Volume 5 – Chapter 47(Guild)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Reinhard: A-Amazing. You are really something, old man Zelretch.

Zelretch: Haha. I am just someone with a little more experience than you youngsters, that's all.

The red-haired smiled at the old man's humbleness and didn't reveal the truth that he can felt an incredible amount of power inside this old Mage.

Zelretch: Anyway, we shouldn't keep Guild Master waiting for so long. Shall we?

The other nodded and followed the stony path leading to the Guild.

On the way, they all had a heartly conversation with each other. Haruka was surprised to hear that Sumire world was once devastated by the monsters called Gastrea and how "Guild Master" was the reason to solve that issue. Even though Sumire didn't know how exactly Primis did so, she was certain that it's him.

Haruka also told everyone about that Apocalypse Virus that was plaguing her world and how "Guild Master" absorbed all of it, freeing people from the curse.

Reinhard respect for Primis increased even further hearing that while Zelretch nodded with a look saying "As expected from Your Majesty'.

They both then also told Primis deed in their world. Even though Primis didn't much in Reinhard world, his one action shock the entire world. On the other hand, Zelretch told them that Primis had paid a very important role in the course of history of his world.

As Reinhard, Haruka, and Sumire started wondering how Primis can live for so long, they remembered how Primis told them his real identity when he recruited them. "Guild Master" was not a human or any other race, he is....

A God.

This answered almost all of their questions.

By now, they had almost made their way to the entrance of the Guild. A Huge gate made of unknown metal and power appeared in front of their sight. Just when they were almost ten steps away, the gate made a noise and opened.



As they walked inside with nervousness since this was the first time they had seen such majestic palace(mostly the three youngsters), they were greeted by a long bluish hallway leading to the depths of castle.

Seeing such a beautiful place without any hint of dirt or dust, for a moment they felt bad walking on it and spoiling it. But then they felt an invisible power which was telling them to come. A bit reluctantly they started following its command.

No one initiated the conversation at this point since they were completely in awe while looking at the interior of the castle.

They also passed by some gardens in which different colour of flowers were blooming. Looking at tranquil and peaceful atmosphere there, they had an impulse to take a rest there.

Nevertheless, they suppressed it and continued walking to where that invisible power was leading them too.

They kept on walking for some time, from here to three, ascending and descending many stairs. Yet, none of complained. On top of that, surprisingly Haruka and Sumire didn't feel a slightest fatigue even when they were just normal humans.

Finally, they seemed to have reach their destination. The door opened, the nervous Huruka and Sumire along with the excited Reinhard and Zelretch entered.

They would finally meet "Guild Master" again.




Next, they all found themselves a beautiful large room.

A big chandelier was could be seen at the ceiling on the very middle of the room with many lamps and three portraits on side walls. These paintings were made by Primis long ago and were placed in his inventory collecting dust. Hence, he decided to take them out.

Zelretch and Reinhard were looking at those murals with fascination in their eyes. As a high reputed people in their world, they often joined many exhibitions. So, they knew right away that Primis painting was a true piece of art. Nobles will be willing to pay any amount of money and resources to obtain even one of them.

There were also two doorless doors on both walls leading to the balcony. An extremely thin whitish veil was covering the entrance. Though it didn't prevent the cool and fresh air from entering. Whenever the air entered, the veils flew to the side showing the clouds outside.

While they were looking at everything, a voice snapped them out of their thoughts.

Primis: You all are here.

This voice attracted everyone's attention as they moved their head towards the direction of the furthest door.

Moving the veil to the side, Primis who was at the balcony entered the room.

Looking at him whose height seemed to have increased, eyes colour changed to bluish-black and the way he was standing with his hand in his jacket pocket with of clouds behind made a picture scene.

All four of them fell into daze. Another reason was because Primis was no longer suppressing his charm and aura. Making him looked like a divine who had entered the world of mortals.

If not because of Primis using his power to protect their mind, they all except for Zelretch would have kneeled and started worshiping him already.

Nevertheless, since he had expected this outcome, Primis didn't seem surprised and walked over to them.

Primis: Let's have a meal first. I am pretty sure you all must be hungry.

As they nodded dumbly at this, Primis waved his hand.

In the next second, a round table to five chairs materialized out of nowehere.

Sitting on one of them, Primis gestured others to take their seat and one-by-one many luxurious foods appeared on it.

They all returned back to themselves when the aroma of food entered their nostrils.

Feeling embarrassed they took their seat but didn't start right away. There eyes were at Primis as if waiting for to start first.

Noticing this, Primis shook his head and spoke.

Primis: This food is for all of you. So, don't wait for me and start. After all, this is a celebration of Guild establishment.

Zelretch: Hehe. They don't mind this old man, Your Majes--- I mean, Guild Master.

Primis: Um.

At this Zelretch started and others also stopped holding themselves back.

Upon taking the first bite, all of their eyes lit up since they didn't eat such luscious meal before.

Soon, they also started conversation again, talking about whatever they were doing in their world, how they were enjoying their time, Zelretch also told many jokes and told some past things to make sure others didn't get bored. During the whole ordeal, no one brought out any serious topic.

Just like that their meal time went pleasantly and harmoniously.





After a heartful meal, they all arrived in the balcony.

Primis made comfortable sofas for all of them to sit and relax. To made it more enjoyable, he gave them each a glass and wine bottle to all of them.

100 years old wines were given to Haruka and Sumire. 10,000 years old wine was given to Reinhard. 1,000,000 years old wine was given to Zelretch.

Haruka and Sumire seemed dissatisfied and wanted more older wines after witnessing the one given to Reinhard and Zelretch. They asked for at least 1,000 years old. However, they felt a chill down their spine when Primis told them that those wine were stronger for ordinary humans. To the point that just a sip from it would made their body explode due to enormous energy contained inside. This made that let go of such thought for now.

Anyway, as they started to enjoy the wine, it was the time for serious topic.

Primis: Brought out your Guild System window. I will explain its features.

Nodding they did so and a screen appeared in front of them.

Primis: The features you have are…



Guild Castle/Palace Guild Chat Profile Quests Live Stream Guild Shop Inventory



Primis: "Guild Castle/Palace" featured will let you come here whenever you want. However, only you can arrive. If you tried to brought others, it won't work.

All four: Um.

Primis: Next is "Guild Chat". Since you have your own things to do in your own world, you can't be here 24/7. So that time, you can contact or talk with other members using this feature.

Haruka: Like a messenger app.

Primis: Yes. Now, "Profile". It will let you see your Name, Title, Level, Attributes, and Skills. We will give more in details later.

Reinhard: Our strength. Wonder where I will be.

Primis: You will know. "Quest". Since Haruka, Sumire, and Zelretch are from modern world they must be quite familiar with game. It's somewhat like that. Now, Click on.

Once they did so, it expanded.



Daily Quests Weekly Quests Monthly Quests Yearly Quests Special Quest



Sumire: Really just like in games. "Daily Quests", you have completed every day. For "Weekly Quests", "Monthly Quests" and "Yearly Quests", you must complete them in that time period respectively in order to get awarded.

Primis: Yes. The rewards will be like…




Daily Quests:

Guild Points 1 Random Equipment Box: Common



Weekly Quests:

Guild Points 1 Random Equipment Box: Common 1 Random Skill Box: Uncommon 1 Attribute Point



Monthly Quests :

Guild Points 1 Random Equipment Box: Uncommon 1 Random Skill Box: Rare 5 Attribute Point 1 Skill Point



Yearly Quests:

Guild Points 1 Random Guild Shop Discount Voucher(Minimum: 20%, Maximum: 90%) 1 Random Equipment Box: Rare 1 Random Skill Box: Epic 1 Golden Attribute Point 1 Golden Skill Point




Primis: As for "Special Quests", this will mostly require you to travel to another world to complete it. Hence, the rewards would be different. Anyway, since there is nothing of that sort right now, it's empty.

'Reinhard & Sumire & Haruka: Travelling to another world! I really want to do that!'

Primis: I will explain the rewards of other quests once we are done with the remaining features.

When they nodded, Primis continued.

Primis: Live Stream. You can use this feature to let other members watch you live completing your quests. This will give you Guild Points. But remember, you can only use this feature for "Yearly Quests" and "Special Quest". Daily, Weekly, and Monthly won't work.

All four: Ok.

Primis: Now is "Guild Shop". The Guild Points you will earn from completing quests can be used here to buy stuff you want. You can find almost everything here.

All four: Everything!?

Primis: Everything. From a garbage to world destroying weapon. Of course, as you go higher, the cost will increase.

All four nodded unconsciously at that. Though their hearts were in turmoil.

Primis: Last feature is "Inventory". It's a pocket space where you can put your stuff. However, you can only put non-living things. And the things placed inside will have their time stopped.

Letting them digest the information he presented, Primis opened his mouth again.

Primis: For now, these are the only features. I will add more in future... Now let's go the detailed and more important stuff.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
