Volume 5 – Chapter 50(In the Dark)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.



It was a dark room with 15 people sitting around a huge round table. The people were covered in a dark cloak making it impossible for others to see their appearance. However, their thirsty red eyes could be seen looking in the middle.

In very centre of the table, there were two cages.

In the first cage, there was a 16-year-old girl, who was stark naked and extremely beautiful.

In the second cage, there was what appeared to be 18-year-old girl, who was also stark naked and extremely beautiful but what stood out the most were the antlers coming out for her head. Clearly indicating she was half-adeptus.

Both were locked in a cage and were looking at these people with fearful gazes after witnessing their crazy eyes that were checking every part of their body.

Both girls were trembling uncontrollably as tears fell from their eyes, wondering what fate awaits them.

At this time, one of the cloaked figures picked up the wine glass placed in front of him and took a sip before speaking.

Cloaked Figure 1: Everyone helps yourself. This human girl is one of the prettiest girls of Inazuma. I nurtured her with the best food and water. She is educated, dignified and never touched a male before. Not only that, she never even ate any meat before. In other words, her very blood is also very pure.

Then he pointed towards the second girl.

Cloaked Figure 1: As for her, as you all have already guessed looking at her, she is half-adeptus. I found her living in the mountains of Liyue. She is one of the few half-adeptus who have not signed a contract with Rex Lapis. But because she doesn't have any ill intent against the people of Liyue and just wanted to live in peace, Rex Lapis let her be.

Cloaked Figure 2: So, not only does she received the same treatment, she also had pure elemental power coursing through her veins.

Cloaked Figure 1: Yes.

One of the figures stood up and moved closer before taking a whiff of the girls one by one before his eyes lighting up in delight.

Cloaked Figure 3: Magnificent. Not a single bit of impurity and pure elemental power. Good! Good! Good! Since you are the one who brought them, I will leave the heart of half-adeptus to you but the heart of this human is mine. The hearts of such top-quality products are the best.

Hearing this both girls started shaking even harder. Their eyes were flashing with despair as tears flowed down constantly. The only thing they could do was to pray their respective Gods to save them from these beasts.

Cloaked Figure 4: Just do it fast. I am already feeling hungry just by looking at them. By the way, I want her brain.

Cloaked Figure 5: We shouldn't be hurry. Seeing their frightened look make it more appetizing. And I want her breast, those are the most delicious.

Cloaked Figure 6: I want the meat of half-adeptus with antlers on it. They can be best showcase to decorate my house.

Cloaked Figure 1: Ah…. Fine. I will satisfy your carving. Shall we then?

Cloaked Figure 3: Yes!

Their face hidden under the cloaked turned savage and vicious before they extended their hand that turned into sharp claw and thrust violently, piercing the chests of the girls, before pulling out their hearts.





Having lost their hearts, both girls twitched slightly as their eyes turned dim and they laid down with life fading away from them.

The first and third cloaked figures smile savagely under their cloak before bringing the hearts to their mouth and took a big bite.



The blood splattered on their face but they didn't mind and continued.

While they were doing so, others chuckled as one of used its power and chopped the human and half-adeptus into pieces and separated onto the each other's plates.

After finishing eating the human heart, the figure spoke again.

Cloaked Figure 3: Now then, since you brought out such a good quality product to summon us altogether, there must be something you want from us.

Cloaked Figure 1: You're right. Actually, I want all of us to join forces and capture three people.

Cloaked Figure 7: Three people?

Cloaked Figure 1: Yes. After capturing them, not only will get a share of each of them but we will also become stronger.

Cloaked Figure 10: Who are they?

At this, the figure took a three painting scrolls and placed them in front of him.

Next, he opened one of them and passed the painting for others to see. Under the painting, were thir name and some extra information about them.

Then he opened the next painting and let the others to do the same. Once they were done, he opened the last one and showed it them from his seat.

Seeing the last one, a tense atmosphere appeared in the room.

After a moment of silence, one of them spoke.

Cloaked Figure 13: I can understand the first two but this last one is impossible.

Cloaked Figure 15: If we join forces, we may have chance of success but more than half of us will definitely die in the process.

Others also nodded, fully agreeing with it.

Cloaked Figure 1: You don't have to worry about it. As you know, I spend a lot of my time going through historical records and ancient runes. Because of that, I get my hands on something that can help us that regard.

Cloaked Figure 9: Is that so? What is it?

The figure then explained what he found and how they can proceed.

By the time he was done, everyone became excited as the joyous atmosphere returned. They, of course, agreed to join forces.

They then continued eating and conversing with each other. Though their hungry eyes were often on the paintings that were laid on the table. They really can't wait to eat such an exquisite food.






---Liyue Harbor, Wanmin Restaurant---

Xiangling had a drastic change in expression after hearing Primis words. Taking a step back, she covered her mouth in fright while looking at the meat.

Primis grabbed her shoulder to calm her somewhat and asked.

Primis: Have you eaten any?

Xiangling: Huh? N-No! I didn't. I was waiting for teacher to wake up so that we can have breakfast together.

Shaking her head hurriedly, Xiangling explained.


At this time, the sound of the glass breaking was heard. Turning they saw the broken plate and meat on the floor while Chef Mao dashed into the kitchen.

Noticing this, Xiangling followed behind him along with Primis.

Inside the kitchen they saw Chef who was kneeling in front of a dustbin.



Hearing this sound, it was enough for them to tell that he was vomiting his stomach out.

Realizing the reason right away, Xiangling asked in trembling voice.

Xiangling: D-D-Dad, don't tell me that you a-a-already did.

The man didn't respond and kept on puking.

Primis: Send the other customers away and tell that because of some important reason restaurant need to be closed.

Xiangling: But t-teacher, is it alright? Many of them would have eaten human meat by now. By closing the restaurant, they all will leave.

Giving her an eye, he spoke.

Primis: Do you want them to stay behind and vomit out everything they had eaten? What's the point in that? Right now, the most important thing is to hide this information so that people don't start panicking after realizing what they ate.

Xiangling: I understand, Teacher. But I don't think customers will like this act.

Primis: Politely ask them to leave and also refund them for what they had paid. This will cool them down. On top of that, since Wanmin Restaurant is famous throughout Liyue, they will somehow accept it.

Xiangling: What if they ask that important reason?

Primis: Tell them that let alone them, everyone in Liyue will learn about it in an hour or two.

Xiangling: Huh? What does that mean, teacher?

Primis: You will know. Now, go.

Xiangling: Oh, ok.

She then left the kitchen while dragging Guoba with her who was patting her dad's back to help him.

Once she was gone, Primis turned his attention to Chef Mao and asked.

Primis: How much do you eat?

This made Chef Mao pause of a second before he replied painfully.

Chef Mao: Almost 1 Kg.

Primis: Oh…in other words, you ate the portion of 3-4 people.

Chef Mao: ...Yes.

Primis: It's impossible for you to eat so much in the morning. Hmmm...It seems that you started eating since night.

He quivered at that and nodded with some difficultly.

Chef Mao: .... Yes. For some reasons, the vendor who supply us with meat came last night instead of morning. When I asked, he said he will be busy in the morning hence won't be able to come. So, he was delivering the morning supplies at night for today.

Primis: You accepted it right away because he has been delivering you for many years and hence you trusted him.

Chef Mao: Um...But before going to bed, I want check the freshness of the meat since we will be giving it to customers the next day. That's how I found out that not only the meat very fresh but also very juicy. Getting curious…...I took a bite...

Primis: And you got hooked. Wanting to try how much good it would be after cooking, you did that.

Chef Mao: ...…...Yes.

He replied before his face turned pale in disgust and continued throwing up.

Primis: How much you have sold till this morning?

Chef Mao: 15-20 Kg.

Primis: It's the portion for almost 75-80 people.

Chef Mao: Well.... customers liked the meat and order double to eat and some to bring back home.

Primis: Better not make Xiangling hear this, otherwise, she will blame herself because in one way or another this is her restaurant which sold human meat.

Chef Mao: I know...I won't.

Hearing this, Primis didn't press forward and disappeared from his spot.





A few distance away from Wanmin Restaurant, a long blue-haired woman with an appearance of a late-teenage girl to her early twenties and black and red horns on her head was standing on top of a roof a house. Her pink purple eyes were looking at every person on the street one by one making sure not to miss anyone. It was as if she was trying to find someone in between the crowd.

Failing to find the person she was looking for, she sighed in defeat. She had been trying to locate the person that Ningguang asked her to for the last night. Yet, let alone finding a trace, she didn't see his shadow.

'???: If I am having difficultly find him, he must have very good stealth skills.'

Sighing she turned to look at another place.

???: Looking for someone, little girl.

Suddenly she heard a voice right near her ear.

Widening her eyes, she instinctively gathered her power to attack.

But then a hand reached her face in an instant. This shocked the woman realizing that it was too fast and she won't be able to protect herself in time.

Though instant of hitting her, the index finger and thump of the hand grabbed and squeezed her cute little nose


???: Eep!

Letting out a cute yelp, the girl jumped back and covered her nose. Tears appeared at corner of her eyes as she glared at the person who appeared out of nowhere.

Though when she checked his look and appearance, she was stunned and lowered her hands.

???: You...You are the one I have been looking for.

Primis: Hmmm…

Seeing Primis unimpressed, the girl hurriedly correctly herself and put a serious front.

???: Hello. I am an emissary of the Liyue Qixing. My name is Ganyu, secretary at the Yuehai Pavilion, and I have come specially to---

Primis: Tell Ningguang to come to Wanmin Restaurant if she wants to meet me.

Ganyu: H-Huh…

His words caught the woman off guard since she never expected him to know that Ningguang sent her.

On top of that, it was first time she had seen someone who blatantly said that Ningguang had to come herself if she wanted to meet him. It was other way around other time.

This was in a way stating that Ningguang position was lower than him.

Ganyu: That's...

Primis: Just deliver the message. The rest is up to her. And....

Ganyu: ...…


Ganyu: Eep!!

She yelped again as Primis squeezed her cute nose again. And this time it was too fast for her to even react.

By the time, she covered her nose again and glared intently in front, she was surprised to see Primis was no longer there.

She looked around but failed to find him. Then she received his voice transmission.

Primis: If Ningguang agrees to come, I would be happy to see you with her that time......…. Miss Cocogoat.

Hearing the way Primis addressed her, Ganyu faced turned red in embarrassment as she hurriedly left, making sure others wouldn't see her like this.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
