Volume 4 - Chapter 49(Broken)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Primis: ......

Still no reply. Primis gaze fell on a woman that had come out of the castle.

She was an extremely beautiful woman. with her body proportions can be described as "just about perfect". She has long purple hair and red eyes and was wearing a full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads.

She was holding a red spear in her hand. Looking at its tip could send chill down in one's spine. Anyone could tell that this spear was the death itself.

She was the Queen and Gatekeeper of this "Land of Shadows". "Queen of the Land of Shadows" also known as "Witch of Dún Scáith", Scáthach.

The one Primis saw in the "Akame ga Kill" world was her Heroic Spirit Clone. While the one in front of her was the real Scáthach.

Scáthach was currently looking at Primis with complicated expressions. Just like Primis and Twilight predicted, even she had memories of him.

"Queen of the Land of Shadows" who had seen a lot and grasped every incident and all origins. In a way, she had already moved on from this World. The things that could made her show emotions were very rare. She will remain calm and collected no matter the circumstances. Even if she would be surrounded by Servants, instead of becoming nervous, she would be excited to be able to fight all of them.

But she had no traces of such emotions right now. On the contrary, her body was tense. She was gripping her spear tightly as a cold sweat had appeared on her forehead and back. Primis very presence was putting too much pressure on Scáthach as she was feeling suffocated. She can easily tell the difference between their strengths.

And she was not wrong. Even though she was one of the strongest people in this World, she was still nothing in front of "God of Destruction". The only ones who could fight Primis in this form were the "Beasts(while using their real body not the vessels)" and the "Ultimate Ones(they too when they were using their real body instead of detached body part they sent to destroy civilization)".

Noticing that Primis was not speaking, Scáthach decided to be the one to break the silence again.

Scáthach: You come to my "Land of Shadows" after so long. Don't you have something to say?

Primis: ......…I have no recollection.

Scáthach raised one of her brows hearing this. At first, she thought Primis was lying, however, her eyes from which almost nothing could be hidden told her that Primis was telling the truth. A slight sadness flashed through her eyes which she hurriedly hid. Still, Primis caught that expression of her, but he didn't care.

Scáthach: Since you don't remember me then why you come here.

Primis: Didn't I say I will give you death? I am sure you must have gotten this information from your Heroic Spirit clone which is currently in another World.

Scáthach widened her eyes slightly hearing this. When her clone was destroying the barrier in "Akame ga Kill" world, the barrier got lifted automatically. Just as she was about to charge, he received that voice transmission. She thought that battle would take time, never had she expected that it would come this soon that person be Primis.

At first, Primis was also planning on fighting the Scáthach's Heroic Clone in "Akame ga Kill" World. But since he had to come to this World urgently, he decided not to wait for long.

Scáthach: So, you have come to kill me.

Primis: In a way, yes. Though I decided to make some changes in my plan.

Scáthach: Changes?

Primis: Yes. Having you by my side will be more beneficial to me. So, I have decided that I will destroy your spirit, emotions, mind, and will. In the end, what I will get is an emotionless, mindless, killing machine or a doll whose only purpose would be to follow by orders. A perfect weapon.

If Primis was in his normal state, then he wouldn't have said that. His "God of Destruction" form was affecting him too much. Because of lack of emotions, Primis' was becoming just like Kyubey or Incubators. After all they had gotten rid of all their emotions to only have logical thinking. Keep on going forward towards your goal, no matter what methods you have to use, no matter the sacrifices.

Almost anyone would be angry hearing how someone wanted to turn them it a mindless weapon. However, something unexpected happened. Primis, who was looking at Scáthach tilted his head like in confusion and asked.

Primis: Why are you smiling?

Yes. When Scáthach heard how Primis planned to make her his weapon, instead of becoming angry, a beautiful smile appeared on her face. This was not some angry or mocking smile but a genuine one.

Scáthach: Actually, I am happy that you are willing to keep me by your side even as weapon.

Primis: Oh. Is that so.

Scáthach: Yes. That's why I have a better proposal. You don't need to do the hassle of destroying my being. I can swear to be your weapon without it.

Primis: Like I will believe that.

Scáthach: I can swear it on my name as the "Queen of Land of Shadows".

Primis: ...…

Primis became silent. He can tell that Scáthach was sincere with her words. This made him start to ponder.

'Primis: Is it because of the memories she has of me? Just what kind of memories "Counter Force" has given to the Servants and inhabitants of this word.'

Scáthach: Before giving myself entirely to you, I have a request.

Raising one of his brows, Primis didn't speak and let Scáthach continue.

Scáthach: I want to have a duel with you.

Primis: ......…

Scáthach: It's been a long time since I went all out.

Primis: ......…

Scáthach: So, what is your answer? Even though I am not your match, I still want to fight.

Primis: .........…I accept.







Once Scáthach pointed at the place in this "Land of Shadow" which was large enough for both to go fight without any problem, Primis body bathed in light, and he disappeared.

Understanding that Primis was going directly to the battlefield, Scáthach also rushed towards that direction. Even with her inhumane speed it took her a minute to reach the location. But all of sudden, she stopped. Her feet remained rooted on the spot as her eyes widened.

The as if the fire lit in her heart as a very thrilled expression appeared on her face.

Primis was standing in the middle of Battlefield some distance away. His black coat was fluttering in the air. In his hand, he was a single-hand dark long sword. His blood eyes were glowing as three-tomoes could be seen inside them. Primis was no longer in his "God of Destruction" form but was in "The Black Swordsman" form.

Scáthach: The Black Swordsman. I want to fight you in this form rather that "God of Destruction" one.

Primis: The Feelings are mutual.

Scáthach: ...

Scáthach became surprised for a second. Mostly because of his tone rather than answer.

Scáthach: You feel more approachable and soft in this form.

Primis: ......

Primis remained silent. He remembered what happened a few minutes ago.





Scáthach: So, what is your answer? Even though I am not your match, I still want to fight.

Primis was about to decline when....

???: Primis.

He heard a soft voice in his mind. Even though he remained indifferent outward, a stir went down in his heart inside.

'Primis: That voice......Ophis. But how...'

[Even though she is in the Home world right now, since she cares about you the most, she sensed your predicament. So even if she can't leave that world right now, her feelings of your wellbeing still reached you.]

'Primis: ......... Twilight.'


'Primis: .........… Can you bring her out?'

[I was waiting for you to say that.]

'Primis: So...'

[By the time, your duel with Scáthach will finish, she will be out.]

Looking at Scáthach, Primis spoke

Primis: .........…I accept.





Primis: Maybe because I show more emotions in this form.

Scáthach: Indeed.






Step-by-step Scáthach started walking towards Primis while holding her spear tightly.






Primis also started walking towards Scáthach with Elucidator in hand.


True Name: Scáthach

Title: Queen of the Land of Shadows





Strength: EX

Endurance: EX

Agility: EX

Mana: EX

Luck: EX





**Personal Skills**

Primordial Rune: EX

Wisdom of Dún Scáith: EX

God-Slayer: EX




**Noble Phantasm**

Gáe Bolg Alternative: EX

Gate of Skye: EX


'Primis: This is the true power of "Queen of the Land of Shadows". Since right now she is not Heroic Spirit, her strength is not restricted by a Class.'

Thought Primis as he looked at his own new Status.


True Demi-God

Strength: EX

Endurance: EX

Dexterity: EX

Agility: EX

Magic(Divine): EX


Base Stats: True Demi-God

Perfect Hollowfication: Neo God


'Primis: My Base Strength really has surpassed 9th-Dimensional God and has entered "True Demi-God" realm. This rank is given to Mortals who gained access to Divine Power. Though this doesn't mean they have become God. It's just that you Magic or other sorts of power would have a trace of Divinity. Yes, just a trace. For me, I can tell that 1% of my boundless magic has turned Divine. Yes, only 1%.'

[From now on, no matter how much you will increase your strength, you will always be "True Demi-God". To become a real God, you must become 3rd-Level Existence.]

'Primis: Yeah. Still, it really come surprising that "Perfect Hollowfication" can let me enter the ranks of Gods.'

Yes, "Neo God" is the first Rank of 3rd-Level Existence.

[As you have already guessed, this is because of power of Chaos.]

'Primis: Um. Anyway, I no longer have "Enhanced Mode" since it has completely merged with my body.'

[I was really astonished when I realized what you did. "Enhance Mode" that you created gives x2 increase in all stats. It's truly one of the broken things you created. Think about it, you are at Level 3. But by using "Enhanced Mode" you will reach Level 6. It's too shocking.]

'Primis: Indeed. Nevertheless, "Enhanced Mode" still has a weakness and that's magic. Once you run out of it, you can no longer use "Enhanced Mode".'

[That's why you do something even more bizarre. And that is to merge the "Enhanced Mode" completely with your body.]

'Primis: Yes. Now I no longer have Boosted strength but a pure one.'

[You...…*sigh* I really have no words about how your brain works. Just how do you come to this conclusion.]

Primis didn't bother responding this time. Right now, his entire attention was on Scáthach who was standing at the distance of ten steps.

It's time for the confrontation of "The Black Swordsman" and "Queen of Land of Shadows".


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
