Volume 4 – Chapter 109(Execution)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call


Kazumitsu's nails dug into his palm as he squeezed his fist, breaking the skin and allowing blood to well up. He wanted to shut this woman's mouth up immediately. It was a feeling that was hard to get rid of.

Kisara: I wonder what the citizens of Tokyo Area would do if they learned about it? Compared to you and your family who received shelter ticket, those who didn't get it couldn't sleep at night and shook with fear at the thought of being slaughtered by the Gastrea. While you who are considered VIP in this nation were just snug inside the shelter.

[Those people also deserve to die in the first place.]

As both parties kept on 'talking', Primis turned his attention to something else.






Name: Kisara Tendo 

Age: 16


Existence Level: 2


 -> Stats 

 -> Main Skills 

 -> Side Skills 

 -> Equipment



Level 1

Strength: I

Endurance: I

Dexterity: I 

Agility: I 

C. Magic: I 


Per Stats: -

Current Level: 0

Overall: 0

Enhanced Mode: 0



Main Skills: 3(max.)

· Harmony: EX

· Inauspicious Blade I: F

· Light Manipulation I: F



Side Skills: 0

· ???






[Of all your Permanent Members, she is the weakest.]

'Primis: True. Good thing I have "Stairway to Heavens" now, otherwise, it will take a lot of time before she could enter Pseudo-God ranks let alone Dimensional Gods.'


Kisara: Let us begin. Will the two witnesses please come forw----

Primis: No need.

Suddenly Primis interrupted Kisara and all turned their gazes towards him.

Primis: This is not a battle to death, Kisara. This is just a mere massacre.

This stunned Kisara for a second before a sneer appeared on her cold face.

Kisara: I apologize for my mistake, My Lord. I forgot that the battle to death should be with those on equal standing. Not on a lowlife like him.

Kazumitsu: How dare you call me that, Kisara!

Ignoring his outburst, Kisara stood and brought her left hand. And then in the astonished eyes of Kazumitsu and Shiina a blade appeared.

The Katana was still in its dark red scabbard, yet both the Kazumitsu and Shiina had an ominous feeling just by looking at it.

Kazumitsu: *GULP* J-Just how did it appear in your hand out of n-nowhere. And what about your "Yukikage".

Saying this Kazumitsu glanced at Kisara old sword "Yukikage" which was put on the side.

Kisara: You and other brothers called me Monster, don't you? So, I think instead of "Killing Blade", "Demon Blade" suits me better.

Kazumitsu: D-Demon Blade?

Kisara: Yes. This is "Demon Blade: Akujiki". And this Katana sought for slaughter.

Grabbing its handle with her right hand, Kisara pulled it out.




Seeing this Demon Blade, both Kazumitsu and Shiina took a step back unconsciously.

Paying no heed to them, Kisara eyes were completely on the Akujiki in her hand.

Kisara: It's beautiful, isn't it?

They didn't reply. Not bothered by their lack of response, she continued.

Kisara: Be rejoice, Brother Kazumitsu. You will be the first soul it will devour.

Kazumitsu: S-Soul...






Origin, Demon Blade: Akujiki


Type: Weapon (Katana)

Rank: I

Attack: 100


Soul bound: Kisara Tendo



Indestructible: EX

Light Mastery: F

Devourer: EX




Light Mastery: F

The cost of using Light Magic will be decreased by 10% and its power will be further increased by x1.


Devourer: EX

Ability to indefinitely enhance its destructive power by consuming the Yin and Souls of others.






'Primis: It's true that the current Akujiki is still weak, however, compared to me and my members equipment which become strong as we level up, Akujiki has no such limit.'

[Um. At Level 1 the max strength of your equipment will be 1,000. At Level 2, it will be 2,000. At Level 3, it will 3,000. And so. But such restrictions don't apply on Akujiki. In other words, if it keeps on devouring souls then it is possible for its power reach 10,000 or beyond even while Tendo Kisara is still at Level 1.]

'Primis: Don't forget the enhancement it gives to its Wielder with each kill.'

[Yeah. It really does live to its saying "He who wields Akujiki, wields absolute power.".]

Showing a cold sadistic smile, Kisara started walking towards Kazumitsu and Shiina.

As they were becoming wary, Kazumitsu who had knowledge of Tendo Martial Arts noticed something and spoke.

Kazumitsu: Your form and movements seem different than that of Tendo Martial Arts.

Smiling she replied.

Kisara: You're right, Brother Kazumitsu. That's because the moment I took "Demon Blade: Akujiki", I abandoned my previous Martial Arts.

Kazumitsu: You discard Tendo Martial Arts!!!

This shocked Kazumitsu to his very core. One should know that Kisara had dedicated her entire life till now in the learning and understanding of Tendo Arts. Hence, abandoning it means she wasted the last 10 years of lives for nothing.

Anger welled up in him and before he knew it, Kazumitsu was screaming.

Kazumitsu: What the hell?! To think this is how----




Kazumitsu: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A blood-curdling scream of Kazumitsu resounded in the whole dojo as he looked at his now severed legs.

In front of him, what seemed to Kisara was in truth just her afterimage. The real Kisara was now standing behind him.

'Primis: In order to draw out true power of Akujiki, one must be extremely fast in killing. That's why I decided give "Light Manipulation" to Kisara.'

[I would have preferred Spatial power.]

'Primis: I have my own reasons why I chose "Light Manipulation" instead of "Space Manipulation".'

[If you say so.]

Next, Primis decided to leave and wait outside with Asaka because he didn't want to watch the boring 'show' that was about to unfold.






Origin, Demon Dress


Type: Armor (Cloth Armor)

Rank: I

Defense: 1,000


Soul bound: Kisara Tendo



Indestructible: EX

Light Immunity: F

Damage Reduction: F




Light Immunity: F

Nullifies 10% of the damage taken by attack that contains or use Light Magic.


Damage Reduction: F

Reduce the damage taken by 10%.






'Primis: Same as my other members.'

[Yeah. Simple but strong.]

'Primis: Um.'

Next, Primis glanced at Ophis at his side.

Noticing his gaze, Ophis understood what he meant.

Ophis: I just remember than there is café which provide good tea and cakes. How about me and Asaka go ahead and book seats for us?

Primis: Sure. I also want to eat something sweet after two months of hunting.

Ophis: Mn. Let's go, Asaka.

Grabbing her little hand, Ophis walked away. As Asaka looked back at Primis, he smiled reassuring her that he will be there soon.






A few minutes later, the sound of an explosion roared inside the dojo, and the windows and sliding doors were splattered with something bright red.

For an instant, the world became still and then a high-pitched scream could be heard coming from inside the dojo.


When the door opened the stifling smell of blood rushed into his nostrils and Kisara walked out while covered in blood.

Inside, what had once been Kazumitsu was now scattered all over the place. The woman who had once been his secretary continued screaming as she desperately tried to gather pieces of what used to be her boss.

Her scream, which made the hair of those listening stand on end, was the scream of someone who had lost their senses. The mental state of the secretary named Shiina would probably not be able to return to the world of reason and sanity.

As Primis was looking at the scene with indifferent expression, he heard Kisara laugh.

Kisara: Hahahahah.

She was holding her stomach with both arms while laughing. A minute later, she seemed unable to hold it in any longer and threw her head back to look up at the sky, laughed even louder.


She spread her arms and look at Primis. She was smiling happily from the bottom of her heart.

Kisara: Lord, I finally killed one of the people I needed to, to avenge Father and Mother. It feels amazing.

Excited she rushed into Primis chest. Her lips were a glossy red. Her eyes shone brightly with excitement. She was so beautiful it gave anyone normal person goosebumps. Yet, Primis was unfazed by it.

Kisara: I can win. I can kill all the Tendos!

Primis: Yes, you can.

Saying this Primis started patting her head. In return, Kisara closed her eyes in content, enjoying his caress.

While he was doing so, Primis gaze was on the Akujiki in Kisara hand.

The entire blade was glowing red in color.

Next from the dojo behind, black-red magatamas appeared out of nowhere before they made their way to Kisara and were then absorbed into Akujiki.

The blade released a faint hymn as it was happy after devouring the soul of its first victim.

Witnessing this, Primis nodded his head inwardly

'Primis: The death of Tendo Kazumitsu would a huge blow to Tendos. It's a best time for me to make my move now.'



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
