Volume 4 - Chapter 8(The second reason)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Celebi didn't reply. It started thinking of the choices Primis gave it. Both were something it wasn't willing to take. So, it chose the 'third' option. It just closed its eyes. No longer bothering about looking at Primis. While Primis, who saw Celebi's action raised one of brows before standing up.

Primis: I see. So, this is your decision. You prefer rather to die here. Huh. Fine. Suit yourself.

Celebi's decided to die. Before it was using whatever little strength it could recover to heal itself. But now it decided not to. As a result, because of its injuries, it will die in a few hours. That's the decision Celebi's chose. To neither be used by those people who attacked it nor Primis.

Primis gave Celebi one last glance before turning and walking away. Celebi kept its eyes closed. As Primis' footsteps kept on going far away, Celebi heard him murmuring something.

Primis: Hmm. Since Celebi is going to die soon. This means the next target of those people will now shift from it to Mew. I wonder from where it could run too before getting captured.

Celebi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Celebi's eyes snapped opened once it heard that. Mew was the one who saved it before. Because it was fully concentrated on healing its injuries it forgot that those people were after not just it but Mew too. Mew decided to separate so that those people had to divide themselves to search for them. However, if one of them disappears then their entire attention will fall on the remaining.

Celebi was now experiencing the feeling of dread. It was not afraid of its death but its friend Mew. In case those people successfully captured Mew then Mew will also become a mindless emotionless killing machine under their control. Celebi's didn't want that to happen.

But too bad, since it didn't have the strength to move even a finger, how could it go and help Mew. As its heart was being filled by despair, it saw Primis's back which was going further and further away. So, it decided to take the decision it never wanted to take.

Celebi: ...…bi...

It called out to Primis with its weak voice. It was so low that one could barely hear it even if that was person was standing near Celebi. Of course, Primis heard it clearly. Yet, he didn't stop and continued walking. While he was pretending that he didn't hear, Celebi thought Primis really didn't hear its call.

As a result, it forced itself to speak louder.

Celebi: .... le...bi.

The voice was much louder than before. However, since Primis had covered more distance by now, he still pretended to not hear it. Soon, he reached the path he made by cutting the trees and thorns. Though just when he was about to pass through it...…...


He heard Celebi shout and stopped in his tracks. Next, he turned his head to the side and looked back. In the next second, the corner of his lips rose slightly.

'Primis: Now, would you look at that. Amazing. Truly Amazing.'


Even Twilight was at the loss for words. Not that surprising once you see the current Celebi.

It was 'standing' on its feet and looking at Primis with determined eyes. Yes, you heard it right. It was 'standing'. It barely had the strength to even more a finger but now it was 'standing' on its own feet. With its own sheer will. Because of that its old wounds started opening as blood was leaking out of them. Yet, Celebi ignored them.

It kept on looking at Primis for a second before finally taking the first step forward.





Step-by-step it walked towards Primis. Its entire body was paining but it didn't stop.





Because of its such actions, more blood was leaking out. At this time, Primis also turned completely and looked at Celebi who was struggling to reach him. He didn't move forward to stop or walk up to it. He just remained standing on his spot while waiting for Celebi.

'Primis: As expected, it will go to extreme length to help its friend.'


Celebi took its last step and was now standing in front of Primis. Its baby-blue eyes were now looking directly into Primis' dark eyes for a few seconds before it opened its mouth.

Celebi: Bi…bi...…bi...…. Celebi.

Primis: Even if you didn't ask, I was still planning on going to find Mew once I am done.

Celebi: Cele...…bi.

Primis: Yes. Just like you I also plan to get my hands on Mew. I would have given him the same choices what I gave you.

Celebi: .........

Primis: I will help you find Mew. Not only that, but I will also help you become stronger. But............…

Celebi: bi?

Primis: What will you give me in return Celebi?

Celebi became dumbfounded and started processing what Primis just said. Once it processed everything, it asked.

Celebi: Cele...Cele.... Ce…. le...le....bi?

Primis: Before I said that if you decide to come with me, I will protect you. I never said I would help you find Mew or make you stronger.

Celebi: Cele...… le…...le...Celebi?

Primis: Yes. I did say "Even if you didn't ask, I was still planning on going to find Mew once I am done". But I said, "once I am done". Means I will look for Mew when I am done with things on my ends. And there are a lot. Finding Mew was the last thing on my priority list. But now I have to push my priorities back and put Mew on top. As a result, I will face some losses...............I hope you understand what I mean.

Celebi: .........

Celebi remained silent before opening its mouth again.

Celebi: Cele...…bi?

Primis: Hmm. So, now you are directly asking what I want. Huh. Let's see.

This time it was Primis who became silent and started thinking about what he wanted. Once he was done. He looked at Celebi again.

Primis: Since I am going to help you find Mew and make you stronger, this means I can ask for two things, right?

Celebi thought for a second before nodding its head.

Primis: Alright. The first thing is, I want your eternal loyalty. No matter what I order you, no matter what I do, you won't interfere. You won't let your feelings get in the way. Understood?

Celebi: ..................…*nod*

Primis: As for second thing, once we will find Mew, not only me but you will also try to convince it to come under me. Just like yourself.

Celebi: .......

Primis: What's your answer?

Celebi: ......…

Primis: ......…

Celebi: ......…

Primis: ......…

Celebi: ......…

Primis: ......…

Both kept on staring at each other for some time before Celebi reluctantly nodded its head.

Primis: Good.

Saying this, Primis crouched down and put his hand on Celebi's head. While Celebi lowered its head in complete submission.

'Primis: Twilight.'

[On it.]


A Light came out of Primis hand and covered Celebi just like it covered Moltres. Celebi didn't resist and the contract was established without any problem. A collar appeared on its neck before it hid itself.




[A new pet has been added under "Beast Companion".]

Hearing the notification, Primis nodded his head before removing his hand from Celebi's head. Once he did so, Celebi raised its head and looked at Primis. It blinked its eyes cutely because it felt some kind of connection with him. The connection was even stronger than one had with their own kin. As a result, it unconsciously relaxed itself and all the fatigue came rushing in.

Its eyes started to blur because of excessive blood loss and all the strength left its body. Though before it could fall, Primis caught it and hugged it before standing up. In Primis embrace, Celebi felt the warmth and sense of protection. The same protection Primis told him about. Its eyes started to get heavy.

Primis: Don't sleep. We are still in a dangerous place.

Celebi fought against the coming drowsiness before nodding its head. Primis bought an Elixir from Twilight shop before bringing it near Celebi's mouth.

Primis: Open your mouth.

Doing as ordered, Celebi opened its mouth. A single drop. Just a single drop entered its mouth. And then all of its injuries started healing at the speed of naked eyes.

A minute later.

Celebi had a speechless expression on its face. Not only all its injuries were healed, even the physical and mental also disappeared. It's like it was never injured in the first place. Primis loosened his hold as Celebi used its power and started to levitate. It looked at itself to confirm whether it was really healed or was just in a dream.

Primis: We are done here. Let's go.

Saying this, Primis left the place which Celebi created and started walking back from where he came. Celebi also hurriedly followed. It started flying around Primis in happiness. After some time, it floated towards Primis left shoulder, but then it changed its target and sat on his right-shoulder instead. Primis only gave it a glance before looking in front again as if he didn't mind Celebi's action.

'Primis: It first wanted to sit on my left shoulder. But then as if it sensed something and decided to sit on my right shoulder.'

[Well, it must have sensed that that place already had an owner.]

'Primis: It appears so.'

[It's not "appears so". It's truth. I am sure you also won't let anyone sit on it because that place belongs to your Empress.]

'Primis: Can't deny that. I would have stopped Celebi if it had decided to sit there.'

[I know that.]




The loud sound of the Great Waterfall was heard again. Primis didn't look down this time and kept on walking in front. While Celebi was sitting on its right-shoulder and was happily munching the poke puff that Primis gave it. Soon, the dense forest came into their sight. Though, just when they were about to reach it, Primis raised one of his brows. He then hurriedly picked Celebi from his shoulder and dashed towards the forest.

<< Celebi: Eeh? What happened? >>

Primis didn't reply. He hurriedly entered and forest and hid behind one of the trees. He then put his index finger on his lips gesturing Celebi to keep quiet. Celebi didn't understand but still nodded its head. And then.............


A huge column of water rose in the sky.


A loud voice was heard. Something enormous came out of the Waterfall. It was an enormous Demon beast estimated to be around fifty meters long if not larger. Its snow-white skin was as hard as stone and was covered in tiny hairs that could scattered magical energy from incoming attacks, dulling their force. Like all Demon Beasts, this demon beast also had a large, curved horn protruding from its forehead. It had a glowing pinkish wheel-like sigil on its back that was currently allowing it to fly. Its yellow eyes were moving all around as if looking for its prey.

Celebi in Primis' embrace started shivering in fear. Because of that Primis started to caress its head gently. It helped Celebi to calm itself. Still, it put both its hands on its mouth to make sure no voice leaked out.

As for Primis, he was looking at this enormous Demon Beast that was floating in the sky while hiding behind the tree.

'Primis: That's the second reason why the Great Waterfall is a dangerous place. It's the resting place of one of the Three Great Demon Beasts.....................…. White Whale.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
