Volume 4 - Chapter 64(Battle for the Grail(Part 1))


Author Note:

[  ]  =  When Twilight is speaking.

{  }  =  When talking through Telepathy.

'  '  =  When thinking in your mind.

<<  >>  =  When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

---  ---  =  When describing a certain period of time.


Primis: Now that everyone one has arrived, we could begin.

Said Primis as others also walked to the gate of Ryuudou Temple.

Gilgamesh: At least you don't keep this King waiting like before, Mongrel.

Deciding to Ignore the Golden Hindrance for now. Primis put his attention to Rin who was holding the blue pendant filled with his power tightly.

[It seems it worked.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Primis: In the end, you also decided to come.

Taking a deep sigh, Rin calmed herself as a determined expression appeared on her face.

Rin: Yes. I want to make those people pay for killing Emiya and so many innocents.

[It was Morgan who killed the innocents though.]

Primis didn't bother solving the misunderstanding and nodded.

Primis: Then be prepared. Because even you could die here.

Rin: I am.

Primis: Good.

Next, he turned his attention to Illya.

Primis: Have you said your Goodbyes?

Illya: Um...............… As a lesser grail, I know they will come for me sooner or later. Knowing Sella and Leysritt, I know they will sacrifice themselves to protect me. That's something I want to prevent it at all costs.

Primis: You could also die here.

Illya: I know. So.........will Big Brother try to stop me?

Primis: Will you stop?

Illya: If Big Brother ask maybe I will.


Illya: Ouch!!!

Illya took a step back and started rubbing her forehead with tears at the corner of her eyes.

Primis: Don't play with me, little girl. Knowing you, you will definitely sneak in later anyway.

Illya: Hmph.

Snorting she looked away with pout on her face. Half because Primis flicked her forehead and half because Primis saw through her.

Sighing Primis put one of his hands on Illya's and other on Rin's head and started patting them. As both of them were getting embarrassed, his eyes turned gentle as he spoke.

Primis: Do your best, both of you.

Rin: ......

Illya: ......

Rin and Illya looked at Primis face and nodded slowly as smile appeared on their face.

Primis didn't say "Don't Die" or "Take Care". Because he already knew there's no point. Why? First, because both of them were reckless and fight the enemy even when knowing they could die. As for second......…

[The chances of their survival are as low as 0.01%.]

'Primis: *sigh*.........…I know.'

Removing his hand, Primis looked at Scáthach and Cú Chulainn.

Primis: How did it go?

Cú Chulainn: Good......I guess.

Seeing how Scáthach was smiling and Cú Chulainn who was shivering, it was not hard to tell that...…

[He got a good beating.]

Scáthach: Yes. I really enjoyed a lot to see how much my pupil has grown.

Cú Chulainn: Yeah...…Though I am still no match for the Master who defeated Teacher.

Everyone around gave him a flat look as Scáthach spoke.

Scáthach: Comparing yourself to my Lord? Do you want more beating?

Cú Chulainn: I was kidding. I was kidding. And Teacher, please don't pull out your spear.

Turning his attention away from Master-Disciple duo, Primis looked at Artoria.

Primis: You seem refreshed.

Artoria: It was hard but reminiscing about my friend and last War give me enough motivation to keep on going forward.

Seeing her smile, Primis smiled at little.

Primis: Good to hear that.

Finally, his gaze moved on everyone once more and he spoke.

Primis: Then let's go and end this Grail War.






The moment they entered from the gate, they sensed something.

Rin: A Barrier.

Scáthach: No, it's not.

Primis: It's a domain.

Archer: This means this place is now those Invaders playground.

Cú Chulainn: This also means they also now know who entered and how many of them.

Illya: So, we have been found. Huh.

Gilgamesh: Hmph. This King never had any intention of hiding in the first place.

Medusa: Does this mean Assassin can't hide himself either?

Hassan: That's not the issue. After I find my master, my Presence concealment has become even stronger. Hence, this domain can't find me this easily.

Primis: True. There is one more thing I want to say to my servants.

Said Primis as he continued walking towards the temple. As his servants for waiting for him, he replied.

Primis: You all can use your Noble Phantasm as willed.........… No need to worry about me running out of Magic, no need to worry that I will be at disadvantaged against my enemy or so on. Use your Noble Phantasms as many times as you want without holding back.

Artoria: But Maste----

Primis: It's alright, Artoria.........…Such thing is not enough to make me fall.

Artoria widened her eyes hearing Primis called her name. It's true that you can see your Servants parameters if you are their master, but revealing their true name was still up to the Servants themselves. Hence, you can only guess what their true name was by looking at their Noble Phantasm.

As for Artoria, even if she would reveal her Excalibur, one could only identify her as "King Arthur" not as Artoria Pendragon. That's why it came shocking to her that Primis knew her real name since she didn't tell him that.

'Artoria: Could it be that he remembered?'


Suddenly, Primis blue command seal started shining.

Primis: In the name of !@#$%^ Rigla, by my Command Seal, I order you all, use your Noble Phantasm without worrying about me.

Artoria: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medusa: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cú Chulainn: !!!!!!!!!!!

Hassan: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All four of Primis servants felt the command was being engraved on their spiritual bodies.

Primis: By my Second Command Seal, I order you all, use your Noble Phantasm to your heart desire without holding back.


All four of them fell on their knees as they started breathing heavily.

Artoria: M-Master...…why......

Primis: .........I know you all will still try to hold back so that I don't have to face the burden of providing large amount of magic to all of you............I want to prevent that from happening.

Medusa: But----

Primis: We are done talking.

No one spoke anything hearing his stern tone. They just kept on following him like before.

As they were walking, suddenly Primis closed his eyes and activated "Zenith Vision". The technique that let him share the vision of the Will of the World.

He had used this a lot in "Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World" but it was his first time using it in this world. It's not because he forgot or something. It's because the Will of this world which are Gaia, Alaya, and Counter Force were just too strong. Sharing their vision would put heavy strain on him.

That's why when he found that he had entered in someone's else domain, it allowed Primis to use it without any issue. Why? Because in that way, "Zenith Vision" will only show him the vision within this Domain.

A second later, he opened his eyes again.

'Primis: Seven of them.'

[And all of them are strong.]

'Primis: Yes.'





A minute or two later, they all walked to the backside of Ryuudou Temple.

There they saw a door which was leading to the lake. However, there was someone waiting for them there.

It was a person sitting in a seiza in front of the door. The person was fully cladded in heavy Samurai armor from head to toe. Hence, it was difficult to identify his gender.

There was a Katana placed at his side.

As if sensing them, the Samurai opened his eyes.


A huge killing intent was released from his yellow eyes. Berserker and Archer stood in front of Illya and Rin to protect them from it while the others remained unfazed.

The Samurai opened his mouth and spoke.

Samurai: That truly came surprising to us. We never expected that Servants will come for us instead.

From the voice it became clear that it was a middle-aged man. And looking at his appearance, it's not hard to guess that he loved Samurai.

Anyway, returning to present situation. The Samurai looked at all the people standing in front of him. He was slightly surprised looking at Primis, Ophis, Beatrice, and Scáthach handsome and beautiful face but that's all. After all, he had gone to many cultivation worlds and had seen these so called Heavenly Handsome men and Divine beauties. Heck, he even killed them too.

Putting those thoughts away, he looked at Primis.

Samurai: It's you. The person we are looking for.

He only said the person they were looking for but not reason why. After all, the information of Zenith was not something anyone wished to disclose.

In return, Primis remained silent.


Grabbing his Katana, the Samurai stood up.

Samurai: Since you have brought all the Servants here, this means you are here for fight, aren't you?

Primis: Yes.

Samurai: I will give you that then.


After replying, the Samurai drew out the Katana from its scabbard.

Primis: I will leave this to you, Illya, Berserker, Lancer, Rider, and Assassin.

Rin: Four Servants!

Primis: That's how strong he is.

Serious expression appeared on everyone's face hearing that.

Turning his head, Primis put his hand on Illya's shoulder.

Primis: I will leave him to you.

While doing so, he also sent a telepathic message to her and his servants.

{Primis: Be careful of his Sword. Not only is it extreme sharp but also once you got injured from it, a curse will enter you body. That curse will decrease your reaction speed and slow down the speed of messages that travel from your brain to other body parts.}

Widening her eyes slightly, Illya nodded her head with determination.

Witnessing that, Primis signed inwardly and patting Illya head for a few seconds before walking towards the door leading to the lake.

The Samurai didn't try stop Primis and others. He put his entire attention to his opponents in front.



Once Primis and others closed the door behind. The Samurai held his katana tightly with both hands and took the stance.

As he readied himself, Illya and servants recalled what Primis told them.






Primis: The limit of a mortal even after breaking his or her limit is Level 15 Pseudo-God. After that comes the ranks of Dimensional-Gods. To enter those ranks, you need external help. And that help is called Faith.

Rin: Faith? You mean the power Gods get from their worshipper.

Primis: Yes. However, let me correct you here, Rin. "Divine Spirits" are the ones who need Faith power, not the real "Gods".

Illya: Is there a difference between "Divine Spirits" and "Gods"?

Primis: There is but you don't need to know that.

[Compared to "Divine Spirits", real "Gods" have no need for Faith. Even if people will worship them or not, it won't affect them in any way.]

'Primis: True. Whereas "Divine Spirits" are the "Gods" who have lost their powers and bodies. They are now living in the reverse side of the world. In order to manifest into real world, they must possess a human vessel and become Pseudo-Servant. And to maintain their bodies they need the power of Faith. That's the true difference between "Gods" and "Divine Spirits".

[Um. And since they are using Human Vessel, it's obvious that their power will be under Mortal Limit.]

'Primis: Indeed.'

Primis: Anyway, the first rank of Dimensional-God requires the faith of over a million people. Let alone the ranks later...............… But there is a catch here.

Rin: A catch?

Primis: Yes. The faith could only let only one of their Stats to reach rank of Dimensional-God. It could be either strength, endurance, agility, dexterity, spirit or mana.

Archer: In other words, only one of their stats will be at Dimensional-God rank while the others will be at Pseudo-God or below.

Primis: Correct. If they want more of their stats to reach Dimensional-God rank, then they need more faith. Because of that once someone reach max Level 10 and is about to enter Pseudo-God, they must decide which will be their main Stat and what path they will choose.

Medusa: And they will remain on that path even after reaching Dimensional-God.

Artoria: But why is it? According to Master, no matter how weak, all of the stats of a Servants have entered Pseudo-God. If our stats could reach that level, why couldn't theirs?

Gilgamesh: It must be because heroes were born during the "Age of Gods".

Primis: Exactly. During "Age of Gods" the laws of worlds were different. On top of that, how could it be possible for normal Humans to handle the weapons created by Gods. That's why every hero has broken through human limits and became Pseudo-God.

Cú Chulainn: So, master you are trying to say that only one of Stats is stronger while the others are weak.

Primis: Yes.

Hassan: It's means if someone has great strength then he or she must be lacking in speed aspect.

Rin: We can really use this to our advantage.

Scáthach: It's not that simple.

Cú Chulainn: What do you mean, Teacher?

Beatrice: Blockhead. Since we knew about this, doesn't this also mean they must be fully aware about it.

Primis: Correct. So, here's the question............…How will they solve this problem?






'Illya: It's their Equipment. Means his armor and sword.'

Berserker, Rider, Lancer, and Assassin were ready to attack the Samurai with Illya standing at the back.

'Illya:  If we found out which is his main Stat then we could almost guess what his equipment are for. After all, if his main stat appears to be endurance then this means his armor must be providing him strength or speed instead of defense.........…So, let's start.'

With this, the First battle for the Grail commenced.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
