Volume 4 - Chapter 23(Curses)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


'Primis: Brains. Huh.'

Despite Primis calm composure, he couldn't help but chuckle out a little since this was the best joke he ever heard.

Emilia: Huh? Rigla, did you just laugh?

Currently, Primis was inside Emilia's work room helping her with the paperwork. Emilia was sitting across him with a table in between them which had a huge pile of papers on it. At another corner of the room, Beatrice was sitting on a chair reading her book while minding her own business. Returning his gaze at Emilia who was looking at him, Primis spoke.

Primis: No.

Emilia: You did. I heard it clearly.

Primis: Must be your imagination.

Emilia: No, it's not.

Primis looked away as Emilia pouted. Even he can't deny she was cute.

Puck: Oi. How dare you laughed at Lia?

Yes, there was another third wheel here. Puck, who had hovering around while keeping his eye on Primis so that he won't get too close to Emilia. Unlike Emilia, Puck didn't have memories of previous loop. Thus, Primis was still a stranger in his eyes.

Though, too bad for him since because of previous loop, Emilia was a lot closer to Primis than he could imagine.

Emilia: Puck, Rigla is not a type of person who will laugh at others.

Puck: How do you know, Lia? I am sure he is just a pervert like other men.

Emilia: I just know. And that's very rude, Puck. Apologize.

Puck: ......…What?

Emilia: Apologize to Rigla.

Puck: Lia, how can you take a stranger side like this-----

Emilia: If you don't apologize then I won't talk to you.

Puck: ......…

Puck became silent. Next, he turned and glared daggers at Primis.

Puck: Damn you. What do you feed to my Lia that is taking your side?

Emilia: Puck!!

Puck: ...…I apologize, Rigla.

Primis: Um.

Nodded Primis accepting Puck apology before returning his attention at the papers in his hand. Though, he still heard Puck muttering under his breath.

Puck: I will definitely keep a close eye on you. You are too dangerous to be near Lia.

Ignoring him, Primis kept on signing the paper. Beatrice who at the corner also sighed looking at their interactions but didn't have any intention on joining them.

Once the paperwork was done, Emilia invited Primis for a walk in the garden which he accepted. Because she didn't want someone to destroy her quality time with Primis, Emilia asked Puck to play with Beatrice. Beatrice agreed to play with Puck, but she said she also want to play with Celebi. Hence, Primis let Celebi out.

In the end, Puck could grit his teeth in anger witnessing Primis and Emilia back which was going further and further. However, then he nearly fainted in fury when he saw how Emilia held Primis hand.







After they spent some time together with each other, they separated and went their own way. Primis while holding Beatrice hand returned back to the Forbidden Library with Rem following behind. Looking around the Library, Primis took out a book which contained the information of all kinds of poisons that exists in this world before taking a seat and started reading it. Beatrice also sat on his lap and started reading it along with him. Rem took her position and stand behind them.

[Is this really necessary? Because to me with your knowledge of the plot and your wisdom as an Omniscient, I don't think it's necessary.]

'Primis: You're right, It's not. I am just passing the time while putting my attention completely on my own things.'

[Darkness Incantation Symbol...Just what are you planning?]

'Primis: You will know. Anyway, another reason is because I don't wish to end this Arc this soon. I want to use it to improve Subaru.'

[You are like his babysitter.]

'Primis: Maybe.'

Time went by. Five hours later.


The door opened and Subaru came.

Subaru: Yo, Rigla and Beako.

Beatrice: I told you not to call me by that name, Human!!!

Subaru: Don't mind it, it's just a nickname.

Beatrice: I don't need such----

Before Beatrice could continue, Primis put his hand on her head to calm her. Beatrice became silent. Looking at Subaru, Primis said.

Primis: Subaru, I understand that you give nicknames to others in order to make your relation closer. But someone people don't like it. Instead of getting closer they will become irritated which will only worsen the relation. So, I hope you will first see to check whether the other person like the way you are addressing them or not. And it will also be better if you will restraint from calling Beatrice with a nickname.

Hearing Primis words, Subaru scratched the back on his head in embarrassment before clasping his in front of Beatrice.

Subaru: I am sorry, Beak---- Beatrice. I just want our relation to be better. It was not my intention to offend you. I apologize and promise to not call you like this again.

Beatrice: Hmph.

Beatrice snorted and looked away. Though, it was not hard to tell that her anger had diminished a lot. Before Subaru could speak again, Primis spoke.

Primis: How was work today?

Subaru: Huh? Well, it was fine.

Primis: I see. I suppose you came here after filling your stomach.

Subaru: Yes, I do have some tea and cookies.

Primis: It reminds me that we haven't eaten anything since we were completely emerged in the book.

Rem: I will bring something to eat for Sir Rigla and Miss Beatrice.

Primis: Um. I will appreciate it.

Smiling, Rem bowed towards them before leaving the library.


Once the door was closed again, Primis continued.

Primis: I know why you are here, Subaru. But at least be wary of people around while speaking since we still don't you killed you in the previous loop.

Subaru: Sorry. It's just I am still nervous because I don't know the cause of my death.

Primis: I know. That's why I am looking into it.

Subaru: Thanks, man. So, did you find anything?

Primis: Not for now.

Subaru: Damn it! How are we going to----

Beatrice: Try not to scream here. It's a library.

Subaru: You!!!!

Primis: I am almost finished reading this book which contains knowledge of all the poisons that exist in this world. And the result, I am now 95% sure you didn't die of poison.

Subaru: Seriously?

Primis: Yes. The odorless poisons that can kill you without anyone realizing are not only extremely rare, but they also can't be made just by anyone. Only a high-level refiner or poisoner can make them. They still have to face a lot of risk creating them.

Subaru: What if they already have it with them for a long time?

Primis: Not possible. These poisons are also very expensive. To the point that even Roswaal with all his economy won't waste it buy them. Even if he did, he would keep such poison in a place where others won't get their hands on.

Subaru: Is that so.

Beatrice: Hmph. If Roswaal wants to kill someone as weak as you then he won't need to use poison. He can kill you with just a snap of his finger.

Subaru showed a wry smile since he can't deny that.

Subaru: Since it's not poison then what method can that person use.

Beatrice: A Curse can do.

Subaru: Curse? Are they even real?

Primis: We are in world of magic, so curses won't be that rare here.

Beatrice: Yes. Curses are very common thing while killing someone.

Getting up from Primis' lap, Beatrice walked to a bookshelf. She looked at all the books before grabbing one of them. She then returned to Primis's lap and passed the book to him.

Primis: Hmm. Curses. Huh.

Beatrice: Even though there are numerous amounts of curses, most of them are given by Demon Beasts.

Subaru: Demon Beast?

Primis: Demon Beasts are creatures that are not human and lack means of intelligence. They can be any number of organisms that are able to sustain themselves off of mana. You can also call them as Witch monsters.

Subaru: Witch Monsters. Huh.

Primis: Under most conditions, they are larger and stronger than regular animals and often possess hazardous magical abilities.

Subaru: Wow. That's new.

Primis: It's not.

Turning to Subaru, Primis gave him a blank stare before speaking.

Primis: It will be good for you if you find some time in a day to learn about the basic things of this world.

Beatrice: Pathetic.

Subaru: Haha. Don't worry, I will. But right now, we have more important things to think about.

[I bet if this idiot would have decided to learn the basic information about the world, then the number of his retries would have decreased drastically.]

'Primis: I can't agree more.'

Primis: Anyway, even though we don't know how you die, we do know when you die. So, we have time till the 4th day. Let things continue the way they were before and when it was time to go to village let me know. I will think something about it.

Subaru: Sure, partner. Leave it to me.

[Primis said he will think of something. Not you, idiot.]







Three Days went by.

Just like before Subaru's skills as Butler were improving along with his relations with the other members in the mansion.

He was not the only one. Even Primis relation with Emilia and Rem had become closer. At first, Puck was angry seeing how Emilia was getting closer with Primis but in the end he could only sigh and let it go since he can't bear to separate Emilia from Primis and making her sad. Though, he still gave Primis a warning.

Puck: If you hurt Lia, I will kill you.

Primis just shrugged his shoulders completely disregarding his intimidation. During this time Primis also asked Subaru to list down the things he did in the previous loop when he went to village.

Once Subaru gave it to him, Primis looked at each of the things he did thoroughly. Beatrice was also readying it but didn't see anything strange. However, there was an incident Primis was looking at which was also the main reason of Subaru's death.

It was with a little girl and her little dog. At first, Subaru didn't mention whether it bit or scratch him but once Primis force him to recall, he said that the dog bit him a little. Hearing this, even Beatrice narrowed her eyes as she also got a gist of it.

This became even more suspicious when Subaru said he started to feel exhausted but decided to not give it much thought thinking it was because of almost 9 hours after coming to village and running errands. Beatrice went deep into thought while Primis remained silent.

There was something Twilight didn't know. It's true that Primis said he wanted to improve Subaru, but he was not the only one. Primis had the same plans for Beatrice, Emilia, Rem, Ram and some more. That's why he remained at the side and let Beatrice think of the way.

Why does he want to do it? Because he knew the time, he will stay in this world was not enough for him to conquer it completely. So, he decided to leave it for others to do it in his stead once he will leave.


Once Subaru left for the village, Beatrice turned to Primis.

Beatrice: It can't be coincidence. Since that Human died few hours after his interaction with village.

Primis: What are you implying, Beatrice?

Beatrice: Betty thinks she know the reason for that Human death.

Primis: Go on.

Pointing at one section of the paper, Beatrice spoke.

Beatrice: That little girl and her little dog is suspicious.

Primis: Explain.

Beatrice: If Betty is not wrong then this little dog is a Demon Beast. As for the girl, Betty thinks she is a Demon Beast tamer.

Primis: Hmm.

Beatrice: That girl must have ordered her tamed Demon Beast to bite that human and put a curse on him. That curse was what killed that human.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
