Volume 4 - Chapter 70(Battle for the Grail(Part 7))


Author Note:

[  ]  =  When Twilight is speaking.

{  }  =  When talking through Telepathy.

'  '  =  When thinking in your mind.

<<  >>  =  When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

---  ---  =  When describing a certain period of time.


--- When Primis, Ophis and Scáthach entered the cave ---

Looking at the enormous cavern in front of them, which was leading to the depth of the mountain, they all continued walking. Since it was cave, of course, the entire place would be made of rocks and those rocks had made many pillars which could get in the way.

Nevertheless, it was hardly any problem for any of them as they kept going down.

Primis: Scáthach, you will be next.

Scáthach: Um.

Primis: However, I want you to drag the battle for 4-5 hours.

Scáthach: Drag for 4-5 hours? ............…Ok.

'Scáthach: Though I only need a fraction of a second to end someone as weak as Dimensional-Gods.'

Seeing Scáthach pondering expression, Primis of course saw through her thoughts.

'Primis: Of course, you can kill your opponent in less than a second. After all, you are the third strongest person under me.'

[First comes Ophis. Second comes Arcueid. Third is Scáthach. Right?]

'Primis: Yes.'

[Still the strongest is still you in the end.]

'Primis: Didn't you hear clearly what I said? I said people under me. So, I don't count.'

[That's true.]

Ophis: That's how long other battles will take, isn't it?

Primis: Yes. And I have 99% certainty that once those three battles will end, the only surviving person will be Beatrice.

Ophis nodded her head while Scáthach remained silent.

Scáthach also clearly knew how strong those enemies were. Even with the help of many servants, the chances of winning were as low as 15%. And that was also when they will put their very lives on the line. As for chances of survival, it was as less as 0.01%. Hence, she was not surprised when Primis words indicated that Illyasviel von Einzbern and Rin Tohsaka won't survive.

Scáthach: Still, my Lord. Why do you want me to drag it for so long?

Primis: Guild. Once these Invaders joined a particular Guild, after reaching a certain level or achievements, they get the access to a new feature. Livestream.

Ophis: So, that's how it is. In other words, all our fights against these invaders are currently and will be watched by other members of their Guild.

Primis: Um.

'Primis: That's the information Twilight gave me after she encrypted the memories of those Invaders.'

[Yes. As they become stronger, it become difficult to gain the points or currency they need to level up or upgrade their skills or equipment. Hence, Livestream will help them in gaining some of those things.]

Ophis: Means we are going to show them that we win but at the cost of our lives.

Primis: Yes. In that way, they won't be too wary even if I will be the only one left alive in the end.

Ophis: That will also prevent them from sending True Gods to attack us.

Primis: Yes.

Scáthach: My Lord, does that mean not only do I have to drag the fight but also deceive them into thinking that I also died in the end?

Primis: Exactly.

Scáthach: Ok.

Primis: The same is applied to you, Ophis.

Ophis: Mn.





After going down for some more, they finally come across their next opponent.

He was blonde man with a stone like expression. He was wearing tight-skinned clothes.

Blonde Man: You are here.

Neither of them bothers replying to him.

Primis: All yours.

Said Primis before leaving with Ophis. The man also didn't even glance at Primis direction as his attention was completely on Scáthach.

It may appear that he was calm but inwardly he was tensed.

'Blonde Man: Why is she here? In the plot of Heaven's feel, the Lancer should be her disciple not her.'

As he was thinking that......


"Gáe Bolg Original" materialized in Scáthach's hand.

Not backing down, the man released his power. That power then condensed in front of him and a being appeared.

It was a humanoid Stand that mirrors the slim physique and average height of its user. His body resembled that of a jewel scarab beetle. It notably had a large arch in the center with five lines emerging from it, segmenting the head into six symmetrical divisions, with the two lines going to the top corners of the arch each having a golden spiral pattern.

Its head extended into pointed tips with the back of the head hollow, giving it the appearance of a crown or a flower that's grown up and bloomed. Its eyes had a unique design, with the 'eyeballs' embedded in cross-like structure within slanted sockets. It had an extended ridge collar on the back of its neck and several indentations and various other patterns covering its body.

Blonde Man: Gold Experience Requiem.

Looking at the "Gold Experience Requiem", Scáthach remained indifferent.

Just like Primis and Ophis, she also only needed a glance to see through him.

'Scáthach: Hmm......…Life giver, Nullification, High Strength, High Speed, and many more.....................Well, if it was other servant that it will be extreme difficult for him or her. But for me........................…...It's still extremely weak.'

Blonde Man: Go!


The Humanoid-Beetle moved and appeared in front of Scáthach before he started attacking her with its punches.





The speed of his punches was so fast that they can't be seen with the help of naked eyes.

Nevertheless, the Blonde Man didn't appear a least bit happy. Why? Because none of attacks of his Humanoid-Beetle connected. Scáthach moved slightly and dodge all of its attacks with just a breadth of a hair.



Using the back side of her Red-Spear, Scáthach deflected its last punch before giving a kick at his chest.

The force behind the kick threw the Humanoid-Beetle back. The area which was kicked was carved inside a little.

Witnessing this, the Blonde Man used his power. As a result, in the next instant the Beetle's chest returned to normal. This was the nullification ability of the "Gold Experience Requiem". It nullified the actions and willpower of anyone who opposed it, preventing their actions from becoming reality.

Even after witnessing this, Scáthach remained indifferent. Others might be shocked but not her.

'Scáthach: No matter how strong you think your nullification ability is, there is still a limit.'




Step by Step, Scáthach started walking towards them.

'Scáthach: Like you are mere a 5th-Dimensional God. And that's also the limit of the damage you can nullify. After all, the faith power of Dimensional-God let them use the laws of the world. Higher Dimensional-Gods have higher control over the laws. As a result, your Nullification ability can't affect higher laws.'


The Beetle stomped hard on the ground, and many pebbles rose. It then fired those small-stones at high-speed towards the Scáthach.









Nevertheless, just like before Scáthach dodged all of them with hardly any efforts.


Though after one more step, she stopped and looked back.

There she was saw that many broken rocks had started transforming into big scorpions, ants, snakes, flying fishes, frogs and many other animals.


One of the huge flying piranhas charged at Scáthach.

Seeing that, her red-spear moved.



That piranha was cut in two before its body parts flew past her and landed on the ground.


Next, one of scorpions tried to stab her. Dodging its sting, Scáthach jumped and landed on top of its head before her spear penetrated into its head, killing it.



She moved to prevent the blood from falling on her before attacking another scorpion which was near.



Suddenly she side-stepped and dodged another pebble fired by the Humanoid-Beetle.


Ignoring what animal that stone turned into, she confronted the huge snake which opened its jaw to swallow her whole.

Though, before it could do so, Scáthach threw some stones inside its mouth.

At first, Snake didn't give it much though but when it was about to swallow her......…




Many explosions occurred inside its body which caused it to burst inside out.

'Blonde Man: Tsk. Runes. Those stones definitely had runes engraved on them.'

He was exactly right about that. Scáthach engraved the explosive rune on those stones before throwing them in Snakes mouth. Because of acid inside its stomach, the strength of explosions increased further.



Landing on the ground, she moved her head to the side as a tongue of frog passed by.

Suddenly, the "Gáe Bolg Original" started condensing magic at its tip before Scáthach threw it at the frog.






The spear not only penetrated through the Frog's body but also many animals which were behind before landing in between them.


A huge explosion occurred which killed many more of them.

"Gáe Bolg Original" reappeared in her hand as she looked at the remaining enemies.

Humanoid-Beetle: HA!!!!!!!!!!!


As Scáthach was about to continue, the Humanoid-Beetle punched at the ground all of sudden.

At first nothing happened but then............













The ground started to shake before trees grew out of them one by one. Once they grew to a desired height, they launched their branches at Scáthach.

Not only that......…





Many vines also came out of the ground and made their way towards her.










Even in front of all those branches and vines, Scáthach didn't back down and used her "Gáe Bolg Original" to destroy them fast.



After destroying one more, she jumped and dodged another pebble thrown at her by that Humanoid Beetle.

Standing on top of a carcass of one of the scorpions, Scáthach looked around.

She was currently surrounded by Many trees, Vines, and animals.

The Blonde Mand and his Humanoid Beetle was also looking at her from the distance.

'Scáthach: I guess I can take the remaining time killing them slowly and slowly.'

Looking at the Blonde Man, she continued.

'Scáthach: Let's see whether you have enough ways to recover your power before you will be dried out after using Life giver and Nullification for so long.'

With this, time went by.





Five hours later.

Scáthach was standing in the middle of the corpses of animals and the broken trees. She barely had a single scratch on her body and was looking at the Blonde Man and his Humanoid-Beetle in front of her.

These three were the only ones left. The Blonde Man was breathing heavy and was glaring daggers at her.

Blonde Man: PANT............PANT............PANT.........…PANT......…

Even though Scáthach said she will kill them slowly, she was not that slow. On the contrary, she was fast. And knowing her danger, the Blond Man kept on using Life Giver more and more to create more of his army. Not only that, Scáthach also succeeded in attacking him a few times. Because of which he had to use his Nullification.

This resulted in him using up his reserve at a faster pace. He also had used up all of his potions and other stuff which helped him recover his power by now.

Scáthach: It's over.

Blonde Man: Yes............And you lost.

Hearing this, Scáthach raised one of her brows.

Showing a triumphant smile man continued.

Blonde Man: Gold Experience not only let me use life power, but it can also help me see the life force of others. And hence, I can tell you are at the end of ropes.

Scáthach: ...............

Blonder Man: At first, I was wondering, how you were able to have so much power and magic but after looking at your life force it makes sense...............…You were burning away your spirit origin, don't you?

Scáthach: ...............…So what.

Blonde Man: Looks like I hit the marks. And if I am not wrong..................…20-30 seconds are all you have left before you will return to the Throne of Heroes. Hence, its my win.

As the man was smiling at his victor, Scáthach spoke.

Scáthach: Are you sure about it?

Blond Man: Huh?




Suddenly many lights appeared on the man's body.

Scáthach: I know that you could recover from any fatal injury. Hence, whenever I will succeed in hit you, I will engrave a rune on you.

Blonde Man: Don't tell me!!!!

Scáthach: Now tell me, can you still recover in case you will die instantly.

Blonde Man: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scáthach: Goodbye.






The runes radiated and illuminated the entire cave before exploding.


With this, the fourth battle for the Grail came to an end.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
