Volume 4 - Chapter 45(Three Heirs)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.





Primis was walking down the streets while holding Beatrice hand. Celebi was sitting on his right shoulder and was looking around in curiosity. Primis had decided to let Celebi remain out for now. Saber was walking behind them like his guard as always. And there was someone muttering and releasing a dark aura from the side.

Rin: Dumb Archer. Idiot Archer. Stupid Archer. Brainless Archer.........…

Rin was releasing a gloomy aura while cursing Archer under her breath. She had been like this ever since they left the Church. Well, it can't be helped. Archer obeyed Primis orders like he was his Master. This really didn't sit well with Rin.

???: You call yourself a First-Class Mage. Yet, your Servant doesn't even listen to you. What a great Master.

Rin: What do you say, You brat!!!

Hearing this, Rin snapped and started glaring. Yes, one more thing. There was one more person who was accompanying them. And that was Master of Berserker, Illyasviel von Einzbern.

Illya: Bleh!!!

Illya showed her tongue to Rin in response. Primis even had a feeling that Illya loved getting on Rin's nerves.

[It must be hard taking care of two brats.]

'Primis: I am used to it.'

[Well, that's true.]

Rin: It's decided. Berserker is not with you right now. Let me beat a crap out of you Brat.

Illya: Oh. I am so scared.

Replied Illya with sarcasm. This made Rin even more angry.

Rin: Then Let's do thi----

Primis: I won't recommend that, Rin. Even though Berserker is not with her, you are still not her match.

Rin: What?

Rin looked at Primis in shock. She knew Primis strength somewhat. And since he was saying she was not Illya's match then it must be true. On the other hand, Illya showed a triumphant smile to Rin hearing this.

Rin: Hmph.

In the end, Rin could only snort and looked away. At this time, always quiet Saber spoke.

Saber: Master of Berserker.

Illya: Illya is fine.

Saber: Then Illya. Why are you following?

Rin: I also have the same question.

Illya: I am not following you, Rin. I am following him.

Said Illya while looking at Primis. Noticing that, Rin raised one of her brows and spoke.

Rin: Why?

Illya: Maybe because I have a feeling that things will be more interesting near him.

Saying this, Illya looked at Celebi.

'Illya: I have never seen, heard, or read about such creature before. On top of that, its master even has the strength to kick Berserker away like it was nothing. That girl who he commanded sent Berserker away and the thing that's hiding in his shadow. This person is full of secrets.'

Rin: Hah. What do you mean by that? Are you not afraid that he will kill you?

Illya: If he wanted to kill me then could easily do so at the Church. But he didn't.

Rin: Well......…

After glancing at Primis, she continued.

Rin: That's true.

Primis: You both are attracting too much attention.

Rin & Illya: Huh?

Showing confused expressions, they both looked around and saw everyone looking at them.

Saber: They have been looking at you both since you started fighting with each other.

Rin: Wha----

Illya: This----

Rin: Hey, were you not hiding our presence?

Rin whispered in a low voice that only Primis could hear.

Primis: Oops. Looks like I forgot about you both.

Replied Primis while showing a mischief smile.

Rin: You!!!!!!!!!!!

Rin face turned her in fury and embarrassment. On the other hand, Illya just chuckled and didn't mind people looking at her.

Illya: You should stop, Rin. Since others can't see Big Brother, it will seem like you are talking to the air. So, they will think that you have brain issues.

Rin: You have brain issues!!!!

Illya: Is that so.

Illya tilted her head cutely and continued.

Illya: But unlike you, I am not talking with the air.

Rin: Brat!!!!

Seeing how everyone was looking at them so attentively, a playful smile appeared on Illya face, and she spoke a bit loud so that others around could hear them.

Illya: Big Sister Rin, why didn't you take your medicine today? The doctor already told you that if don't take your medicine regularly then they must admit you Mental Hospital. Do you really want to go to Mental Hospital? If that's the case, then tell me call the Hospital.

Rin: ..................…

[What a pain.]

'Primis: Agreed.'

Witnessing how people were giving her condescending look, Rin snapped.





After calming them, they continued walking. Even though Rin was still showing animosity at Illya, she remained silent.

Primis: Has Shirou returned home?

Rin: Let me ask Archer.

Saying this, Rin used the telepathic connection with Archer and asked that. Nodding her head, she turned to look at Primis.

Rin: According to Archer, Emiya has just woken up. At first, he was confused why he was in the school but thinking that he slept with tiredness after cleaning the Kendo clubroom, he didn't give it much thought. Right now, he is packing his stuff to leave.

She gave a sigh of relief after saying that.

Illya: You seem happy hearing that.

Said Illya while looking at Rin.

Rin: Hmph. Well, it won't feel good knowing that the one I saved, died.

Illya: Is that really all?

Rin looked away and didn't bother replying. Suddenly......

Saber: Master.

Primis: I know.

Beatrice and Celebi, who had been silent all this became serious.

Rin: Hmm? What happen......…

Rin words trailed off as she also realized what's going on.

Illya: Someone is using Mage Craft here.

Rin: Since Berserker Master is here with us then this means it's another Master.

Beatrice: Thank you for stating the obvious.

Illya: Pfft~

Illya covered her mouth trying to stop herself from laughing out loud. Rin became embarrassed and started glaring at Primis. She knew it wouldn't do any good if she showed such an expression to Beatrice. Hence, she chose Primis since he was more lenient.

[Oh, boy. Is she really one of the Heroines? Almost anyone could make fun of her.]

Sighing, Primis spoke.

Primis: Let's go to meet this Master.





They started walking deeper into the alley. As they were going deeper, they realized that they could bare sense anyone else in the surroundings.


Saber: Be Careful, Master. A Barrier has been placed.

Rin: *sigh* So, fight is guaranteed.

Illya: Are you planning of having Heart-to-Heart talk with that person then?

Said Illya while laughing at Rin.

Rin: YOU BRAT!!!

[They really are like fire and water.]

Primis: You both really look like good friends.

Rin & Illya: WE ARE NOT.

Primis: See, you both are even in sync.



Primis: They really are good friends.

Beatrice, Celebi, and Saber nodded at Primis' words.

Next, they continued walking. After taking some turns, they saw someone. It was a girl who was sitting on the floor with her back leaning on the wall. And since her head was lowered, you can't see her expression. Without a second thought, Primis approached her.

Rin: Hey, wait.

Illya: This could be a trap.

Disregarding their warning, Primis soon reached the girl and crouched down. Extending his hand, he touched the girl's face and raised her head. By doing so, he could see her blank eyes.

Rin: Wait, I think I know who she is.

By now, Rin and Illya had also walked up to Primis. Standing behind him, they could see the girl's face clearly.

Illya: You do?

Illya had also stopped joking for now.

Rin: I don't particularly know her name, but she is the captain of our school Archery Team.

Primis: This means Shirou must know about her.

Rin: For sure. Since he was also once the member of Archery club.

Turning the head of the girl to the side, Primis could see the teeth marks on her neck. Blood was still slightly leaking out of them.

Rin: How could this be?

Illya: Someone had stripped her of her magic. It was too much that it has even affected her mind a lot.

Beatrice: Her mind is completely blank. If she is not given proper treatment soon then she will become like someone with no emotion, no personality.

Primis: Like a Dead man walking.

Illya: Um.

Rin: Who could do something this cruel?

Said Rin with rage and disgust. Illya at the side also agreed with that.

Primis: Celebi.

Celebi: Bi…Bi…

Nodded Celebi before using its power. Soon, the mark disappeared, and blood also stopped. Nevertheless, the blank look in her eyes didn't disappear. Completely indicating that her mind was still not there.

Primis: It's alright. Everything will be fine.

Said Primis very gently. This attracted the attention of Rin and Illya as their hearts started beating faster. Most of the time, Primis' voice was neutral, cold, and indifferent. This was the first time they heard him speaking this gently. It was very fatal for their heart.

Beatrice and Saber who were standing at the side just showed a smile. Primis had talked with Beatrice with such gentleness before. On the other hand, it seemed that Saber also knew about it too.

His words as if had a soothing effect to the heart that the girl's eyes unconsciously widened.

Next, Primis closed his eyes and sent some of his Zenith inside the girl which covered her mind. Since Zenith was also made up of mental power, it started to heal her.

As time went by, slowly and slowly light started to return in the girl's eyes. Though at this time, they heard something.........…





The sound of footsteps on the metal resounded. Except for Primis everyone turned towards the direction of sound. There they saw someone walking down the metal stairs.

???: What a surprise. To think I will meet you this soon, Tohsaka.

Rin: You are......Shinji.

It was a boy the same age as Shirou. He had curly blue hair and gray blue eyes. His hair style looked like seaweed. He was wearing a black shirt with a brown coat on it and blue jeans.

Illya: Shinji? I see. He is the heir of Matou Family. Shinji Matou.

Shinji: Looks like my introduction is not needed. I guess it's nice to meet you too. Heir of Tohsaka Family "Rin Tohsaka". Heir of Einzbern Family "Illyasviel von Einzbern".

Rin: ............

Illya: .........…

Shinji: It's truly amazing that the Heirs of three Magus families will meet each other together. Holy Grail War truly is full of surprises. Don't you both think so too?


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
