Volume 5 – Chapter 35(Stormterror V)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


After leaving Lumine and others behind, Primis started strolling in the streets of Mondstadt again while lost in thoughts.

'Primis: The issue of the Stormterror will be resolved by the morning. After that I can make Jean and others focus on the preparations of the coming enemy. Currently, they are not ready. By the time enemy would come knocking, the Jean and others must complete their second ascension. Otherwise, the battle will be over before it even began. Not only that but the other knights must also reach Level 100 by then.'

Since its midnight, there weren't much people since most of them were sleeping right now. So, currently, in the entire street there were only Primis and Makoto.

As moonlight fell on the them, their shadows lengthened.

At this second, Primis gaze fell on the poster on the wall.

On the poster was the picture of the boy who looked mostly identical to Lumine.

'Primis: Aether...…So, Lumine also pasted these posters before returning to the Tavern. Hmmm. Though she has some good drawing skills.'

Looking at this, Primis mind also wandered off to something else.

'Primis: Now that I think about it, it's been countless years since I last drew myself. That was during my time in Orario.'

He then started reminiscing about his time in "Danmachi" world as the images of people he met there flooded in his mind one-by-one.

'Primis: Even if I made sure that the time move differently in there, I am sure Behemoth had already attacked the city. Though I don't know how many of them had survived, I mad sure that Behemoth start with Noble section. Hence, I am 99% certain that the most of the Nobles would have been killed or eaten by it. And since the protagonist still didn't start his journey, causalities will be quite heavy too.'


At this time someone bumped into Primis and fell back on the ground.

The person was middle-aged man with brown hair and was wearing blue shirt and glasses.

Man: Dog, can't you see where you are going!? How dare you collide with a royalty!

Clearly it was the man's fault yet instead of apologizing he haughty and arrogantly started insulting Primis as if it was his mistake to even stand in his way.

Too bad, no matter what he said, Primis seemed unimpressed. He just casually gave him an eye before looking forward.

This, on the contrary, indignant the man even more. Standing up, he pointed his finger at Primis.

Man: Bastard! Are you deaf or something!?

Still, Primis ignored him as if he was some air before turning and walking away.

Man: YOU!!!!!!!!

???: Uncle, what happened?

Suddenly, a feminine voice was heard from behind that man a woman approached hime.

While asking, the woman gaze turned towards the direction her uncle was shouting at. Only to be surprised that it was Primis and Makoto.

'???: That's Mister Herrscher?'

Not noticing Eula's expression, the person continued garbage talk at Primis.

Uncle: How dare a plebeian like him look down on a High-Ranking Aristocrat of the Lawrence Clan!? He should be punished to death!

And those words decided the man's fate right at that moment.

While Primis kept on going, Makoto stopped and looked coldly at them.


A spark of electric was emitted from her eye.

'Eula: Not Good!'

The Spindrift Knight hurriedly moved and stood in front of her uncle with her claymore out and ready to block the attack.

However, Makoto was already standing behind that man in the next moment. Her speed was not something Eula could have Imaging.

The man who was still barking while pointing at Primis didn't realize that death was already standing behind him. And then...



A purple lightning pillar rose for a second before disappearing. When Eula looked back, everything was over. Only a last black burnt part was seen which also dispersed in the air.

Eula: H-How could this be...

While the blue-haired was trying to process what just happened, Makoto casually walked past her as if she just got rid of some bug.

Eula: WAIT!!

Snapping out of her thoughts, Eula turned to glared at Makoto. Yet, Makoto as if had not heard her, kept on walking.

Eula: I said STOP!!

Saying this she gathered all of her strength in her claymore, turning it into an ice sword and attacked Makoto.



The entire street got covered in ice to some distance.

However, instead of becoming happy, Eula was shocked to the core. Why? Because her attack directly landed on Makoto's shoulder. Yet, her sword can't penetrate through her clothes let alone skin.

At this moment, Makoto turned her head to the side and gave her an eye before a pulse of power burst out of her.


Eula: Argh!!

The Knight didn't have any guard on her because of shock. Hence, she took full blunt of the attack which injured her from both inside and outside.



The force behind it also threw her away and she hit a metal pole in the distance before falling down.


Her entire body was paining as blood was leaking out. The good thing was that her injuries weren't life threatening.

Makoto was about to move to end her too but Primis voice resounded.

Primis: Let's go. She is not worth our time.

Hearing this, Makoto stopped and nodded before catching up to him.

Eula: Why…

Struggling she raised her body with the support of her sword. Her gaze and question were not for Makoto but Primis.

Eula: Why…Did you kil… my U-Uncle? We could have…talk this...out.

She asked. But it's more like she was begging him for answer.

Giving her a glance, Primis answered.

Primis: You know why.

Then he turned and left with Makoto without bothering to give Eula another glance.






--- Starsnatch Cliff ---

It's been some time since Lumine, Paimon, Venti, Diluc, and Jean have arrived the cliff were enjoying the view.

They came here because the wind here could carry Venti's words to the far away.

Jean: So, shall we begin?

Venti: Of Course. Before that everyone steps aside.

Hearing this, other four move back as Venti took out the Lyre.

Venti: I, the best wandering bard of the mortal world, shall begin my performance with Holy Lyre.

He then started playing a song.



A few seconds later, wind started picking up.


'Lumine: He is here.'


Suddenly, Dvalin appeared from below and stared down at Venti.

Dvalin: You… have come. What has been done cannot be undone.

Venti: If so, then why do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song.

Dvalin: Grr…

Jean: They are communicating...Huh?

At this moment, the people at the back noticed an ice blast heading towards Venti.

Diluc: Watch out!

The bard was completely focused on his friend that he didn't saw the incoming attack.

Still, before it could hit him, the Lyre in his hands started releasing light as wind gathered around Venti in an instant making a dome to protect him.


The cyro blast hit that dome and failed to even sent a ripple to it.

Jean: Venti!

The others rushed over and saying that they were surprised won't be an understatement.

Paimon: Great Job, Tone-Deaf Bard!

Venti: But... I didn't do anything.

Lumine: You didn't…

Narrowing her eyes, Lumine looked at the lyre in Venti's hand.

Diluc: An Abyss Mage!

Red-haired said he saw Cryo Abyss Mage who revealed itself.

Jean: So, the Abyss Order are also involved.

Cyro Abyss Mage: Do not be fooled by him, dear dragon. He left you to rot alone. Now he attempts to deceive you once more.

Dvalin: Grr… Barbatos…

Cyro Abyss Mage: Let your wrath fester! Mondstadt has already turned its back on you!

Dvalin: Grr…

The Dragon then lets out a huge roar.

Dvalin: ROAR!!!!!!!!!!

Venti: D-Dvalin!

Dvalin: You bring these humans here to slay me!? You've changed quite a lot, Barbatos!!

Venti: It's not like that, Dvalin!!

Cyro Abyss Mage: The time has come for the dragon to serve its true master... While you bewail your pathetic selves, and watch the world tremble with fear!

Here, Dvalin turned to fly away.

Just when Venti was looking sad at his friend, the lyre in his hand started radiating as a blue light shot out of it and entered Dvalin's head.



Dvalin: ...

This made the dragon to stop his moment for a second.

Cyro Abyss Mage: You! What did you do, Anemo God?

Venti: I…

There was no point in asking because even Venti didn't know himself.



Dvalin: Auh!

Next, Stormterror grunted in pain, a blue fire burst out from his back and burnt away one of the blood clots.

'Lumine & Paimon: That flame!'

The Traveler and her companion recognized those flames right away and got excited. Though that excitement diminished when they noticed that only one of those clots was gone. Other was still present.

They waited but blue flames never appeared again.

Cyro Abyss Mage: You really are full of tricks, Anemo God!

The Mage was very angry at the moment. It was near Dvalin especially to prevent the Archon to help it in any way. Yet, in the end, it was all in vain.

Even though Dvalin felt pain, it was not angry. On the contrary, even its previous rage seemed to have receded a lot.

It looked at Venti again and opened its mouth.

Dvalin: If you want to help then come to my lair.

With this, without waiting for the bard respond, Dvalin flew away.

Cyro Abyss Mage: You will pay for it, Anemo God!

The Mage also left since it sensed that it could no longer control Stormterror. It must report it back.

Ignoring the Mage, Venti slowed walked towards the edge of the cliff and looked towards the direction Dvalin left off to.

Jean: Barbat---Venti, please, be careful or you will fall.

Venti: Hehe…You've known my true identity for some times now, haven't you Jean? Though, I thank you for continuing to use the name Venti.

When said that, a sense of relief could be seen in his eyes. For Dvalin to ask for his help means that he wasn't completely gone.

Diluc: So, the Holy Lyre can not only help you call the Dvalin but also to calm him. It was worth fixing it.

At Diluc praise, Venti couldn't help but scratched his face in embarrassment.

Venti: Actually, even I don't know about it myself. That was the first time even I have seen Holy Lyre released that light.

Diluc: E-Eh!? Then how do----

Jean: That was Your Excellency Herrscher's light.

Before Lumine or Paimon could open their mouth, Jean did. This also amazed them as they saw smile on her face.

Diluc: You mean the one you fixed the Holy Lyre.

Jean: Yes.

Diluc: How are you so sure?

Jean: You remembered I told you that me and Lisa got cursed and Your Excellency Herrscher got rid of it. The power he used was exactly that. The blue light which provides both cure and warmth.

Diluc: I see. That's good to hear.

Venti: I will personally thank that Sir later.

While the three of them were conversing, Lumine was lost in thought.

'Lumine: Its truth that Mr. Erste blue light gave both cure and warmth. However, when it comes to his enemies, that light turned was both cold and devastating. Leaving nothing behind.'

Shaking her head, she continued.

'Lumine: I was wondering why Mr. Erste decided to assist when he said I have to solve this issue myself. Now, I know why.'

Narrowing her eyes, Lumine remembered what she saw when she used Appraisal on Dvalin.




Stormterror(Dvalin) ---> Level 225(weakened/poisoned)




'Lumine: If Dvalin was still angry and fought in rage then we won't stand a chance. But now that he needs our help, even if we fight, it would control his strength to not kill us in the process.'





--- Stormterror's Lair ---

The group hurriedly made their way through the canyon leading to the Stormterror's lair, only to be stopped by a misty, opaque barrier of barrier.

Paimon: A Storm Barrier! Looks so dangerous.

Looking at the barrier, Venti frowned.

Jean: What happened? Can't you break this?

In return, he shook his head.

Venti: If it was only the barrier then I could habe. But it seemed that there is another power mixed within. Because of that I can't do it.

Diluc: In other words, we came all this way for nothing.

Venti: Not really. That power mixed within is similar to the power of that Abyss Mage. In other words, if we kill that Mage, that power will disperse too. That time it would be easy for me to break this barrier.

Diluc: In order to do so, we must find that Abyss Mage first.

Jean: So, we need to return and mobilize our people to find any information on Abyss Order. Then we need sort out of it and pinpoint the location of that Mage.

Diluc: It will be hassle and take time since the intel on Abyss Order is very difficult.

Paimon: One way or another, we need to return and wait for the news.

Venti: Yeah.

Lumine: …Venti.

Our Traveler who had been silent all this time thought of something and spoke.

Venti: Yes?

Lumine: Can you give me that Holy Lyre for a moment?

Venti: Hmm? Sure?

Taking out the lyre, he gave it Lumine.

With Lyre in her hand, Lumine stepped forward, raised it and pointed towards the barrier.

As everyone were looking at the blonde with confusion, the same blue light came out of the lyre and touched the barrier.

Next, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the barrier shook violently before bursting.


Everyone's jaws fell on the ground at this.

Nodding Lumine turned and looked at them with smile.

Lumine: The path is open. Let's move.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
