Volume 4 – Chapter 95(Stage VI)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** **  =      Point Of View i.e., POV




The space shattered high in the sky as Primis and others fell. Yet, all of them had a nonchalant expression on their face as they closed their eyes started enjoying the air that was hitting them while they were falling.

Finally, when they were about to hit the ground, they moved their body and light landed on their feet.

They then looked around and found them in some sort of city. Or to be more specific, abandoned city. The buildings, shops, houses, road, and so on were completely destroyed.

However, that was not the only thing, with their sharp eyes they noticed right away that they were currently in the remaining part of the city. More than 80% had been completed erased.

Before long started to walk around the city. From the city condition, it was obvious that it was it had been abandoned for years.

Scáthach: My Lord.

Primis: Hmm?

At this time, Scáthach grabbed a flying newspaper and passed it to Primis.

"Another City fell."

"More than 7,000,000 people died and got eaten by----"

"Is this really the end of Humanity."

Primis frowned a little as the main part of the paper was ripped off. Eaten by what? Primis then checked the date.

Ophis: Year 2021. Huh.

Primis: ......

'Primis: Twilight, why are you silent? It's been some while since we came to this world, but you still didn't tell me what World this is.'

[Sorry, Primis...... I don't know myself.]

'Primis: You don't.'

[Um. From all my database, there exists no such world with such co-ordinates. This could only mean two things.]

'Primis: Either this World is born recently or because of some reason the original co-ordinates of the world has changed.'


Giving the Newspaper back to Scáthach, Primis closed his eyes. Bluish aura released from his body as he tried to connect himself with the Will of this World.

A minute later, he opened his eyes.

Ophis: Primis?

Primis: I can't contact this world's Will.

Scáthach: Is it dead?

Primis: No, its alive. I can feel it. It seems that it has its hand full of some other stuff.

Ophis: It's so busy that it can't even answer you?

Asked Ophis while raising one of her brows.

Primis: It appears so.

[Let me try. I will see if I could do something.]

'Primis: Go on.'

Primis: Anyway, let's look around some more. Maybe we will find something that will be clue to what world this is.

Ophis & Scáthach: Mn.

They then kept on looking around for some more. But didn't find any sign of life.





A few minutes later.


'Primis: Did you succeed?'

[Maybe. No matter how much I try, I didn't get any response until recently. It said only one word, "Fate".]

'Primis: Fate. Huh?'

Narrowing his eyes, Primis thought of something.

Zenith flames appeared in his dark eyes as he looked at the Fate lines of this world. Once he did so, he saw that all of them were red in color. He also noticed that with every passing second, these lines were becoming more and more dim until they disappeared completely.

[So, that's what it means.]

'Primis: It seems so.'

Ophis: This world really is at its death door.

Scáthach: When someone's Fate lines turned red, this means the fate of person has changed and that will lead to his or her death.

Yes, you heard it right. Ophis and Scáthach can also see the fate of others. The moment they noticed that Primis was reading fate, they decided to do the same.

Scáthach: This is bad, My Lord. This is the fate of the remaining survivors of this world.

Ophis: The way I am seeing. This world will meet its end in the next 2 years at most.

Primis: Yeah.

'Primis: Twilight, can you contact the Will again?'

[Again? From its previous answer it's obvious that the Will barely had any time to reply to us.]

'Primis: Don't worry, tell it that it only to reply with a word or two.'

[Single Word?]

'Primis: Yes. Ask whether the Plot of this World has been started. If no, then ask how many months remained.'

[Alright. Give a second. Though don't expect it to answer right away.]

'Primis: Um.'

Ophis: What now?

Instead of answering right away, Primis started pondering his next course of action. Should he wait for the Will's reply or...

Scáthach: My Lord.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Primis asked.

Primis: What is it?

She answered by pointed at the two fates lines which were together and will be disappearing soon.

Scáthach: Should we check them?

Ophis: These fate lines...…...I see. They belong to the people who are related or required in the plot.

Yes. In countless Fate lines, there were some who were slightly different from others. Why? Because these fate lines had some golden spots on them. This means these people would play a very important role in the Plot. Only The Protagonist, main characters and side characters had such fates lines.

And witnessing how they were dimming, its obvious that they won't be able to fulfil their goal and will die in a matter of minutes.

Primis: Let's go and look.

Primis and others then disappeared from their spot. Even though the owners of those fate lines were far away, it's not a problem for them. After all, they could go from one corner of universe to another in an instant. Compared to it, this planet was too small. That's how Overpowered True-Demi Gods were in lower Worlds.






In the next instant, Primis and others appeared on a cliff hill. Looking down from the edge, they saw a dense forest below.

Since its night, it was difficult to see in the forest. Nevertheless, they didn't face any such issue.

They could easily see the creatures that were in the forest and the people who were fighting them.

By now looking at these creatures, Primis had already guess what world he was in.

Ophis: Gastrea. Huh.

Primis: It seems to be the World of "Black Bullet" then.

'Primis: Still, I could sense some beings in this World whose strength far surpassed "Black Bullet" world. And if it really is a world of "Black Bullet" then Twilight would have told me so.........Could it be that...…'

Shaking his head, Primis decided to put that thought away.

'Primis: Let's not think about it. Otherwise, it will be too shocking.'

[I also have the same thought.]

'Primis: I see.'

Ophis: Primis.

Primis: Hmm?

When Primis turn his head at Ophis, she pointed at a certain direction. Witnessing what there was, he became silent.

'Primis: Twilight, I take back my words.'

[*sigh* What a pain. That explains why the co-ordinates of this World changed.]

Scáthach: So, humans of this world turned into these creatures called Gastrea and become the enemies of rest of the Humanity.

[Its always shocking to see how nothing could be hidden from her eyes.]

Neither Primis or Ophis said anything about Gastrea, yet Scáthach already saw through them and realized that these creatures were once Humans.

Primis: Any human that has their DNA infected above 50% will turn into a Gastrea.

Scáthach: However, that girl seems to have retained her Human physique even while having the blood of Gastrea running through her veins.

Saying this, Scáthach pointed towards the group of Human below who were fighting with the huge number of Gastreas. Among them was a ten-year-old little girl with glowing red eyes.

Her strength, agility, and defense far surpassed other humans present. She was killing several Gastreas on her own.

Ophis: She is a Cursed Child.

Scáthach: Cursed Child. Huh. Must be the name that humans have given them because of their fear for Gastrea.

Primis: Yeah. Gastrea are the enemy of Humanity. So, how could they accept those who had that blood?

Ophis: When Gastrea first made their appearance and mankind was defeated by it, the virus entered through the pregnant woman's mouth and is passed on to the child. That's how the Cursed Child are born.

Primis: Cursed Children are young girls with superhuman abilities. And yes, all of them are girls, no older that ten years old. Why? Because the sex of an embryo being long decided before cell specialization can take place because of Gastrea Virus.

Ophis: Under certain circumstances, they can, unlike normal Gastrea, control it and keep their human appearances.

Scáthach: There must be a specific reason why only the girls.

Primis: There is but let's talk about it later.

Looking at the Girl, Primis realized that the Fate line belonged to her and her partner behind.

'Primis: This girl is an Initiator while the man fighting at the side is her Promoter.'

[While other are just normal humans.]

'Primis: They must be making their way to a settlement and decided to rest in the forest.'

[They would have never expected that they would fell into such predicament.]

Turning his head to where Ophis pointed, Primis again looked at a Unique Humanoid Gastrea in the distance.

However, this Gastrea had some specific features and parts that shouldn't be present in Gastrea. Those things belonged to something entirely different. Primis knew what they were because of his Omniscient knowledge, hence came to a conclusion that it was not a mere "Black Bullet" world.

[That Gastrea is the one who is ordering all the Gastreas in the forest to attack them.]

Looking at the mass of Gastreas who were making their way towards them, it was obvious that those people down won't be able to survive for long.

Ophis: It's leaving.

Said Ophis while pointing at that Humanoid Gastrea which turned and left. Must be because it was sure that the end of those people was imminent.

Scáthach: It has high intelligence. Almost reaching an adult human.

Primis: ...…Let's go.

Ophis: Are we going to save them?

Primis: No. We are leaving.

Scáthach: My Lord, what about those two whose Fate lines we followed to arrive here? Shouldn't they be needed for the plot?

Primis: The plot has long collapsed at the appearance of that Humanoid Gastrea. Hence, let them die, it doesn't matter much.

Scáthach: Um.

Next, they turned and started walking away. While they were doing so, Ophis spoke.

Ophis: Primis, that Gastrea...…

Primis: I know.

Replied Primis and went deep into his thoughts before opening his mouth to give explanation to Scáthach.

Primis: There are five stages to a Gastrea, with "Stage I" being the weakest and "Stage V" the strongest.

Ophis: "Stage I" Gastrea have only one ability, being the factor, which is prominent to their body shapes. In a way, Stage I cannot possess flying capabilities. However, "Stage II" Gastrea can have more than one ability such as flying.

Primis: "Stage III" and "Stage IV" Gastrea are immensely strong and cannot be compared to a Stage I.

Ophis: "Stage V" Gastrea surpass Stage IV Gastrea, with the power to destroy the world.

Scáthach: Destroy the World. Huh. Well, how much stronger are these "Stage V" Gastrea?

Primis: Stage I and Stage II are Level 1.

Ophis: Stage III and Stage IV are Level 2.

Primis: But in Stage V, they get a huge leap of Strength and reached Level 5.

Scáthach: I see. Then why is that Gastrea...…

Primis: That's what I am thinking too. The Strength of that Humanoid Gastrea is beyond Level 5.

Ophis: It's a Stage that have never appeared in "Black Bullet" world's History. "Stage VI".

Scáthach: No wonder that Gastrea strength reach Level 8.





By now, they have walked down the Hill. As Primis was thinking of finding a Humans settlement. He and others stopped.


Someone rushed out the forest behind and stopped a few steps behind them.

Glancing back, they saw a little girl with long black hair that reached past her waist with long locks of hair that goes down to her upper thighs with a long white ribbon that she was using as a headband where she also ties some of the hair into a ponytail in the back of her head with bangs swept to the left side and glowing red eyes.

She was dressed in a warrior-like armor and was wielding a Japanese sword.

This was the same girl who was among those humans and fighting Gastreas. Currently she was covered in heavy injuries and blood was leaking out of her wounds.

Suddenly, her red eyes turned dull green eyes before she fell and became unconscious.


'Primis: *sigh* What a pain.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
