Volume 4 – Chapter 121(N/A)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call




The World Beyond.

Two Thrones.

One Blackish Red. One Whitish Golden.

Two Beings.

Primis Rigla. !@#$%^.

A Chess Board in between.

???: So, Your Excellency died.

Primis: We did.

Countless stars, galaxies, verses like Megaverse, Rintaverse, Nenaverse, Jameaverse, Aritaverse, Unpanaverse, Pepanaverse, Hepanaverse, Duexiaverse, Unhepaverse, Quhepaverse, Epexiaverse, Octataverse, Epociaverse, Epeneaverse and even more were surrounding and revolving around them.

Since its Primis turn now, he picked up a piece.

Primis: Even when Our Queen unleashed two of her strongest Moves and Our Empress gave a last slash which contained her everything along with the boost of Resonance, )(*&^%$ was still unscathed.

???: It was )(*&^%$ strongest Mortal(2nd-Level Existence) avatar. It would be more shocking if they succeeded in even putting a scratch of it.

Primis: Yeah. Even when We entered our "Zenith State" and launched Our strongest move, )(*&^%$ easily overpowered us and killed Us in the end.

???: And even that that time, )(*&^%$ was not going all out.

Primis: Um.

As Primis was looking at the chess piece in his hand, many visions of the past appeared on its surface as he thought about them.

Primis: Those who knew about Our power, looked at Us with reverence, admiration, and awe. But they had no idea that We were still nothing in the eyes of Higher Existences.

???: They don't even have the qualifications to know about them either.

Primis: Yes. The less one knows, the better.

???: Indeed.

Moving his gaze away from the piece, Primis looked at the chess board in the center.

Primis: Just like )(*&^%$ mentioned, in our first confrontation We win by outsmarting it. It was impossible to do that again even in the second and future confrontations.

???: Agreed. After all, when Your Excellency defeated it for the first time, in the last second )(*&^%$ saw through all of Your Excellency schemes in an instant when it decided to put some mind into it.

Primis: It was truly shocking to Us too. Every step, every word, every move We did in our first fight was perfect calculated by Us. Yet, it grasped all of it in its last moment. More than enough proof that schemes would no longer work on it from then onwards.

???: The reason was )(*&^%$ lost was mostly because it looked down Your Excellency for being a mere a 2nd-Level Existence in the first meeting.

Primis: We were just a sort of entertainment for it.

???: Though it was changed later. When Your Excellency----

Primis: Shh. No spoilers for those who are currently looking at us beyond the 4th Wall.

???: Hahahahahahahah. True. They are just a mere audience here who we have given the right to hear Your Excellency tale. After all, if we want, we could easily erase them from Existence with a mere thought.

Primis: *Chuckle* Well, what can mere 1st-Level Existences do to beings like us if we decided to make a move. Even the Author who is writing this novel thinking it's his inspiration is completely unaware that it was We who put these tales of Ours inside his head.

???: *Chuckle* It doesn't matter since to everyone it will just appear to be another novel......…If only they know the truth.

Primis: Like We said before......… Ignorance is Bliss.

???: And also, a Blessing.

Shaking his head, Primis spoke.

Primis: Anyway, let's return to where we left off.

???: Um. Then if We am not wrong Your Excellency just wanted to find one more person worthy for his Guild before returning to "Akame Ga Kill" World, right?

Primis: Right. We have the exact same thought but )(*&^%$ found Us before that.

???: Readers might be thinking that situation won't be that worse. Because it was then Your Excellency, and his Empress would have unleashed their real power.

Primis: They don't know how wrong they are. As We said just now, we were just some sort of entertainment to )(*&^%$. That's why )(*&^%$ only used its Mortal(2nd-Level Existence) Avatar in the first place.

???: Um. Even though because of restriction Your Excellency were able to suppress his and his Empress power to God rank and hid that he was the user of "Origin Force", it was still a 3rd-Level Existence.

Primis: That's the main reason, We didn't resort to it. In case We had entered our Awakening, then in the instant )(*&^%$ would have called its God(3rd-Level Existence) Avatar. After all, because of our previous confrontation, )(*&^%$ was long prepared for the interruption of the God that helped Us that time.

???: And things would have turned more dangerous at that point since Your Excellency would have garnered )(*&^%$ attention even more as it would have become curious how Your Excellency was able to hide the fact that he was 3rd-Level Existence from it all along.

Primis: That would be a worst-case scenario since there is only thing that could do so from its prying eyes.

???: Origin Force.

Primis: Means that would be the end of Us.

???: One more thing. Since Your Excellency isn't bound by any Time axis, its impossible for him to return to the previous time unless he had Mastery over time.

Primis: Which We didn't at that time. Hence, neither of them would have worked.

???: The only option was to fight that Hopeless battle.

Primis: Um.

???: Thus, the question stands. How did Your Excellency survi--- Our mistake. Your Excellency clearly stated he died. So...how did you resurrect, Your Excellency?


Finally, putting the piece, Primis ended his turn.

He then raised his head, looked at !@#$%^ and smiled.

Primis: 8th-Dimensional God.





*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
