Volume 4 – Chapter 98(Deal)


Author Note:

[ ]    =      When Twilight is speaking.

{ }    =      When talking through Telepathy.

' '     =      When thinking in your mind.

<< >> =      When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- =      When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** **  =      Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// =      In Call


Seitenshi: Are you, her Promoter?

Primis: No. We are not Promoter or Initiator. We are just Father and Daughter.

As said before. Monoliths made of Varanium were placed around the Human area to prevent Gastrea from entering secluded societies. However, some Gastrea managed to enter in spite of the barriers. In order to prevent the downfall of humanity a second time, Civil Security Corporation was created.

Many corporations had branched from this Civil Security Corporation. The corporations organized two-man teams to fight the Gastrea, one being the Promoter, who was tasked with analyzing battle situations, and the other being the Initiator, young girls with superhuman abilities.

In a way, Primis words were indicating that he was not affiliated with any Civil Security Corporations.

Ms. Governor also understood this as this meant whatever Primis was doing was at his accord.

Primis: For now, why don't you take a seat?

Interrupting her thoughts, Primis pointed at chair in front. When he did so, Asaka lowered her sword from Seitenshi neck. Though she was still looking at Seitenshi with guard. In case Seitenshi tried to do something, she won't hesitate to kill her.

Putting a calm expression on her face, Seitenshi walked up to Primis and took the seat across him. While Asaka stood by Primis left.

Seeing that Asaka was not standing behind or at her side, Seitenshi nerves relaxed slightly.

Seitenshi: So, how may I help you Mr...…

Primis: Erste. Erste Herrscher.

Seitenshi: Then Mr. Herrscher. The reason why you didn't kill me right away means you want something from me, isn't it?

Primis: Yes.

Seitenshi: It must be very important since you break into this High-secured Palace in order to meet me.

Primis: Yes.

Seitenshi: Please tell me, what is it?

Primis: I am here to make a deal with you.

Seitenshi: A deal?

Primis: Um. I want you to give the entire Outer Area to me.

Seitenshi: .....................

Hearing Primis absurd request, Seitenshi opened her eyes wide.

One should know that even though Outer Area was an abandoned area and lacked facilities like electricity power or proper food, the entire Area embraced a large amount of land, distributed and each given a number to indicate its longitude and latitude. And once the War will end, they plan will repair that area.

You could say that in this Tokyo Area, 60-65% was Outer one. In simpler terms, Primis was basically saying to give more than half of the Tokyo to him.

Without waiting for Seitenshi reply, Primis continued.

Primis: Second, Tendo Family. As long as they will remain in here, they will always be an eyesore and will cause trouble. So, either you get rid of them or don't try to get in my way as I will start their purge.


The chair fell as Seitenshi suddenly got up.

Seitenshi: You know what you are saying! Tendo is the main leading force of Tokyo! Not only that but the current head of Tendo Family, Kikunojou Tendo, is my Adviser! You are demanding to kill them!

Asaka was glaring menacingly at Seitenshi right now. The moment Seitenshi rose and started shouting, Asaka was about to attack. However, Primis put one of his hands on her shoulder and stopped her.

Remaining unaffected of her outburst, Primis spoke.

Primis: Yes. That's exactly what I am saying.

Seitenshi: You have lost your mind!

If Primis was not using his power to make this room soundproof, then the bodyguards outside would have rushed inside by now.

Primis: Third.

Ignoring her, he continued.

Primis: Create an ID of Highest Authority for me, with my IP Rank as 0. Rank higher than even Rank 1. That's all for now. In case I have more requests, I will let you know.

Seitenshi: You!

By now Seitenshi anger had reached its peak. Every single of Primis's demand was Impossible. She was almost even certain that Primis was just here to waster her time.

Just when she was about to decline, Primis continued.

Primis: Do this and I will lend you a hand when the Tokyo Area will be attacked by Stage VI Gastrea in next 1-2 years.

Seitenshi: ........................Huh?

All of sudden Seitenshi irritation vanished as a dumbfounded look appeared on her face.

Seitenshi: Sorry, can you repeat which Stage?

Primis: Stage VI.

Seitenshi: .....................…

Remaining silent for a minute, Seitenshi picked up her chair and sat on it. Next, she started rubbing her forehead while muttering under her breath.

Seitenshi: I think I am too tired after today's work. I am hearing things like Stage VI Gastrea.

Primis: You are not.

Bringing her back to earth, Primis continued.

Primis: Gastreas have successful evolved into next Stage. And they will launch any attack on every remaining Human Settlement across the Planet one-by-one. In the next 1-2 years, Humanity will become extinct.

Seitenshi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Confirming that this was not a dream, Seitenshi face turned pale.

Seitenshi: That's......impossible.

As Seitenshi as muttering in disbelief. Primis spoke slowly.

Primis: Asaka.

Once she looked at him, Primis pointed at the jug of water which was put at the table in one corner of the room.

Nodding her head, Asaka approached it. Filled a glass with water, she returned back and gave it to Seitenshi.

Seitenshi: T-Thank you.

She said as she started drinking.

Returning to Primis side, Asaka was looking at Seitenshi. She also had the same reaction when her dad revealed the existence of Stage VI Gastrea.

Sometime later, Seitenshi stood up again and walked to the window. Putting her hand on the glass, she looked at the city below.

Seitenshi: Should I assume that you have seen it?

Primis: Yes. It's at a whole different level. Stage V Gastrea won't even stand a chance against it. But that's not the most worry thing.

Saying this Primis also got up and approached the window.

Looking down the city, he continued.

Primis: Compared to Stage V Gastrea who has the intelligence of a child, Stage VI Gastrea has the intelligence of full-grown adult.

Seitenshi: You don't mean............

Primis: Yes. They think, strategize, and order the other Gastreas. That include even Stage V Gastreas.

Seitenshi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clenching her fist, she asked.

Seitenshi: Why should I believe you? Only you seem to have seen Stage VI Gastrea. We didn't receive any such information from other areas.

Primis: Because they never lived to tell the tales.

Seitenshi: And you think you can handle it.

Primis: That's why I am saying I will take care of it.

Seitenshi: So, you have that much confidence in yourself.

Primis: You can say that.

Seitenshi: Still, I can't believe you without a definite proof.

Primis: Too bad, I don't have one.

Seitenshi: Then there is no point in this talk.

Primis: Fine. Suit yourself.

Saying this Primis turned and walked back. Seeing this, Seitenshi was surprised since she thought he will try to persuade her.

Sighing, she spoke.

Seitenshi: You should at least.........…

Though her voice trailed off when she looked back and realized that Primis and Asaka was no longer there. She started blinking her eyes trying to make sense of what just happened. It really do felt like a dream. Or Nightmare.






Primis and Asaka were walking down the streets while leaving the palace behind. Since the deal didn't succeed, there was no point was staying.

Asaka: She should have listened to Dad. Now, even more people will die because of her.

Asaka voiced out her thoughts while showing irritation.

Primis: Forget it. In a way, I now have no obligation of helping them when they will get attacked.

That's also why Primis didn't try to persuade Seitenshi. He didn't have that much interest in saving this world. And since he tried to offer his help, one can't say that he didn't even try to lend his hand. Especially the Will of the World. He tried but got rejected. That's all there's to it.

Ophis: Well, that's not fully her fault that she didn't listen. After all, Stage VI Gastrea was unheard of.

Scáthach: One way or another because of that they will now experience the horror Stage VI Gastrea first-hand.

Asaka: Dad. Mom. Teacher. I know that Stage Vi is strong but just how much?

Primis: From the history you must have already known that whenever Stage V Gastrea attacked the Area, it first destroys the Monoliths and then led a horde of Gastreas behind it to ravage the place.

Asaka: Mn.

Primis: Yes. However, Stage VI Gastrea doesn't need the help of lower Gastreas. It can eradicate the entire area on its own.

Asaka aghast hearing this as her face turned pale. Ignoring her shock for now, Ophis asked.

Ophis: How would you handle Tendo?

Primis: I remember that there is "Tendo" who hated the entire Tendo Family.

Ophis: Her. Huh.

Primis: Um.

'Primis: Yes. The person who hates Tendo family more than anyone else in this world is none other than the very heroine of Black Bullet world, Tendo Kisara.'

[That's true. Compared to naïve and kind Protagonist, her thoughts are completely opposite.]

'Primis: Yes. She has no belief in justice, for it will never be able to touch or do anything to evil, and strongly believing that absolute evil overpowers evil itself. In other words...…'

[You can take advantage of her hatred.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Stopping, Primis turned his head at a particular direction.

'Primis: Let's go and meet her.'


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
