Volume 4 - Chapter 14(Script)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Elsa: Ahhhh. Your bowels will be lovely when I see fear on that calm face of yours.

Saying this, she charged at him. Primis didn't move from his spot. He just moved his Gun-Blade to block her attack.


They both looked into each other's eyes for a second before Primis pushed her back.


Elsa flipped in the air before landing some distance away. She looked at Primis with a smile but in the next moment Primis moved and appeared in front of her leaving some trails of his bluish power behind.


Elsa brought her knife in front and stopped the Gun-Blade from hitting her. Though the force behind Primis' charge dragged Elsa with him towards the wall behind her.


Elsa hit the wall and broke some wooden planks on it. There was a whole line of 5 meters on the ground that was made by her heels as Primis pushed her towards the wall.


Her knife was grinding against Primis Gun-Blade as her smile became more vibrant as she looked at Primis face so close.

Elsa: You are wonderful.

Then her hand went behind her waist, and she attacked.


Though Primis took a step back and dodged the second blade which she took out. Witnessing this, her smile became even broader. However, before she could continue......





Elsa: Huh?

Primis used 'Shot' by clicking the trigger on his Gun-Blade. An explosion occurred and her entire arm burst leaving a geyser of blood coming out of her shoulder.


Her second blade got thrown away behind the bar as she lost her arm. The explosion not only destroyed her arm but also the force behind it threw her to the side. Elsa was too shocked to even stabilize herself. Too bad, Primis didn't give her the chance.




A kick came from the side and hit her head. The sound of skull cracking was heard before she was thrown towards the shelf at the side.



She smashed on the shelf before falling. Once she did, all the contents on the shelf along with the shelf itself fell on her.

Subaru: A-Amazing.

Subaru looked at everything with wide open eyes. Looking at Primis's spirit and weapon, he thought of him to be strong but not this much.

At this time, Primis lowered his leg. He then clicked another button on his Gun-Blade.




The Blade part bent downward as an empty shell of the bullet jumped out and fell on the ground. Primis didn't look at it. He just took out another Zenith Bullet from the pocket and calmly put it into the empty barrel before closing it again.


Once done, he turned his attention towards the broken shelf.

Subaru: I-Is it o-o-over?

Subaru approached Primis at this point. He was still afraid before but now witnessing how Primis easily overpowered Elsa, he gained some confidence. Though Primis next words made him tensed up again.

Primis: Not yet.


As if answering him, Elsa burst out of the shelf and looked at Primis with a smile. Fear returned in Subaru's face as he saw completely unscathed Elsa. Even her arm had regrown.

Subaru: I-Impossible. H-How are y-you still fine? R-Rigla destroyed one of your a-a-a-a-a-a-arm just now.

Elsa: I wonder myself. Maybe because my love for bowels brought me back.

Elsa didn't bother explaining and just made an excuse. Subaru hurriedly hid behind Primis as he saw her licking her lips while blushing.

Elsa: You are more wonderful than I thought, Rigla. Ahhh. Now, I wanted to see your bowels even more. So, show me...…

She attacked Primis again. This time her speed was even faster than before.





Still, Primis easily stopped all her attacks. Not only that, but he also even started pushing her back. Whenever they exchanged blows, the force behind Primis' attack pushed her back. Then he continued chasing and attacking. Elsa thought she would be on the offensive but in just matter of seconds she went on defense.

Unlike Rom who only had strength, Primis had both strength and speed which far surpassed Elsa. As a result, more and more injuries started to appear on Elsa's body. Even though they got healed in the next second, the new ones took their place.







All the furniture, weapons, drinks and so on had been destroyed by their confrontation as they were engaged in a high-speed battle.


Elsa: Kuh!!!

Another attack, and Elsa was thrown back. But Primis didn't let her go this time. Using his free left-hand, he grabbed Elsa' ankle before smashing her hard on the ground.


The floor broke. Soon the dust settled down and Elsa could be seen plastered on the floor. Her body was covered in injuries. At first, her injuries healed rapidly but after regenerating all this time without rest, her regeneration had become very slow. On the other hand, there was not even a single scratch on Primis body.

Current Elsa barely had strength left to fight at her peak. Yet, there was the same smile on her face as she looked at Primis who was pointing his Gun-Blade at her head. His finger was on the trigger.

Elsa: Looks like this is it for me. Too bad I can't to see your bowels.

Primis remained silent. Just when he was about to pull the trigger. Elsa's hand moved and she threw needles at him.





Primis only moved slightly and dodged them easily.

Primis: You failed to do anything even when you were at your peak. Do you really think you can accomplish anything now?

Elsa: Of course, I am.

Primis: Oh?

Primis raised one of his brows before he heard something falling behind.


He turned and looked at Subaru on the floor covered in blood. The needles that Elsa threw were instilled in his body.

Elsa: Even though I can't kill you, I will at least kill every other eyewitness. Oh, one more thing, at the tip of my needles there's a very lethal poison. So, even if you healed his injuries using your spirit, the poison will still kill him in a matter of seconds.

Primis: ......…

Primis remained silent. Though, he was thinking of something else in his mind.

'Primis: Sorry, Elsa. My Celebi is not like the spirits of this world. Even if someone was poisoned with the most dangerous poison, Celebi can easily cure him or her. Poison is basically useless in front of Celebi. So, if I want, Celebi can easily cure Subaru back to his max vitality................ But just like I said if I want. I have no intention of saving Subaru in the first place.'

He then moved his attention from Subaru to Elsa who had a victorious smile on her face.

'Primis: Looks like you still don't get it, Elsa. If I want to save Subaru, I just have to deflect your needles. There was no need for me to dodge them. Do you really think you could have attacked Subaru if I didn't show you the opening? Do you really think it was a coincidence that I positioned myself right in front of Subaru when I knew if I dodged, he would take the attack? Do you really think I couldn't stop you from taking out your needles to attack when you are this weak right now?'

The corner of Primis lips curved a little as he looked at Elsa. Witnessing this even Elsa became stunned.

'Primis: Wrong. The reason why you were able to do all of this is because I allowed you to. All your actions were something which I made you do. You were just doing your performance on the stage I prepared for you. So......'

Then Primis lips moved. Though no sound came out, Elsa widened her eyes as she read his lips. They were saying.

Primis: Your performance perfectly just like your script. Well Done, Elsa.

Next, Primis pointed his free hand towards Elsa. A small amount of Zenith was released forward, triggering a chain of explosions.








Elsa could only look in shock as Primis released 'Burst' at her, shredding her body to pieces. The moment Elsa died, was also the moment Subaru died.

The world became dark as space and time distorted. The sound of cracking glass was heard as the Primis surrounding crumbled away and everything became black. And again, he heard a voice behind him.

???: It's good that you are fine.

Primis hurriedly turned only to meet with the crowd of people walking around as sunlight fell on him.

'Primis: Satella.'

Sighing, he looked in front again.

'Primis: I guess it's time to end this Arc.'

<< Celebi: Master, we are back to the same checkpoint. >>

Primis glanced at Celebi who had returned to his right shoulder before nodding his head.

<< Primis: Yeah. It appears so. >>







Primis reached an alley. He kept on walking deeper before hiding himself in shadows as he heard something. In some distance away, he could see Subaru who was trying to escape. The current Subaru seemed terrified and broken. He was beaten and dragged by three thugs. Primis remained hiding in his spot not bothering about saving him.

<< Celebi: Master, if this kept on going, he will die. >>

<< Primis: Even if he does die, at most the world will reset. >>

<< Celebi: Hmm. That's true............…But he looks so pitiful. >>

<< Primis: Many people try to find a way to live for eternity. At that time, they only look at the bright side of it. Thinking how much they could accomplish. But when someone attained it, it was the time they learnt its dark side. That Immortality became more of a curse than a blessing at that time. >>

[For mortals though.]

'Primis: Yeah, for mortals.'

<< Celebi: ......…...You're right, Master. Current him is broken to the point that he must be begging for death inward. However, when he dies, he will realize that his wish won't be granted. >>

Next, Primis closed his eyes and activated "Zenith Vision".


The entire world appeared in his mind as silhouettes of people across the world could be seen. Primis kept on looking at everything for quite some time before opening his eyes again.

'Primis: It's time.'

Primis then walked towards Subaru who was still savagely beaten by kicks and fists. It wouldn't be long before he would lose his unconsciousness or die.

Primis: If I remembered you said you let be beat you so that they will release their frustration and won't attack others.

Hearing the familiar voice, Subaru raised his head and saw Primis standing behind the three thugs. Even though he still looked lost, some hope still returned in his eyes as he saw Primis. On the other hand, the three thugs turned and looked at Primis. Though they became stunned for a second witnessing his looks but then jealousy and enviousness appeared on their faces.

One of them took out dual knives while the other two raised their fists. However, the other two tensed up a little when they noticed Celebi on Primis' shoulder.

Thug 1: Don't be so cocky just because you have a spirit. It's not hard to guess that it's a nature spirit. Even though Nature Spirits are rare, they are only good for healing. In a fight, they are useless.

The other two calmed down hearing this. Now, they were looking at Primis clothes which seemed completely new. They started thinking how much they would fetch once they sold them. Thinking that water filled their mouths as they imagined themselves having many Gold and Sacred Gold Coins.

Primis: I will give you three seconds to get lost.

These words of Primis angered them. The other two rushed at him to punch him. Primis remained standing on his spot without moving. Just when their punches were about to hit him, Primis let out the pulse of his Zenith.


A bluish wisp of Zenith was released from his body and hit not only the two attacking but also the one behind.


Thug 1: Ouh!!!

Thug 2: Grgh!!!

Thug 3: Argh!!!




All three were thrown 5 meters away and then their bodies kept on rolling for another 2 meters. After stopping they all let out a painful voice from their mouths. Though as they were doing it, a shadow came over them. Turning their faces, they saw Primis looking down on them with his dark cold eyes. Those eyes sent a shiver down their spine.

Primis: ............…Scram.

Hearing Primis' cold voice all three jolted and raised their painful bodies before running away as fast as possible. Primis moved his gaze to Subaru who was still on the ground. As if understanding what Primis wanted, Celebi left his shoulder approached Subaru. Next, it pointed its hands towards him and started healing him. Green light covered Subaru as his swollen face started to heal.


Suddenly, Primis heard a sound behind. The Thugs that were running away collided with someone. The person remained standing while the Thugs fell on the ground. The Thugs looked at the person and ran past him without uttering a single word.

'Primis: You are finally here.'

The person then approached Primis.

Primis: You are?

The person put his right fist on his left chest and bowed a little before replying.

???: I am Reinhard van Astrea from Astrea Family. It is a pleasure to meet you.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
