Volume 4 - Chapter 47(Enemies have arrived)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Shinji had already turned pale by now.

Shinji: You! How do you know all of it!?

Primis: I wonder.

Primis didn't bother giving him a proper answer and looked at Rider.


True Name: Medusa

Title: Bewitching Black Serpent

Class: Rider


Master: Shinji Matou(false)





Strength: C

Endurance: E

Agility: B

Mana: B

Luck: D

NP: A+




**Class Skills**

Riding: A+

Magic Resistance: B




**Personal Skills**

Divinity: E-

Independent Action: C

Monstrous Strength: B

Mystic Eyes: A+




**Noble Phantasm**

Bellerophon: A+

Blood Fort Andromeda: B

Breaker Gorgon: C-


Primis: Because of your incompetence even her strength has decreased. Just like the saying goes, there's no such thing as weak Sword, Skill, or Servant. It was the wielder who lowered their value. Just like a trash Master like you who is dragging Rider down.


At this moment, "Book of the False Attendant" started to shine. This attracted everyone's attention. Primis raised one of his brows as he sensed something. Others couldn't see it because Primis was wearing gloves. At this time, his special blue command seal had started acting up.

A few seconds later.


A blue fire engulfed the entire "Book of the False Attendant".

Saber: Master!

Primis: It's fine, Saber.

Saber got worried witnessing how Primis kept on holding the book even when it got covered in flame. Still, Primis didn't mind since this blue flame was his own Zenith flame.


Soon, the fire intensified and not even the ashes of the Book remain.

Primis: ...

Becoming silent, Primis started to ponder and looked at the Shinji who still had the dumbfounded expression witnessing how the "Book of the False Attendant" was gone just like that.

Primis: You know what, Shinji. I was planning on eliminating you right here since I am not as kind as Rin and Illya.

Rin: ...…

Illya: ...…

Rin and Illya who were standing behind him became embarrassed hearing Primis praise.

Primis: But since you have brought me such a good gift, I will let you go for today.

Shinji & Rin & Illya: Gift?

Even Saber and Beatrice were showing confused expressions. Still, instead of answering, Primis gestured behind Shinji.

Once everyone looked there, they saw Rider still standing on her spot just like before. While others still didn't understand, Shinji realized what's going on. Unlike Illya who had only had basic knowledge of "Book of the False Attendant", Shinji had deeper knowledge. Hence, he hurriedly stood up and questioned.

Shinji: You! Why are you still here!?

Rin & Illya: Huh?

Primis: Once the "Book of the False Attendant" is destroyed, the contract is also over. As a result, Servant would return to their real Master side.

Saber: Then why is Rider still here?

Beatrice: That's why this stupid Human is looking surprised.

Rin: I see.

Shinji: Why are you not leaving!? Do you want to see how they look down on me!?

Shinji asked again. This time in anger.

Primis: Shinji, Shinji, Shinji. You don't understand.

Shinji: What!?

Said Shinji while turning and glaring at Primis. You can say that by now the person Shinji hated the most in this World was Primis.

Primis: If her Master is already here, why would she leave?

Shinji: Ha!!!

While Shinji still didn't understand, Saber, Beatrice, and Illya understood what Primis was implying.

Illya: So, that's how it is. Now this was unexpected.

Rin: What are you talking about? I can't sense anyone else presence near us. This means Sakura is not here.

Illya didn't answer and was just showing a smile.

Primis: Didn't I say thanks for the Gift you have given me?

Shinji: Just what gift did I give----

All of sudden, realization struck Shinji. And since he realized it, it's obvious Rin also now understood what Primis meant. They both looked at Rider with widened eyes.

Rin: D-Don't tell me...

Primis: You are no longer Rider's master. Let alone you, even Sakura Matou is no longer Rider's Master. I am Rider's Master now.

Said Primis as Rider moved and stood behind Primis like others.

Seeing this, color drained from Shinji's face as he stepped back.


Shinji: T-That's impossible.

Primis: In normal scenario, it is. However, because of your incompetence and if I am not wrong Sakura Matou doesn't want to participate in this War.

Shinji: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: Looking at your expressions, looks like I hit the spot. Anyway, since none of you have qualification and willingness to enter this war, "Book of the False Attendant" worked as a catalyst and changed Rider's Master to me.

Shinji: T-That's not possible.

Primis: This is Holy Grail War. Anything is possible.

Shinji: ...…

While Shinji and Rin had speechless expressions, Primis looked at Rider's status.


True Name: Medusa

Title: Bewitching Black Serpent

Class: Rider


Master: Primis Rigla





Strength: C ----> B

Endurance: E ----> D

Agility: B ----> A

Mana: B ----> A+

Luck: D ----> C

NP: A+


'Primis: All her Parameters has increased by one Rank except Mana since I will be the one providing that to her. Hmm......…Looks like I must hurry up with Saber.'

Glancing at Saber, Primis continued.

'Primis: Her current Parameters are what they would be when Shirou would have summoned her. I must change this. Because it's more like I have Shirou's Saber instead of mine even though I am the one who summoned her.'

Then Primis looked at Medusa Status again.

'Primis: And this is my Rider. Sorry, Saber. Current Rider is stronger than you.'


Primis: Whatever. Let's leave.

Saying Primis turned and walked up to the girl who was in slumber. He picked her up and left with others leaving Shinji behind.

Shinji: Wait! Wait!! Return my Servant to me!!!!

Nevertheless, his words fell on deaf ears as they left without looking back.

Once they were gone, a new voice appeared.

???: You really are a disappointment, Shinji.

Shinji: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shinji body tensed up when he heard that voice. Then an old man waked out of the corner.

Shinji: G-Grandfather.







Soon, Primis and others walked out of the barrier. They could now sense other people nearby.

Rin: Matou family really have declined. Even their first-born son can't use Mage craft.

Illya: Aren't you Tohsaka the same. You are the only person left in the family.

Rin: I can say the same for you.

Primis: Rider.

Rider: Yes.

Rider undid her spirit form and appeared in front of Primis when called. Primis then passed the girl to her.

Primis: Take this girl to her home. I am sure you already know where she lives since Shinji must have mentioned it.

Rider: Yes.

Nodded Rider confirming Primis words. Though just when she was about to leave, Primis spoke again.

Primis: Once you place the girl in her home, go meet with Sakura Matou before returning.

Rider: ...…

Rin: Huh?

Ignoring Rin, Primis attention was still on Rider.

Primis: You want to meet her one last time, don't you?

Rider: ...Mn.

Primis: Then take your time. No need to rush to hurry back.

'Rider: I really can't hide anything from you. You really know me well. Just like in past.'

Rider: Thank you.

Said Rider before leaving. Though, once she turned, Primis saw the smile that appeared on her face.


Primis kept on looking at her departing figure until she was out of sight.

[She seems happy.]

'Primis: Well, she is always happy when it comes to Sakura----.'

[That's not what I mean.]

'Primis: ...'

[You realized it too, don't you. It's true that she is happy to have one last talk with Sakura, however, the main sourse for her happiness is that you are her Master, and she can stay by your side. Just like Artoria.]

'Primis: ...…'

Closing his eyes, Primis took a sigh and continued walking.

Illya: By the way, Big Brother.

Primis: Hmm?

Illya: Where is your house?

Primis: I am living in a hotel.

Illya: Is that so. Then, does your room have enough space for one more person?

Rin: Hey. Are you planning to live with him today?

Illya: Yes.

Rin: How blunt.

Illya: Hehe. So, what do you say Big Brother?

Primis: I don't mind. It has enough room.

Illya: Great.

Rin: Hey, how can you agree just like that?


Suddenly, Primis stopped and looked at the shop at the side of the road.

Illya: Cyber Café. Big Brother, is there something you need?

Primis: You all wait outside. I will be back in five minutes.

Rin: Oh, Ok.

Saber: I will come----

Primis: You will wait outside too. I only need five minutes.

Saying this, Primis left everyone outside and entered alone.




Five Minutes Later, he returned.

Primis: Let's go.

Beatrice: Is something the matter, Big Brother?

Primis: I just take a quick look at recent crimes happening in the city in different different sites.

Rin: And?

Primis: Police find many victims with the same condition as that girl.

Illya: There are more victims.

Primis: Yes. Since the number is still low, it doesn't attract much attention yet.

Rin: In other words, Shinji was ordering Rider to suck those people's magic for quite some time.

Primis: No, that's not the case.

Rin: Huh?

Primis: Since the start of this month, there have been ten victims.

Saber narrowed her eyes hearing this.

Saber: I see. No wonder there's a problem.

Illya: Yes. The Summoning of the Servants only started this week.

Beatrice: This is the last week of the month.

Rin: You are saying victims started to appear before the Servants were even summoned.

Primis: Yes.

Illya: Looks like in this War there will be many unknown variables.

Primis: ...Indeed.







After dropping Rin at her home, Primis and others entered the hotel that he booked. Primis did more than checking the news in that Cyber Café. He created his and Beatrice fake identities. Hacked into all the banks present on the planet and created many accounts.

Then he found all the corrupted people in the world and transferred all their black money into his own accounts. He didn't even leave a single trace behind and did something to turn all that black money into white money.

You can say that Primis was now the richest man in this world. Economy wise.

Once done, he then booked the luxury suite of this hotel and before coming here. He did all of this in a mere five minutes.

'Primis: Since what I have stolen is Black Money, those corrupted people can't even go to the law to ask for help. If they do so, then it will backfire them since they must show how they got that money in the first place.'

[Haha. I really wanted to see their face when they will know they have lost more than half of their wealth.]

Illya: It's a great Suite.

Primis: There are three bedrooms. Pick whichever you like.

Illya: Oh. Then...

Showing a mischief smile, Illya looked at Primis.

Illya: I want to sleep in Big Brother's room.

Primis: Sure.

Illya: ...

A dumbfounded expression appeared on Illya's face. She only thought of teasing Primis. She never thought he would agree to her 'request' without hesitation.

Next, Primis entered a random bedroom. Moved a chair near the window and sat on it. Once he did so, Beatrice also sat on his lap and started playing with Celebi. Saber stood behind him like his guard.

Putting one hand on Beatrice head, Primis looked outside.

'Primis: What is the message, Twilight?'

At first, Primis wanted to have 'conversation' with the old man of Matou Family. But then he received a message from the Will of the World. In case if it was from "Gaia" or "Alaya" then he would have thought of looking at it later. However, this message was from the "Counter Force". Hence, it won't be simple. As a result, he decided to hold off the meeting with the old man for now.

[I finished decrypting it.]

'Primis: What does it say?'

{{"Apostles have entered this World."}}


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
