Volume 4 - Chapter 6(New Stats/Equipment)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


(*A/N: Hello Everyone, if some of you have played Closers Online before then you guys will know what kind skills, I give to Primis while he is using "Planar Lord" Template. They are Lee Seha's skills. I have played Closers Online before I liked it a lot. That's why I decided to implement those skills. If you guys play online pc games, then I will also recommend Closers. It's free-to-play. Thank you.)






Planar Lord, what is it? What does it mean to be called one? Almost everyone will answer that the one who ruled the entire World. If that's the case why shouldn't an Emperor who succeeded in dominating the entire world, namely people, animals, plants, villages, town, cities, other Empires and so on are called the Greatest Emperor in history or generation but never once "Planar Lord".

Isn't it because no one knew this title? Too bad, it's not. Even if succeeded in ruling the entire World, you will be at most the World's Ruler. But never Planar Lord. Because "Planar Lord" is a completely different concept.

"Planar Lord" is basically a God of that plane. Or that planet. Yup they are basically God but only while they remain on their plane/planet. In case they go to another world, they won't be able to use their Godly power there. Their Godly power is only limited to their respective plane/planet.

So, what can "Planar Lord" do? The answer is 'anything'. Exactly. They can do anything. They are akin to being the purest, most perfect existence that encompasses every possibility. They have unlimited power and play the very laws that govern the world casually. A slight touch is also all they need to destroy these very laws too.

For example, "life is bound to death", "apples must fall from top to bottom", and "one plus one equals two". They are the laws of the world. "Planar Lord" can make "one plus one equals three", "can make apples fall bottom up", and "can make dead come alive". They can do 'anything' they want to do and change as they please.

Too powerful. Too scary, right? However, that's what a "Planar Lord" is. There are only two ways to defeat or kill "Planar Lord".

· Brought them away from their plane. By doing that they will lose their Godly power, since it's limited to their own world.

· Absolute Power. The power to even destroy the very plane along with its "Planar Lord".

BUT. Just because you have "Zenith" power, it doesn't mean you can become "Planar Lord". Zenith power at higher level will just let you contact the Will of the world. It's still up to you how you convince it to merge or fuse with you so that you can become "Planar Lord". If it declined, then too bad.

One more thing, never try to use force or forceful methods against it. Otherwise, it will directly kick you out of its world and you can never ever enter that world again.






i. Personal Profile (new)

ii. Store/Shop

iii. Inventory

iv. Pocket Worlds

v. Members

vi. Worlds Travel

vii. Abyss Trial II


i. Personal Profile

-> Template 1: The Black Swordsman

-> Template 2: Planar Lord (new)

-> Side Skills

-> Incantation Symbols

-> Beast Companions

-> Awakenings


Template 2: Planar Lord

****Source Power: Zenith****

· Stats (new)

· Main Skills (new)

· Equipment (new)


Template 2: Planar Lord


Name: Primis Rigla

Age: 19(More than Billions of years)


Existence Level: 2


-> Stats (new)

-> Main Skills (new)

-> Equipment (new)


Level 1

Strength: D

Endurance: D

Dexterity: D

Agility: D

Zenith: D


Current Level: 500

Overall: 500

??????: -

Equipment: 1,500

Grandmaster: 4,500

???????: -


Main Skills:

· Cancel

· Combat Dodge

· Shot

· Dash

· Burst

· [Locked]

· [Locked]

· [Locked]

· ????

· ????

· ????

· ????



Allows you to cancel a move midway, so you can cast another skill. Attacks surrounding enemies and makes you invulnerable for 1 second.

You can also use it while being immobilized by enemy attacks, pushing away the surrounding enemies in a 5-meter range.

Cost: None

Cooldown: 60 seconds




Combat Dodge

Allows you to quickly dodge in any direction and evade enemy attacks, decreasing the incoming damage by 60%.

If you dodge just before the attacks hit, then you can become temporarily invulnerable.

Cost: 1% Zenith

Cooldown: 1 second





Immobilizes a target with a powerful slash, and then launches it in the air in an explosive attack.

Cost: 5% Zenith and 1 Zenith Bullet





Dash forward, strike enemy in your path.

Cost: 2% Zenith





Release a small amount of Zenith forward, triggering a chain of explosions.

Cost: 10% Zenith


Primis: Hmm. I think because I started walking the path of "Planar Lord" just now for the first time, my stats are still 500. Or this would have normal case scenario for others not for me. The reason why my base stat is mere 500 is related to my special body.

[Exactly. Because of your All-rounder approach, all your stats will always be equal. But since you only have 500 Zenith power, your other stats suppressed themselves to maintain harmony.]

Primis: Um. Oh, well it's not that problem. There are three ways to increase by Zenith power.

· Fight and kill. The same way I got Excelia.

· Meditation.

· Doing Nothing.

[Doing nothing?]

Primis: Yeah, doing nothing. Even if I won't do anything, my body will keep on creating more Zenith. Because of that my stats will automatically rise. Check my stats again.

[Hmm?......................Seriously? Your base stat was 500 just a second ago. Now, its 501.]

Primis: I see. So, I am gaining 1 stat per 5-min. If we go by this, there are still 7-hours left before the start of the plot.

[if you really don't plan on doing anything in those 7-hours, your stats will still reach almost 600 at the start of the plot.]

Primis: Indeed. Anyway, even if my current stat is mere 501, my overall strength still reaches Level 5.

[Can't deny that.]

Primis: On to the next topic. Unlike in my "The Black Swordsman" Template, I have many skills. And I can see that some are locked and are showing ??????. But one thing is certain, all of them are active skills. On the other hand, only "Cancel" and "Combat Dodge" have cooldown period. Others don't have that.

[It's because they both can temporarily make you invisible. Means no matter how powerful an attack will be, you will remain completely unharmed.]

Primis: Most attacks but not all. In case if someone use an attack, which cut through both space and time then my Invisibility will be useless.

[True. Still, you have "Combat Dodge" for that. "Combat Dodge" can dodge every type of attack 'if' you use it at the right moment.]

Primis: Yeah. Right moment. Means just before the attack was about to hit me.


Primis: Next topic. My skills don't have the specific fix number of Zenith needed. Their cost is in percentage. In other words, even if my Zenith reserve increases, the percentage won't disappear.

[Doesn't this clearly show how strong your skills will be in future? Since they will require absurd amount of Zenith that time.]

Primis: I guess. Now for the last thing.

[Your new Equipment.]

Hearing this Primis looked at himself to check his new attire.

Primis was currently wearing a black jacket. Around the jacket's collar, he had a white fur lining, like a winter coat. He was wearing a white-collar shirt beneath it and had a yellow tie. He had semi-dark khaki pants on and wore black boots. On his hand, he wore black gloves. Unlike fingerless gloves, he wore in his "The Black Swordsman" Template, this time he was wearing full gloves.


Origin, Zenith's Jacket


Type: Armor (Cloth Armor)

Rank: I

Defense: 1,000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Reversal: F

Ammunition: F




Reversal: F

Nullifies 5% of the damage taken and absorbs another 5% to heal you.


Ammunition: F

Create 1 Zenith Bullet every 30 seconds.


Capacity: 4 Zenith Bullets.


After checking his clothes, Primis turned his gaze at the sword that was floating on his right. The blade part of the sword was bigger than even Elucidator's. The blade was silver in color and had black handle. In between the blade and handle there was also a golden part. And that is a trigger.

Extending his hand forward, Primis grabbed the hold of the handle and checked.


Origin, Zenith's Gun Blade


Type: Weapon (Sword/Gun)

Rank: I

Attack: 1,000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Expedite: F

Automatic: F




Expedite: F

Increase the attack speed by 15%.


Automatic: F

Allows you automatic refill 1 Zenith Bullet.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.


Primis: A Gun Blade. That's new. No wonder some of my skills will need bullets.


Once Primis clicked the mechanism, the blade part lowered itself. Inside Primis could see 2 slots for the bullets. Though, both are filled right now.


Taking out the bullet, Primis checked. It was a long bullet which was covered 80% with white color and had a blue strip down.




Zenith Bullet

A Bullet which is filled with Zenith power inside. It can not only be used to unleash powerful skill but can also be used to restore 30% of your Zenith reserve.





(*A/N: Primis(Planar Lord form)

(*A/N: Primis(Gun Blade)


Primis: Hmm. Interesting. It can even be used to restore my Zenith power.

[Woah. It decreases a lot of your problems. Now you have a way to restore your reserve.]

Primis: It appears so.





Swinging his new Gun-Blade a few times in the air, Primis took a sigh after getting himself used to it.

Primis: Heavier than Elucidator but not as heavier as a two-hand sword. Not that big of a problem but looks like I won't be able to dual wield while using "Planar Lord" Template.

[I don't see it as a problem. Since you need your other hand to put bullet in the barrel.]

Primis: .........True.

Next Primis took out a Zenith Bullet from his jacket pocket and tried to put it inside Inventory. However, it didn't work. He tried different ways, but the result remained the same.

Primis: Looks like its impossible to put Zenith bullets in anywhere else except my Jacket.


Primis: Let's see. 2 Bullets in my Gun Blade and 4 in my Jacket. For now, I can only carry 6 bullets.

[Um. By the way, sorry to change the topic but shouldn't you proceed to find Celebi. Another 30-minutes have passed by now.]

Primis: Yeah.

Replied Primis before looking at the top of Flugel's tree.

Primis: You can return.


Moltres let out a screech of acknowledgement before space wrapped and it returned to "Pets" world.

[Oh. I have one question. Why are you not using Sharingan?]

Primis: Because during "Planar Lord" Template I won't be using it.

[Huh? But why?]

Primis: Looks like both the Elemental-Sight and Zenith compliment each other. As a result, they both started to merge. If they had successfully merged, then Elemental-Sight would have become more powerful. Something, I won't be able to handle. That's why I separated them to different different Template. So, they won't get in touch with each other. For now.

[Ok. What to do next?]

Instead of answering, Primis closed his eyes.


As if something exploded in Primis' mind as countless silhouettes of people, demon beasts also known as Majuu appeared in his mind. The images of people appearing in Primis mind were the same as how Professor X in X-men were able to see Humans and Mutants while using Cerebro.

Though, Professor X can read, see, and even take over the person mind. Primis can't do that yet. He can only see the silhouettes of people, demon beasts and so on. However, right now that was all he needed. He could do this because of Zenith. Using it, he could see what the Will of the world could see. And finally, he found his target.

Primis: Found you.

[Where is it?]

Primis: At the Great Waterfall.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
