Volume 4 - Chapter 79(Void)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.


Moving his gaze away from the explosion to the huge sword in his hand.

'Primis: Twilight, Start.'

[A-Are you sure?]

'Primis: Yes.'


This time, even Twilight was hesitating. She knew what Primis was about to do was something that let alone others, even she can't provide any help with.


The blade glowed for a bit before something shot out of it. That thing entered Primis hand from the handle he was holding before making its way to his head and fused with his mind.

Primis: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ophis: Primis!!!

Scáthach: My Lord!!!

Satella: Prime!!!

All ???: Rigla!!!

Primis fell on one of his knees and clutched his head in pain. He could feel his head splitting apart.







Countless warning prompts appeared in front of Primis, but he didn't have any time for them as the pain he was feeling was inhumane. And he could tell that the pain was not only coming from his mind also from his soul.

Sensing this he couldn't help but give himself a self-depriving smile.

'Primis: I really overestimated myself here. Since "Guilty Crown" can house both Consciousnesses and Soul, its obvious that along with my mind, it will also convert my Soul.'

With every second, the pain was increasing. So much that Primis can't even scream.

Ophis who was holding Primis and Scáthach who was standing at the side both were showing worried expression. Even Satella was barely controlling herself from coming out his shadow since she didn't have any way to help. Well, of course if Ophis and Scáthach were not there to support him then she would have come out already.

Shu: Herrscher.............… senpai.

Shu who was leaning on the broken car debris looked at Primis in concern. Even though there were no burning marks on his body of Blue Flames, the pain he experienced was the same. That's why currently he didn't even have the strength to move.

'Shu: It must be because of me. When he saw I was being engulfed and burnt by those blue flames, he came in between and took the full blunt of it.'

Thinking that Shu started feeling guilty thinking it was because of his actions.

Anyway, Primis didn't know about, neither would he have cared about Shu's thought either. Currently his hands were already full of current situation.

'Primis: I need......…to......…end this......…...soon...........................'

As he started thinking of a way, his eyes moved to Ophis, and he thought of something.

He then looked directly into her eyes. Ophis understood right away what he meant and nodded her head.

'Primis: One......more...............thing.....................…'

{Primis: Scáthach............…move...…Inori......slightly.........behind.........…Ophis............'

{Scáthach: Yes, My Lord.}

Without a moment to waste, Scáthach hurriedly moved Inori's unconscious body where Primis told her to. When she was doing so, Primis also turned himself towards Inori's direction a little before trying to touch Inori's shoulder.


Once he did, he took a deep breath and said alongside Ophis.

Primis & Ophis: Resonance.



Reddish and Bluish energy came out of their bodies. The aura surrounded both. This time the power was not used to attack but to protect. As a result, Primis could feel the pain in this mind and residing slowly by slowly until he could move without much problem.

On the battlefield, alongside with Shu, there were also some people who noticed this. However, because Ophis was hiding herself, it seemed to happen because Primis noticed Inori's shoulder.

The bluish-red energy slowly disappeared and Primis stood up again. Ophis also stood up but was still using one hand to support him.

Shu: Herrscher ......…senpai ............…are you okay?

Primis glanced back at him before nodding his head. Though he didn't hide the tiredness in his eyes on purpose.

As Shu saw that started feeling more guilty. Pretending he didn't see that, Primis moved his attention at the prompt in front.



[Conversion of mind to a pocket universe "Guilty Crown" has started.]

[Warning: This process cannot no longer be stopped!!]




[Guilty Crown: 0.01% Complete]

Sighing at this, Primis thought.

'Primis: I guess my headache won't show any sign of stopping soon.'

Yes. Even if the pain was suppressed, it didn't stop. And it won't until "Guilty Crown" was fully created. Shaking his head, Primis eyed at the Inori lying on the ground.


The blade in his hand started glowing again. A moment later it flew upwards into some kind of circle which decomposed it into the crystal liquid ribbons and went back into the glowing spot on Inori's chest. Once it was completely entered inside, the glowing on her chest stopped.

Next, Primis picked Inori in princess carry and looked back at Shu.

Primis: Can you stand?

Shu: Yeah......…somehow.

Putting strength into his body, Shu got up and patted the dust on his clothes.

Primis: Let's leave before more GHQ soldiers arrived.

Shu: Ok.

He then paused for a second.

Shu: Herrscher-senpai.

Primis: Hm?

Shu: A-Are you ok with carrying Inori-san on your own?

Glancing back at him, Primis asked.

Primis: Do you think with your current condition you can take my place?

Hearing this, Shu lowered his head. Since he was hardly standing right now, how could he possibly carry Inori.

Primis: Let's go.

Without waiting for him, Primis started walking away.

Shu: W-wait for me.

Once they withdraw from the area, a few minutes later they met with Fyu-neru which gave them the co-ordinates of Gai location. That's where they went.





--- Funeral Parlor rendezvous point ---

After reaching the location, Primis let Inori leaned down on the wall as she was still unconscious and looked at Gai in front who seemed to be talking with a girl on his device. Shu who approached him to ask what was going on stopped and didn't interrupt them.

Witnessing this, Primis walked to the window at the side to view the situation outside.

[I have a news that is bad for you and good for me.]

'Primis: Is that so. Mind elaborating.'

[Of Course. You see knowing you, I am sure you won't let anything in your arsenal go to waste. Hence, even though you said about letting your third template lay on the corner to get covered in dust. I know you were planning to use some of your free time to reach the limit in that time. Nevertheless, I know that I can't do anything to stop you. BUT. It seems like I don't even have to do anything at all.]

'Primis: What do you mean?'

[You see, both the source power of "Guilty Crown" and "Third Template" are connected to "Apocalypse Virus". And since currently that virus is making "Guilty Grown", the process of the creation of the third templated come to a halt. In other words, unless "Guilty Crown" is not made, your third template will also not be created.]

Sighing, Primis started rubbing his head in frustration.

[Told you. Good news for me, bad news for you. I kept on telling you to decrease your workload, but you kept on increasing it. Hence, I am really happy to know that one of them got put ON HOLD.]

Since Primis couldn't do anything to speed-up the process, he accepted his defeat and let Twilight enjoy herself.

Ophis: You need rest, Primis.

Scáthach: A lot too, My Lord. The thing you are going through and doing will take a lot of time and rest.

Ophis: Um. That's why you can't do the same thing of not resting for years.

As expected of Ophis and Scáthach. With just one glance they saw through Primis condition and what he intended to do. Primis also knew his situation and nodded.

Shu: Um...

Shu tried to say something the moment Gai cut the call but was interrupted as Gai looked at different direction and said.

Gai: You've woken up.

When he turned his head to the same direction, relieved smile appeared on his face.

Shu: Inori-san.

She approached both of them and turned to face Gai.

Inori: Gai, I............

Gai: I am disappointed in you, Inori.

Hearing that, she widened her eyes for a moment before her gaze went down not able to bear looking at Gai. Shu was surprised hearing the coldness in Gai's voice and spoke.

Shu: Hey!

Gai: Hm?

Shu: Aren't you a bit harsh? I mean she got injured and----

Gai: I know.

But Gai simply retorted. He then closed his eyes, resigned and said.

Gai: But results are everything. She made a mess of things in the end.

Shu: A mess? How?

Before answering to Shu, Gai moved his head towards Primis's direction.

Gai: She let him use 'Void Genome'.

Shu also looked at Primis.

Shu: That cylinder?

Gai: That was originally supposed to be for "me" to use.


A cold breeze passed causing Shu to shiver slightly.

Gai: The cylinder that she left in your care was one of the only three enhanced genomes successfully cultivated by Sephira Genomics.

'Shu: Sephira Genomics............I wonder why it sounds familiar.'

Gai: The power it bestows to its user is the King's power.

Shu: The King's power?

Gai: It analyses the intron sequences in the human genome and draws out the power hidden within them by changing them into Voids.

Shu: You mean that blade Herrscher-senpai pulled out is called Void............But what exactly is a Void?

Gai: A Void is an idea that has acquired form. Like the one you mentioned, the blade which he used earlier. That's Inori's Void.

Pausing for a moment to let Shu and Primis digested the information. Well, Primis had no need for it though. Gai continued.

Gai: Different people contain different Voids that you pulled out from them. The Pinnacle of Void technology opening up the realm of the Gods.

'Primis: Yeah, right. In mortals' eyes, every high-level power that they don't fully understand is God's power.'

[Well, that's what Mortals are. I guarantee if you introduce magic in a lower world, the people there will also started worshipping it as the Divine power of God.]

Gai: That's what he gets his hands on----

Primis: I don't.

However, Primis stopped Gai here.

Frowning Gai asked.

Gai: What do you mean by "I don't"?

Primis: Exactly what I said. I am not the one you gained King's power. It's him, who get that.

Said Primis while pointing at Shu.

Gai: What?

Shu: I did?

Primis: Yes, you. Look at the back of your hand and try to remember the same sensation you felt as before.

Shu and Gai became confused as Shu looked at the back of his palm and started doing what Primis told him to.


A minute later, the same mark appeared on it.

Shu: This is?

Gai: It's King's Mark. The proof of a King. Looks like he was right, the one who obtained King's power was you, Ouma Shu.

Shu: Me? But I saw Herrscher-senpai using the Inori-san's Void.

Primis: Must be related to those Blue Flames whom I saved you from.

Gai: Blue Flames? What are you talking about?

Shaking his head, Primis spoke.

Primis: Asked Shu and Yuzuriha about it. I am leaving.

Shu: Leaving. But----

Gai: Sure. Let's talk later.

Shu: Gai?

However, Gai remained silent.

He saw the hidden tiredness and the cold sweat that appeared on Primis forehead.

'Gai: His condition is not good. He definitely needs a good rest.'

Next, Gai returned his attention to Shu and asked.

Gai: Explain. What exactly happened, Ouma Shu?

Shu: That's......….

Shu started telling him what happened.

While he and Gai were busy in the conversation, Inori was looking towards the direction where Primis left off to.

'Inori: Erste.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
