Volume 4 - Chapter 57(Things have changed)


Author Note:

[  ]  =  When Twilight is speaking.

{  }  =  When talking through Telepathy.

'  '  =  When thinking in your mind.

<<  >>  =  When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

---  ---  =  When describing a certain period of time.


Primis narrowed his eyes at this.

'Primis: Twilight?'

[It's Courter Force who send this to you.]

'Primis: .........'

Turning his gaze away from the prompts, Primis looked at moon in the sky.

'Primis: If we go by what time it is now, then this means............…'

["Assassin, Sasaki Kojirou" died 5-10 minutes ago.]

'Primis: And I get his "Noble Phantasm" after his death.'

[Yes. But............]

'Primis: But?'

[I just checked. The "Tsubame Gaeshi" you received........................is not the clone.]

'Primis: Not the clone? Are you saying I got the original "Tsubame Gaeshi"?'


Hearing this, Primis hurriedly waved his hand in front and then......



A weak light shone before a long sword measuring 1.5 meters appeared in his hand. Its length which defied the common sense was as if saying that this sword can't really be called "useful".

However, Artoria, Medusa, Beatrice, and even Illya felt a chill down their spine looking at it. Even Scáthach turned serious looking at it. Because compared to others she could easily see it was original sword.

The only one who was indifferent while looking at it was Ophis.

Beatrice: B-Big Brother, just what is this sword. I am having a f-feeling that if I will be targeted by its t-then I won't be able to e-escape.

Primis: Well, how could you escape from a weapon which is created to kill the Divines themselves.

Beatrice: Kill the Divines!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice because shocked expression while Artoria, Medusa, and Illya remained silent since they already knew about it.

As said before, "Noble Phantasms" were made by Gods to kill the Gods themselves. They created these weapons for the Humans so that Humans won't be suppressed by the Gods and could fight back or slay them if necessary.

[Every single "Noble Phantasms" has the power to kill the Gods. However, there is a catch to it.]

'Primis: Um. Even if Gods created these weapons for Humans, how could they easily give it to them when they knew that there's a possibility that those humans could turn against them.'

[The reason is that they don't even to worry about it. After all, how could it be possible for a mere 2nd-Level Existence to handle the power of 3rd-Level Existences?]

'Primis: Yes. That's because the moment Human will release the God-killing power of their "Noble Phantasm", the strain they will feel on their mind, body, soul, and even Existence will be too much.'

[As a result, they must wait for few years to be able to use such power again. Otherwise, the next time they will use it, it would be their death.]

'Primis: Even if you have the weakest "Noble Phantasm", after using its God-Killing power, you must wait for a least a decade to be able to use it again. And the stronger the "Noble Phantasm" the longer you have to wait.'

Saying this, Primis glanced at Artoria who was still looking at long sword in his hand.

'Primis: Especially, the Multiverse destroying weapon like "Excalibur". Yup, you heard it right. "Excalibur" has the power to destroy the entire Multiverse itself.'

[That much power is a must. Otherwise, how could "Excalibur" end Sefar.]

'Primis: Correct. Sefar was an alien god who went from one Multiverse to another destroying Civilization. Even though it got weaker after arriving at Gaia and killing Gods, without the Multiverse destroying power, it would have been impossible to end it.'

[True. There are very few Multiverses destroying "Noble Phantasms", but humans can use their true power only once in the lifetime.]

'Primis: As said before, how could humans who don't even have the power to destroy a mere Planet, handle the power to destroy the Universe and above.'

[Indeed. Though I don't think you will have much problem. After all, the current you already can destroy a Universe. In that case, you can easily unleash the full power of Universe destroying "Noble Phantasm" without any problem.]

'Primis: You're right. As long as it's a Universe destroying "Noble Phantasm" like this "Tsubame Gaeshi", I can easily use their true power.'

[Um. As for Multiverse destroying ones, I think you can use their true power once a year.]

Sighing Primis waved his hand and put "Tsubame Gaeshi" away.

Primis: We are done here. Let's go.

Seeing Primis had no intention of giving any answers, no one pry and just nodded their head.

Like this they started walking down the now partially left mountain.

Ophis: What about those Mages?

Primis: Don't give it much thought. I am sure the people who sent them would now be wary and won't send the reinforcement for the next few days. By that time, this Holy Grail War would be over.

Ophis: Um.




30-minutes later.

They have descended from the mountain and reached the road where they parked their car. Though when Primis opened the door of passenger seat............…







[A new Noble Phantasm "Rule Breaker" has been registered.]

[A new Noble Phantasm "Argon Coin" has been registered.]

Primis paused at this.

[This clears it. Whenever a Servant will die, you will get their original "Noble Phantasm". So.................. Congratulation. In future, you will have all the "Noble Phantasms" in your arsenal.]

'Primis: ............Why is Counter Force doing this?'

[I think I know why.]

'Primis: Oh?'

[The main reason must be because you took the "Crimson Moon, Arcueid Brunestud" or "Archetype: Earth" away. After all, we both know that she will have chance of becoming a new Ultimate One in far future. At that time, Counter Force would again need to use more of its resources to keep her at bay like other Ultimate Ones. But you solved that problem. Now, they are showing their gratitude.]

'Primis: ............…When I met Arcueid on the "Reverse Side of the World", I do sense Counter Force sights. They really were keeping a close eye on her.'

[So, you already knew about it?]

'Primis: I do. Though I never expected them to show their gratitude like this.'

[Pfft. Hahahahhaha. Primis, you are underestimating your feat too much. Let me re-phase. You helped the Counter Force by taking away the future "Primordial God". This achievement surpassed even taking care of Beasts in a way. Hence, this is the least Counter Force could do to show the appreciation.]

'Primis: I guess.'

Scáthach: My Lord, is something the matter?

Everyone was looking at Primis since he paused his movements.

Hearing Scáthach words, Primis decided to let them know.

Primis: Caster has been defeated.

Artoria: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medusa: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illya: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let alone Artoria and Medusa, even Illya who had been rubbing her drowsy eyes became serious hearing this.

Beatrice: Caster is gone already. Huh. Too bad, Betty really wanted to have a magic battle against him/her.

No one questioned how Primis knew about it. They just accepted it naturally.

Primis: Anyway, let's return for now.

Said Primis before sitting on the passenger seat. Others also took their seat and Medusa entered the spirit state on the roof. Then the car left the area.






Morning came.

When Primis and others returned to their hotel few hours ago, Illya excused herself to her room to take a nap while the rest stayed in the drawing room.

So currently, Primis was sitting on the sofa with Ophis seating at his right and Beatrice sitting on his lap as always. Scáthach and Artoria were sitting on the other sofas in the room and Medusa as standing at the corner while leaning on the wall.

Ophis was resting her head on Primis shoulder with her eyes closed. Others were also resting on their place with their eyes closed. Though they were not sleeping just meditating.

As for Primis, he was looking at the horizon outside while deep in thought.

'Primis: Hmmm...................... Sasaki Kojirou and Medea are dead. The next one to die tonight will be the "Lancer, Cú Chulainn".'

[Blade Shadow will also make its move.]

'Primis: Um.'



At this time, there was a knock at the entrance door. Hearing this, everyone opened their eyes at the same time.

Primis gave a glance to Medusa who nodded her head before moving and opening the door.


???: Hello, Rider.

A girl's voice was heard from the outside. Seeing who it was, Rider stepped aside and let her enter. Once she walked into to the room, the girl became dumbfounded seeing so many beautiful women in the room.

Though the one which attracted her attracted her attention the most were Primis and Ophis who were sitting together. Because of their otherworldly looks, seeing them together formed a perfect picturesque scene that even the girl fell into trance.

Primis: Don't you have school today, Rin.

Yes. The one who came was Rin Tohsaka.

Primis words snapped her out of her thoughts. So, she looked at him and answered.

Rin: I applied for a leave. Anyway, don't you want to know how I found you since you never mention which Hotel you were staying.

Primis: No need. I already told my location to Archer yesterday so it's not that surprising.

Rin: Tch. You prefer him to know your location instead of me.

Noticing how everyone in the room were giving her blank look, Rin cheeks turned red in embarrassment. Coughing a little to hide it, Rin turned her gaze at Ophis.

Rin: Mind introducing her.

Primis: Stop pretending, Rin. I know by now you have already done some digging and know who me and she am.

Rin became silent at this. Then she walked forward and took the seat in front Primis. Smiling she looked at him.

Rin: To be able to meet "The Black Swordsman" and his Empress "Dragon God". It's really an honor.



The entire room engulfed into silence. No one spoke a single word. Still, everyone was as calm as they could be.

A minute later.

Primis: How much do you know?

Rin: Not much. The only thing I know that you appeared in the history of every single Hero. But it was never explained what you do or what relation you have with them. The only one who knew about it are the Servants themselves.

Stopping her, Rin glanced at the other servants before continuing.

Rin: Though when I asked Archer about you, he refused to say anything. Even when I threatened him with the Command seal, his reply was "I will kill myself before uttering a single word.".

Said Rin before looking at other Servants who didn't show any change of expression at that.

Rin: Looks like it's the same for others.

Primis: Let's change the topic. I am sure you are here for more that to uncover by identity.

Rin: I won't deny that. Ahem............Actually, I want to team up with yo---

Primis: Declined.

Rin: ...............…

Rin stupefied hearing Primis direct refusal.

Primis: I gain nothing by teaming up with you.

Rin: I-I can provide i-information.

Primis: Like the caster had been defeated.

Rin: H-How do you k-know? I need to spend a lot of t-time last night to find that o-out.

Primis didn't bother replying.

Archer: I told you, Rin. Nothing could be hidden from him.

At this time, Archer undid his spirit state and appeared behind Rin.

Rin: ...............…

Rin didn't know what to say at that. As she was thinking of other ways...…


Suddenly, Primis put Beatrice to the side and rose along with Ophis.

Both then hurriedly walked to the window. This attracted other attention. Scáthach also sensed something and walked up to them. Seeing this, others also do the same.

Now all of them were looking at the certain direction. There they saw that the particular section of Fuyuki City was covered with dark clouds.

Rin: Wait a minute. Isn't that where my Homurahara Academy is?

Medusa: Yes. That's the location of Sakura's school.

Artoria: Is it a coincidence or.........…

'Primis: I change my words. The plot has changed completely.'

As if answering his words, a Blackish Blue like portal appeared on the clouds before a huge blue spear of power fell.


And then a huge blue pillar of destruction rose in the sky.




*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
