dark Ball is also able to bring under control Pokémon that already belongs to a Trainer, as well as rendering it utterly devoid of its free will. However, it is also noted that a particularly strong-willed Pokémon can break free from the control of a Dark Ball, but the repercussions can be equally life-threatening for the Pokémon. Pokémon under the influence of Dark Balls also bear similarities to Shadow Pokémon. Dark Balls are also shown to alter the target Pokémon's color: their skin tone is darkened.]

'Primis: I know that. You don't need to explain.'

[I just feel like.]

'Primis: ...........................Twilight, why do feel that you are awfully happy for some reason.'

[*cough* *cough* Well, I am. After all, now are finally going to get your first pet.]

'Primis: ..............................'


{Ophis: The Dark Ball he has appears somewhat different.}

Ophis telepathic words interrupted Primis' talk with Twilight.

{Primis: It's stronger than normal Dark Ball.}

{Ophis: Weakness of normal Dark Ball is that strong-willed pokémon can break free from its control. Since its enhanced version. This means............….}

{Primis: Even strong-willed pokémon chances of breaking it has decreased drastically.}

{Ophis: Um.}

Moving their gaze from Dark Ball to the person, Primis and Ophis waited. Even though they don't have to, they still let the man enjoy his final moments of life.

Time went by.

Only the sound of the papers rolling, folding, and unfolding was heard. Finally, once he was done reading the last paper, the man turned.

???: Thank you for waiting for m----

Though his voice cut-off at the last word. He just fell in daze looking at Ophis. Even though in his guild there are many beautiful women, yet they all pale in front of Ophis. The difference between them is that of a beggar and Empress. Primis remained indifferent witnessing the man in trance. Let alone this man, even Primis himself fell into daze sometimes while looking at the adult Ophis. Then how this man won't.

While the man was still looking at Ophis, Primis & Ophis were also looking at the man. He was a handsome blonde man with dark skin and orange eyes. It's like he was done sun-bathing throughout his life. His clothes which were stuck to his skin showed the shape of his muscles. Looking at his muscles anyone can tell that he had trained his body very well and is a martial artist.

As the man was still looking at Ophis, Ophis herself started to frown. She didn't why she didn't like how this human was looking at her for this long.

Primis: Are you done looking?

The man snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Primis cold voice. He coughed in embarrassment before turning to Primis. And again, he stopped witnessing Primis handsomeness. His eyes twitched at that. Moving his gaze at Ophis then again at Primis then again at Ophis then again at Primis and again and again. In the end, he signed in defeat.

'???: Why is life so unfair? I have seen toad eating the swam before in some worlds. Yet never once had I seen the couple made in heaven. Damn.'

Now jealousy could be seen in the man eyes. He really wished to switch places with Primis right now.

Primis: Looks like you are done with your work.

Returning to himself the man spoke. Though hostility could clearly be felt in his tone.

???: Yeah. I am. Now, I can focus on ending you both.

Primis: Just like your Medicham and Noivern who were turned into pokémon paste before turning to ashes.

Primis replied while showing a mocking smile.

???: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man froze hearing this revelation. Soon, killing intent started to ooze out of his body.

???: So, you killed them. My pokémons. YOU----

Primis: Stop fooling around. I already knew that you don't have that much attachment to them. For you, they were just merely weapons.

???: ....................................…

The man became silent for a second before replying.

???: What's wrong with that? Pokémon are just weapons in the first place. What's wrong with how I use them?

Primis: I never said you are wrong or something. I don't care how you treat them in the first place. What I am saying is that, stop behaving like you want revenge because you cared for them or something.

???: ....................................…

Ophis: Just show your real face. About how you feel losing two strong weapons.

Ophis also spoke. The man then took a deep breath and stopped showing his fake expressions.

???: You are right. It's really a big blow to me losing two strong weapons. In truth, I have more than those two pokémon in my arsenal. But because of this world's limitations, I can also bring those two with me.



A cracking sound started to come out of his body as he moved his muscles.

???: Still, it doesn't change the fact made lose a big one. Be grateful that you will die by my, Richard's hand.

Suddenly, red markings started to appear on his body before he vanished.



The ground broke where Primis was standing with an explosion. As dust settled down, Richard could be seen with his fist in the ground. He pulled out his hand as blood dipped out from his fist.






Though, it was not his blood.



Primis and Ophis landed some distance behind Richard. The moment he was about to attack them, they jumped out of the way. Ophis was completely fine while there was a scratch on Primis cheek. Blood was coming out of that scratch.

Primis moved his hand and wiped that blood. Once he did so, his hyper regeneration became active and healed that scratch.

Primis and Ophis both were looking at Richard with serious expression. Currently, Richard entire body was covered in some sort of red markings. Not only that, his scleras had turned black with black markings had appeared around his pupils. A reddish-black aura was also surrounding him.

Richard: Seeing that you are not surprised, I can conclude that you already knew what my current form is. Right?

Narrowing his eyes, Primis spoke.

Primis: It's the same form which one takes once they use trump card of "One-Cut Killer: Murasame".

Ophis: Little War Horn.

Richard: Exactly. As I thought, you both are also otherworldly people like me. I wonder which group you both belonged to though.

Primis: ........................

Ophis: ........................

Hearing no reply, Richard didn't become unhappy. On the contrary, he just chuckled.

Richard: No reply. Huh. Well, it doesn't matter whether you answer or not. You both will die here either way.

At this point, Primis moved his hand and grabbed the handle of Elucidator before pulling it out.


At first, Richard didn't give it much though. However, when he looked at Elucidator his eyes constricted. He moved his gaze at Primis and gave him a proper look this time. Before he only looked at face but not now. Looking at his appearance, his nerves tensed up.

'Richard: Sharingan from "Naruto" World. Midnight Coat and Elucidator from "Sword Art Online" world. Where does he get so many high-level things?'

Without waiting for a second, Primis moved. He appeared in front of Richard and attacked. In return, Richard only raised his hand to catch Elucidator.

And that was a mistake.



Richard: Argh!!!!

Richard eyes opened wide, and he let out a painful scream as Elucidator penetrated his hand. And that was not the end, Ophis appeared on the other side and attacked with a sword in her hand.


A purple arc appeared and slashed appeared on his chest. Richard screamed even louder.

Richard: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without stopping, Primis pulled Elucidator out. Ophis also moved back a little. They both raised their legs and kicked Richard right in the middle of his chest.



Richard: Grph!!!!

The sounds of ribs breaking were heard as Richard was thrown backward and he hit the wall.


Lowering their legs, they looked at Richard. However, then Primis moved his gaze and looked at the sword in Ophis' hand. He couldn't help but become surprised.

It was a pitch-black sword with a violet orb like something in the middle of handle and the blade. There were also six small orbs around. And a purple-violet aura could be seen around it.

'Primis: So, this is Ophis weapon.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
