Volume 5 – Chapter 44(Zhongli)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


After his trip to Bubu Pharmacy, Primis went through few more shops and bought more materials. Though compared to before, he didn't ask the shopkeepers to collect more materials for him for the future.

The reason being, first, most of them were merchants who travelled from one city to another. Hence, they were highly certainty that not only will they ask for astonishing amount but will also ran away once the advanced payment was done.

Second reason was Ningguang. Since he knew she was searching for him. This intel of him buying so materials will definitely reach her ears. Even though she wouldn't know why Primis was doing that, to be on safe side, she will try to prevent him from purchasing more or bought them herself.

Third reason was Human greed. Even if "Liyue Qixing" was in power in Liyue, corrupted people still found a way to profit themselves. As a result, some of the shopkeepers sent someone to trail behind Primis to find out his identity and see if they could take advantage of it.

Too bad, Primis always disappeared in the crowd making it difficult for them to follow. This led them to lose his tracks.

Still, there was one exception in these spies. That person eyes never left Primis as it kept on following him.

Sometimes later, Primis turned and entered an alley.

A few seconds later, that person came too. However, to that person dismay, Primis was no longer there. Getting surprised, the person started looking around but failed to find anything.

???: Tch. Looks like I underestimated him. To think, he was sensed of my presence even when I hide it so well.

While the person was thinking of looking for its target again, Primis who was standing on the roof of a house several alleys away, was looking at this person.

Primis: Ningguang must be very desperate since she sent you to find me.

The spy was a young woman with short blue hair with asymmetrical bangs and green eyes. She wore a necklace and had a dice on her chest, sleeveless dark outfit with a white jacket hanging, heeled shoes, and a hydro vision hanging. She was one of the most esteemed, information gathering person in Liyue. Her name was Yelan.

After giving her one last glance, Primis turned and left.

Now that she lost track of him, he was pretty sure that Yelan will try to look for Makoto because in the eyes of people of Liyue they were couple. Still, Primis didn't care about it. The Pavilion where Makoto and Ei were currently in was covered by their divine power. Hence, it will prevent other people from approaching it. As a mortal, even Yelan was no exception here.





After buying some more things, Primis finally decided to stop.

Primis: Hmm...

At this time, he sensed something and started walking towards a particular direction.

Soon, he was in front of a restaurant near the harbor called "Third-Round Knockout". There were tables outside the restaurant, where a man was telling tales of ancient Liyue. Primis gaze fell on a man on a table near the door. He walked over and took the seat in front of him.

Raising his head, the man smiled and spoke.

???: Hello, Traveler from a far. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Primis: You decided to meet me when noticing that Baal is away. Should I take it that you didn't wish to meet her, Morax.

Morax: So, you really do know me. Huh. Well, a person Baal is following can't be a normal mortal.

Yes. The person in front of Primis was none other that Geo Archon of Liyue, Morax.

Morax: Though calling me Morax will attract other people attention. How about you call me, Zhongli.

Primis: Alright, let's get down to business. What do you want?

Zhongli: Aren't you straightforward. How about we eat something before proceeding to our talk? I have ordered some wine-fermented sweet rice balls.

When his voice fell, the waiter approached them with their order and placed it on the table before leaving.

Primis didn't bother giving them a glance as his eyes looked at the sky where he sensed divine senses.

Zhongli: I am sure you know what they are looking for.

Primis: True. Though compared to them, you knew whose power that belonged to.

Remaining silent for a while, Zhongli sighed.

Zhongli: After Archon War, we "The Seven" meet each other many times here. Hence, there is no way I can't distinguish Baal's power.

Just like Anemo Archon, Venti archon name was "Barbatos". Geo Archon, Rex Lapis or Zhongli archon name was "Morax". Electro Archon, Makoto archon name was "Baal".

As for Ei, her archon name was "Beelzebul" before her death in Archon War so that Makoto could take Electro Archon throne. Once she was revived and took over as new Electro Archon later, people started referring her as "Raiden Shogun" now.

Anyway, the point was "Musou Isshin" was in truth Baal's sword. Though while in her possession, the blade was kept unsharpened and unused, and was used as a symbol of true peace. It was after her death that Ei started using it. And since it was Makoto's weapon, it obviously contained her power.

After their several meetings in the past, every "The Seven" were fully aware of each other divine power. As a result, Morax realized right away that the power emitted by "Musou Isshin" was that of Baal's.

Zhongli: She has become stronger.

Primis: Since you have been keeping an eye on us since we arrived here, you must have noticed how Baal was docile in my presence. Therefore...

Giving him a deep gaze, he continued.

Primis: You want to make sure that she won't unleash that power of hers on Liyue.

Sighing, he nodded.

Zhongli: You're right. I don't know how you were able to tame her but I can tell that she trusted you fully.

'Zhongli: Especially those feelings in her eyes when she looked at you.'

Shaking his head, he put those thoughts away since there were more important things at the moment.

Zhongli: In case she uses that power of hers then even I myself is not sure if I could survive it. Let alone Liyue.

Primis: I will see how it goes.

He neither agreed nor disagreed. Still, Zhongli was satisfied with it since Primis didn't outright said no.

Next, Zhongli grabbed the chopsticks and used it to grab a rice ball and ate it. Upon chewing, he nodded his head in approval.

Zhongli: Still, as good as always.

Storyteller: If it's to your liking, dear customers, I shall continue the tale of Lady Ningguang's Jade Chamber.

Zhongli: Um. Besides the fine wine, the excellent ambiance is the reason why this place is so well loved. But, when I say ambiance, I refer to a different sort from one the Teyvat Travel Guide uses to judge other establishments.

Storyteller: As you all know, high above the land of Liyue lies a pavilion in the clouds, a palace in the mist… What does it mean to have all-seeing eyes? This, my friend: Lady Ningguang's masterwork that bridges earth and sky.

Looking at the Jade Chamber in the sky, Primis thought.

'Primis: The floating palace of the Tianquan Ningguang. It sunk into the Sea of Clouds after being used to suppress the Overlord of the Vortex, and it rose high above Liyue Harbor once more to combat other threats. From then on, some people regard the Jade Chamber not only as a symbol of Ningguang's might, but also as a sign of Liyue Harbor's adamantine will.'

Storyteller: Imagine. The weather is clear, and you gaze down from the deck on the world below… Behold! The glorious sights of Liyue Harbor, stretching out far and wide!



They say that when Lady Ningguang ponders important affairs, she retreats to her Jade Chamber with none but her three closest confidantes in tow. Why brings she these trusted three? To sift through sources, dig through documents — looking for information.

Piece by piece, facts and figures paint a picture on the walls of the chamber... But well before the wall is filled, Lady Ningguang's mind is made up. Having made her call, she has every last document shredded. And fwoosh! she scatters the shavings out her window.

Ah, look at them! How they billow in the wind like a sudden swirling blizzard! As the fragments fall, traces of text flicker before the eyes of the merchants of Liyue like ink stains in white snow.

The saying goes, the rarest treasures in the land are the words brought by the paper snow. For the words of the Tianquan have the power to move mountains and all throughout the land know it.



Storyteller: These are but scraps of paper, and yet they guide Lady Ningguang's hand — such is their value. Merely grasping one or two of them will surely gift you a fragment of her wisdom — enough to stay a step or two ahead of your peers.

Zhongli: It's truly a good tale. What do you th...ink...…

The words of Geo Archon trailed off when he saw that Primis was no longer at his spot. He then looked around but failed to see even his shadow.

Confirming that Primis had left, the corner of Zhongli lips couldn't help but twitched. He then turned his gaze at the food tray in front. He ordered the food for three people in case Primis liked it wanted to order more then they didn't need to wait for it to arrive.

However, Primis didn't even ate a single one of them. In that case, he was the one left to finish all of it now.

'Zhongli: I shouldn't have ordered extra.'

Because he didn't like to waster food, he could only somehow force himself to eat it all.

By the time, he was done and was about to leave, he noticed that people were giving something to the shopkeeper after having their meal.

Getting confused he asked one of the waiters who hearing Zhongli's word gave him a weird look before answering.

Waiter: They were paying mora. The price of the food they had eaten.

Zhongli: ...…

Morax came to stand still hearing that. And started pondering about something.

'Zhongli: Mora... hm... I suppose I overlooked this particular aspect of the transaction. I guess many things have changed in mortal realm that I am unaware off.'

He then slowly approached the shopkeeper and spoke.

Zhongli: I am sorry, Sir. I don't know that we have to pay mora for the food we have eaten. So, I didn't bring any mora with me. Can we use another way to complete the payment?

The shopkeeper you just ordered one of his waiters to take the order from one of the tables, looked at Zhongli with bewildered expression.

He then laughed and spoke.

Shopkeeper: You don't need to do, Sir. The payment is already done.

Zhongli: Huh? Already done? When and how?

Shopkeeper: That another sir with you already paid the bill before leaving. Hence, don't need to pay for anything else.

Zhongli: Is that so...…Thank you, it was good food.

Shopkeeper: You are Welcome, Sir. Please come again.

Zhongli: I will.

With this he left the shop while deep in thoughts.

'Zhongli: It was my treat yet he paid it. As if he knew I don't have any moras with me. Hmmm...…'

Soon a smile formed on his face.

'Zhongli: He really is not a bad person. I will thank him when we will meet in future.'





Primis: Do you have something you have to share with me?

He asked while looking at the trembling Katheryne in front of him.

After leaving Zhongli, Primis started to stroll around Liyue as before. But when he passed by the Guild stall, Katheryne saw him and started trembling.

Other time, he would have ignored it since this was the reaction of almost everyone who knew his real identity. One of the examples was Ei. But he can tell that there was some another reason for Katheryne fear. So, he decided to pry from her.

Primis: Let me guess, something happened in Mondstadt right.

Katheryne trembled violently at this before nodding.

Primis: Explain.

Taking a deep breath to suppress her fear, she explained.

In the morning, she received the information from her 'sister' which was in Mondstadt.

According to her, few days after Primis left, people started to lose their ambitions. As a result, they also lost their vision. At first it was only one or two cases but soon more and more people started facing the same.

Since Acting Grandmaster Jean was still in 'coma', people started to panic. Hence, they all turned to ask for the help from the person who was currently the most popular, Yuuya.

Yuuya tried but even he had difficultly to solve this issue. Hence, to decrease some increasing pressure on him, he decided to turn people hatred to someone else. That was Primis.

He said before leaving Primis did something to curse the people of Mondstadt because they kicked him out. And because of Yuuya high-esteem and Primis low value in Mondstadt, people believed him right away. As a result...

Katheryne: So, now Y-Your Excellency...…is the most w-w-w-wanted person in the entire.... Mondstadt now. There is a h-h-heavy....b-b-b-b-b-bounty on you, Everyone...want, wish, and pray...for your d-d-d-d-d-d-d-death. Thinking it will solve...their...…current predicament.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
