Volume 4 - Chapter 42(Clues)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Shinto is the newer district of Fuyuki that is under development east of the Mion River. Around the 1990s, the area was reclaimed from a previously empty wasteland, beginning a large-scale redevelopment project funded by the local government to build a modern business district containing features like a park and shopping mall in front of the train station. The City Hall was moved from Miyama to give it a more modern structure, and the maintenance of the park and shopping mall were complete. Although the buildings were only forty percent complete at the time, it was constantly crowded during holidays.

The purpose was for it to be a clean and sterile area that would be pompous and contain no individuality, but it suffered a major setback after the "Fourth Holy Grail War" when the advent and destruction of the Holy Grail caused a conflagration that destroyed 134 buildings and claimed five hundred lives after burning for an entire day. Much of the city was rebuilt over the next ten years, rapidly developing with tall buildings over the destroyed land.

Fuyuki Church is utilized by the Holy Church to station the Overseer for the Fuyuki Holy Grail War and to otherwise supervise the city.

The Overseer of the Holy Grail War is a position of impartial judge to preside over the workings of the Holy Grail War.











Rin: We are here.

Shirou: This Church?

Rin: Yes. This is where the Overseer of Holy Grail War is. He is the only one who can help you now.

Shirou: .........…Ok.

Rin: What about you, Rigla?

Said Rin as she turned her attention to Primis who had stopped at the front of Church Gate and was looking at it. Primis didn't reply. He just narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: I can feel the traces of Mew's aura here.'

[Could it come here before?]

'Primis: Or it came here during "Fourth Holy Grail War", 10 years ago.'

[In that case, does this means Mew was also looking for Holy Grail?]

'Primis: Maybe. Because with so much Magic contained in the Grail, it can not only help Mew to heal itself but can also increase its power.'

Saber: Master.

At this time, an extremely soft and worried voice snapped Primis out of his talk with Twilight. Glancing back, he saw Saber looking at him full of concern.

Saber: Is something the matter?

Primis: No, it's nothing.

At this time, Primis felt the squeeze in his left hand. Looking there he saw Beatrice also looking at him as if telling him that she was still here to help. Sighing, Primis started patting her head.

Primis: I am fine. Just thinking about something.

Beatrice: Um.

Primis: Let's enter, Rin.

Rin: ...............…

Primis: Rin?

Because of lack of response, Primis moved his head towards Rin. There he saw Rin and Shirou looking at them with dumbfounded expressions.

Primis: What happened?

Rin: ..........H-Huh? Y-Yes, Let's enter.

Shirou: C-Cough. U-Um.

Returning to themselves, they replied awkwardly. Though, Rin and Shirou were still thinking about something. Shirou even had flushed expression.

'Rin & Shirou: DAMN. I never thought Saber could speak this softly. While speaking with Rigla, she doesn't even have a single bit of her dignified and Royal aura like when she is talking with us.'

Next, they all entered the gate and started walking inside. After half-way through, Primis glanced back and saw Saber was also following inside. Raising one of brows, Primis stopped. Looking back at Saber, he spoke.

Primis: You don't need to follow inside. You can wait outside.

Shaking her head, Saber replied in the same soft tone.

Saber: I am your Servant. It's my duty to stay by your side and protect you no matter where you go.

'Primis: Ohhhh. If I remember correctly, no matter what Fate/Stay night series, Saber always declined to follow Shirou inside the Church.'

[Yeah. It's because the Oversee is the enemy of her previous master...............…... Yet, she is ready to follow you inside. Hmm. It seems that your position is her heart pretty high.]

'Primis: ...............…'

Primis: The Church is the Neutral Zone. So, nothing will happen.

Saber: ......…But I still want to follow.

Primis: ...............…

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Primis turned and continued walking.

Primis: Suit yourself.

A Beautiful smile appeared on Saber face as she followed. Too bad, Primis didn't see that. Though there were other people who saw it.

Rin: ..................

Shirou: ...............

Rin was taken aback again while Shirou face turned red. He could even feel his heart beating fast.





???: I thought you finally decided to accept my invitation to come by. But it seems I was wrong.

Once Primis and others entered the church a voice welcomed them. Looking in front they saw a man standing at the end of the room. He was a rather tall middle-aged man in thirties. He was wearing a cassock with a golden cross around his neck.

The man then turned his head at Primis direction and smiled.

???: So, you are the Seventh.

Saying this, he looked back at Saber and continued.

???: Never thought we would see each other again.

Saber: ...............…

Saber didn't bother replying. She just remained standing behind like a bodyguard. The man didn't mind and returned his attention at Primis direction.

???: Let me introduce myself. I am Kirei Kotomine. I am not only the in-charge of this church but also the Overseer of this Holy Grail War.

Once Kirei was not introducing himself, Primis pushed Shirou forward.

Shirou: Woah!

Shirou looked back in surprise before looking at Kirei.

Kirei: Shirou Emiya. Huh. Seems like you got caught in this Ritual.

Shirou: Ritual?

Kirei: Yes. The Holy Grail War is actual a Ritual in which the Seven Masters and their Servants engage in a battle of death with each other. The last one standing will be the winner who will hold the Holy Grail in his hand. The Great Holy Grail is an omnipotent power which can grant you any wish you desire.

Shirou: No way. The Holy Grail is real.

Kirei: It is. Though in the last Holy Grail War which occurred 10 years ago, the Grail didn't reach its completion which led to the cause catastrophe.

Shirou: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Taking two steps back, Shirou looked at Kirei in shock.

Shirou: Don't tell me. That big fire.

Kirie: Yes, you're right. It was----

Primis: That's enough.

Suddenly, Primis' voice resounded throughout the whole church. Everyone turned their attention to the source and saw Primis and Beatrice were sitting on one of the benches. Kirie was startled. Why? Because the only people he saw entering the Church were Rin, Emiya, and Shirou. When he turned his head at Primis direction before, Primis was standing in front of Shirou. As a result, since Primis was hiding his very existence thanks to "Acceptance and Denial of Plane", Kirei was in a way looking at Shirou.

Primis then looked straight at Shirou and spoke.

Primis: I think with this you have basic understanding of what and how dangerous Holy Grail War could be. You don't need to know more.

Shirou: How could this be!? I am one of the victims of that Big Incident! I have the right to kn----

Primis: You don't.

Primis tone turned cold. Now even Beatrice and Saber were looking at Shirou as if waiting for Primis's order to attack.

Primis: Don't forget. I am Saber's Master, not you. I am the one participant in this Holy Grail War, not you. You are just an outsider. You don't even have the right to know what the Holy Grail War is in the first place. Let alone what occurred in previous War. The reason you are even given the privilege to know about this Ritual is thanks to Rin Tohsaka.

Shirou: ..................

Primis: Once other Mages learned that you a 'Commoner' know about the Mages and this Ritual then they won't hesitate to eliminate you.

Then ignoring Shirou's frustrated expression, Primis looked at Kirei.

Primis: I am Rigla. I am the Seventh Master who will participate in this War.

Kirei: Is that so. My apologies. I thought Emiya Shirou was the Seventh.

Primis: He is not. He is just someone who saw the battle between my Saber and Lancer. Since 'Commoners' who saw the battle must be eliminated, the same goes for him too. However, since he is Rin Tohsaka acquaintance, we came here to ask for your help.

Kirei: I see. I understand.

'Primis: Judging from the way he reacted just now. it seems Lancer didn't tell him that I am Saber's Master.'

[You are right.]

At this time, Kirei was looking attentively at Primis.

Primis: What is it?

Kirei: I am sorry. I am just slightly confused. I can't sense any trace of Mage-craft from you.

Primis: I have my own ways to hide it.

Kirei: I see. Thank you for telling me that.

Primis: Um.

Rin: So, what's your answer, Kirei?

Kirei: Of course. As the Overseer it's my duty to hear the request of the Masters. Emiya Shirou will be fine.

A sigh of relief escaped from Rin mouth hearing that.

Kirei: Now then, Emiya Shirou. Please follow me to the other roo----

Primis: Looks like we have a Guest.

Kirei: Hmm. You are right.

Primis: Let's go and greet them.




Primis and others walked out of the Church. Kirei told them that he will help with Shirou's situation once the "Impatient" guest leaves. So, right now, he was also with them.

???: Good evening, Big Brother. This is the second time we have met.

Shriou: You are.......

They were greeted by a little girl outside of the Church. She was a little girl with pale skin, crimson eyes, and long white hair. She was wearing a collared, purple long-sleeved shirt with a light purple scarf to match, a long white skirt, and purple boots. The girl bowed at them and spoke.

???: I am Illya. Illyasviel von Einzbern.

Saber: Einzbern. Huh.

Saber muttered that under her breath. Still, it was enough for Primis and Beatrice to hear.

'Beatrice: Looks like she knows the family this girl belongs to.'

'Primis: The Lesser Grail is here.'


At this time, the sound of wind resounded and mist behind Illya blew away. Once it did, a figure could be seen standing behind her.

It was a colossal, statue-like man who could be described as a "black giant". He gave off the impression of a monster, in both appearance and presence.

Rin: B-Berserker.

'Primis: Hmm. No wonder he is the strongest Servant of this Holy Grail War.'


True Name: Heracles

Title: Hercules

Class: Berserker


Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern





Strength: A+

Endurance: A

Agility: A

Mana: A

Luck: B





**Class Skills**

Mad Enhancement: B




**Personal Skills**

Battle Continuation: A

Valor: A+

Divinity: A

Mind's Eye (Fake): B




**Noble Phantasm**

God Hand: B


'Primis: Almost all of his Stats are at A.'

[Don't forget "+".]

'Primis: I won't. A single "+" means x2 boost in that Stat. Since A stats means 15,000 with "+" increases it to 30,000. In other words, his raw strength already entered the realm of 5th-Dimensional God. Saber stood no chance unless she will use her Noble Phantasm.'

[She is not the only one though.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Saying this, Primis glanced at Beatrice who was holding his left hand tightly. She was also showing extremely serious expression while looking at Heracles.

'Primis: Even Beatrice chances of winning are Minuscule.'

Illya: Ok, I am going to kill you now. Get them, Berserker.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
