Volume 5 – Chapter 95(The Last Knights of Favonius)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.

「 」 = Thoughts being heard





At this time, Spindrift Knight moved and jumped at Yuuya while holding her cryo greatsword with her two hands before slashing downward using her full strength.



The sharp ice sword easily cut through the anemo around Yuuya and reached him.



Though Yuuya brought his "Dragon Slayer" in front and blocked that ice sword. But the force behind the blow was enough to make cracks appeared on the ground underneath his feet.

Knowing this would happen from the beginning, Eula started attacking without waiting.








She kept on striking at the "Dragon Slayer" even while being aware that it was not doing anything.

A second later, Yuuya got irritated and deflected her sword.


Fortunately, Eula jumped back at the last moment and retreated.

The Armored-Man red eyes were following the blue-haired. Because of it failed to notice that there was a small light sword hovering at Eula's previous spot.

In the next moment, that sword descended and exploded violently.


It may seem that Eula was just wasting time to strike at "Dragon Slayer" with no result. But in truth, her every attack was charging her Lightfall Sword which she was hiding behind. And when Yuuya was about to attack, the Lightfall Sword also got fully charged. Hence, she moved away while dodging Yuuya's move in the process.

Next, the sword exploded hitting Yuuya at the point-blank range.

Now, Eula and others were looking at the explosion from distance and were preparing for their next action. They refused to believe that this was enough to take down Yuuya.

As they were doing so, Eula frowned and looked down.


There on her stomach was a deep cut from where blood was oozing out.

A cold sweat appeared on her forehead witnessing this as she hurriedly put her hand on it and covered it with ice.


'Eula: That was a close call. If I was even a moment late then he would have separated by upper and lower half.'

This attracted the attention of others who turned to her and widened their eyes at this. Fortunately, Eula gestured them that she was fine, hence, they again focused on their target.

Yuuya(Berserker Armor): ROAR!!!!!!!!!

All the smoke and dust blew away at Yuuya's beastly roar as he appeared standing in the middle of the crater.

The Armor remained unscathed as before. Still, they noticed that even more blood was leaking out from the openings of the armor. Clearly indicating, he really took a hit from it.


Using Anemo to increase speed even further, Armored-Man appeared in front of Eula and swung his huge sword.


The blue-haired ducked and dodged it before swinging her own claymore at him.



Still, it was not enough to breakthrough armor's defense.

Swiftly Yuuya raised his leg and kicked blue-haired head, throwing her away as she smashed at the building in the distance.


Eula: Ugh!!



There was another Lightfall sword at Eula's location, which exploded the moment she was blown away.


Too bad, this might of explosion was weaker since blue-haired didn't get the time to charge it.

Still, it was enough to stumble the Armored-man, enough for the barrage of arrows launched by Amber to hit him.





This turned his attention to Amber instead of going after Eula.



Before it could charge towards the outrider, Kaeya and Diluc reached it.

They then struck him with their weapons covered in pryo and cryo element.



Though their attacks missed as Yuuya jumped and dodged them. And while in air, he swung his huge sword towards Diluc head.


But it didn't get the liberty to do as a thick bolt of lightning fell on him from the sky on him.


This paused him for a moment, giving Kaeya and Diluc opportunity to attack again.





A layer of ice appeared on Yuuya's back while a layer of fire appeared on his front. Freezing and burning him at the same time.

Both men didn't dare to linger at their position anymore in risk of facing some unusual counterattack, hence, they retreated.

Witnessing their withdraw, Lisa who was responsible for that lightning, bombarding Yuuya with even more of them.








The Outrider was also moving, jumping, from one place to another while releasing a barrage of cryo arrows at Armored-Man. Albeit, this time, instead of attacking wherever she saw opening, she was aiming for one spot only.


The Spindrift Knight also pushed away the rubble and came out at this point. Even if there were minor injuries all over her body, a streak of red liquid was steaming down from her head.

Before Yuuya could kick her, Eula realized that the force behind that was not something she could take as there was a high-possibility that her head would burst like a watermelon. Hence, instinctively, she pulled her sword back to block it.

Although she was only able to block half of the attack, she still succeeded in keeping her life intact.

Gather her cryo element in her sword, she struck it in the ground.


In the next second, ice spikes started coming out of it one-by-one and rushed towards their target.




Reaching Yuuya they stabbed with but some of them broke after hitting him while others failed to even puncture his armor like before.



At this moment, Jean who was not taking part in the fight till now was surrounded by anemo storm.

She was standing with her one foot in front and her hand which was holding her sword was behind.

The Acting Grandmaster then started moving the direction of the storm towards the tip of her sword. All the preparations were done. This was the moment she was waiting for.

Finally, she moved her sword and stabbed forward.


The highly concentrated anemo element, in the form of stinger was released from the tip of Jean sword and reached Yuuya who was currently being suppressed by the attacks of Lisa, Amber, and Eula.


That anemo stinger hit him right in the middle of chest and took him away while breaking many buildings in the way.





Sighing the blonde lowered her sword and started recovering her reserve. That move just now took a lot of her elemental power.

Amber: Do you think it's ov---

Kaeya: Over? I don't think so.

The Frostwind Swordsman interrupted the bandana girl, continued and answered.

Lisa: True. Granted it was only Yuuya then there might some chances, however, that armor...… changes everything.

Jean: Um. If that strike succeeded in even putting cracks on that armor, I will already call it an achievement.

Diluc: Yeah. On top of that, I can't picture that our fight to be over this soon.

Eula: It will be just too easily in that case.

Once the blue-haired woman words fell, all the debris in the distance blew away.


The Armoured-Man reappeared while covered in blood.

Though the Knights of Favonius gaze were at his chest which took the full blunt of Jean's attack. And as expected, that move failed to even crack that armor. Though, that part was the amor was now curved inward.




Yuuya took single step but then in the next second, he fell on one of his knees and started vomiting blood from the mouth of his beast like helmet.

They then exchanged glances, confirming everyone were thinking the same.

That move of Acting Grandmaster really did numbers on him.

Next, they held their weapon tightly and charged towards him to continue their battle.

Like this time went by.






Three hours later.

The entire Mondstadt had turned into rubble by this point.

Even some buildings which were only partially destroyed were all had fallen. Now only wreckage could be seen in the city.

The Knights were breathing heavily while covered in injuries and were looking at the Armoured-Man which was laying on the ground in front of them.

Just like Diluc said, in the end, it became the battle of attrition. Despite throwing everything, that was in their hand at the same spot again and again, only some cracks had appeared on it even after fighting was so long.

If not because there was some slight movement of Yuuya's chest raising and falling, they would have thought he already was dead.

'Jean: To think even after our people sacrificed themselves by becoming a suicide bomb squad, it still took so long to finally put him down.'

Shaking her head, the Acting Grandmaster put her thoughts away and turned to look at Kaeya.

While they were too tired, they still can't let their guard down until Yuuya completely died.

Nodding the Frostwind Swordsman walked towards Yuuya. Since he once considered him as his brother, he wanted to end him with his own hand.

Approaching him, he put his foot on his armor-plate and stabbed at that cracked part, hoping it will destroy this time.



As if his prayers were heard, Kaeya sword thrusted into the armour and he can feel that it had hit flesh, means Yuuya's body.

Sighing, he spoke.

Kaeya: Farewell, Yuuya. The one who I once called brother.

He remained like this for a few seconds before finally pulling his sword out.

But once he did, an ominous black aura burst out of the armor.


Kaeya: Guh!!

The force behind that black aura threw Kaeya away making him roll on the ground for some distance before stopping.

Eula: Looks like it's not over yet.

Others didn't speak. Though they also agreed with her. They then readied themselves for the next battle.

The black aura had already covered the area of ten meters around it, making it difficult for them to see inside.

As they were waiting for his next action, suddenly, there was flash of red light before they saw shadow rushing out.



And then....


Jean widened her eyes seeing how Yuuya appeared in front of him in an instant. Though her gaze lingered on him only for a moment before she lowered her head and saw one of his hands was penetrated through her chest and was coming out from her back.



On that claw like gauntlet there was an organ. Others realized at right away that it was Jean's heart.

Vital fluid was leaking from it and from where that arm had thrusted.

Jean: HNNRGH!!

Blood started coming from her mouth non-stop.

Lisa: JEAN!!!!

Chuckling the blonde spoke with difficultly.

Jean: So, there is where *cough* *cough* I will fall *cough* *cough*. Huh.

Yuuya(Berserker Armor): GRR!!

Not speaking, Yuuya pulled out his arm, OR was about to when Jean grabbed it, prevented him from doing so.

He then raised her leg and stomped it hard on "Dragon Slayer".


This also stopped Yuuya from swinging it at her, to free himself. Next, she moved her hand which was holding the sword and stabbed it through the hole at the chest plate of "Berserker Armor".


Finally, to finish it, she released all of her remaining anemo, surrounded both herself and Yuuya within.

The Armoured-Man also had no attention of taking it lying down. Hence, it opened his beast mouth and bite at Jean.

Fortunately, in the last moment, Jean moved her head to the side, making beast to bite at her shoulder instead.


Gush of blood came out of it as it started eating her shoulder.



Trying her best not to scream, the blonde looked at others, showed a weak smile and spoke.

Jean: I will…take...my leave...…. first.

Then her gaze landed on red-haired.

Jean: Master Diluc...…please.

Hearing this, the body of Darknight Hero trembled before he gritted his teeth and gathered the remaining pryo element into his sword before swinging it.


The scorching flames turned into a phoenix that flew towards Jean and Yuuya.

The Acting Grandmaster smiled and closed her eyes as that flaming bird hit them.


Thanks to the anemo that Jean surrounded them with, it made flames even more intense and powerful, leading to a huge fire tornado.




The tornado kept on going for some time before dispersing.

Once it did, they can see the burning body of Jean on the ground while the armored-man still standing at the side. As if that tornado didn't do anything to him.

However, with their keen eyes, they noticed that the ominous aura surrounding him had decreased by a quarter.

Lisa: You…Monster...….

The Mage spoke with fury visible in her eyes.

She then summoned a Lightning Rose at her position which started launching powerful lightning bolts at Yuuya.




Without stopping there, she called down lightning from the sky that also fell on Yuuya.



Looking at Lisa, Yuuya charged towards her while taking the blunt of lightning non-stop. Though it did slow his movements a little.





Kaeya, Diluc, and Eula reached him and collided with him, trying to prevent him from reaching the mage.

As only Lisa was in his mind now, it ignored the three people and kept on pushing and dragging them along.

Gorges were formed on the ground because Kaeya, Diluc, and Eula feet were deep embedded in ground.

On top of that, since they were in close contact with him, they were also feeling the affects of lightning that was falling on the armored man.

Yet, they gritted their teeth and just focused on stopping him.

With time, the speed of Yuuya kept on decreasing. It soon reached the snail pace when it was only five meters away.

It could only extend its free hand towards Lisa as if trying to reach his goal which was so close yet too far.

Too bad, it had now used most of body strength was also reaching his limit.

The Mage was breathing heavy at this point and was covered in both blood and sweat. She had used everything that was left in her. Hence, just standing right now was taking all her willpower.

But then…


Lisa: Huh…


A muzzle came out from the hand Yuuya was pointed at Lisa and shot.

The Mage hat blew away along with half of her head and her brain matter splat around.


And then her lifeless body also fell as blood, juice, plasma coming from her head dyed the ground.

The Kaeya, Diluc, Eula and Amber can only look in horror as one more of them fell.

Suppressing the pain in their heart, Kaeya and Diluc looked at each other and nodded.

Kaeya: We leave the next course of action to you, Spindrift Knight.

Eula: What?

Instead of answering, both Kaeya and Diluc put their weapons away and grabbed hold of one of Yuuya's arms.

Diluc: Here goes nothing.

Once his words both of them got engulfed in their respective elements.

Looking at their huge burst of elemental power and their shinning visions, Eula realized that they were using their life force in exchange for such boost.

As a result, the right side of Yuuya soon got covered in flames while the left side got coved in frost. Not only that, when those elements met each other in the centre, they didn't try to fight or affect each other, maintain the distance.

From the small openings in the armor, both elements entered inside, burning and freezing Yuuya's body at the same time.

Knowing that it was over for Kaeya and Diluc by the time their elements power will die down, Eula held the handle of claymore tightly and started striking Yuuya.








Her attacks kept on become more and more ferocious. As if she wanted to let out all her grievance, rage, and sorrow.

She had given up on defence and put everything in offence, making her hits even stronger.

While she was doing so, her vision was also shining brightly.

Eventually, Kaeya and Diluc also used up their everything. Their elemental powers dispersed. When it did so, only the frozen Kaeya and burnt-out body of Diluc was left.




Both fell at the same time, breaking Kaeya ice sculpture.





Still, Eula didn't stop and kept on striking. By now less than 20% of black aura was emitting from "Berserker Armor".

Then, all of sudden, all that black aura changed its movements and concentrated fully on the right arm.

Due to getting this boost, the arm moved and swung the huge "Dragon Slayer" at Eula.



The body of Spindrift Knight was cut in two, separating her upper and lower half.

From there, her intestines could be seen coming out, along with bones, blood vessels, and organs juice.

Not only that but that slash also severed both of her arms. This resulted in her body, arms, and weapon fallen in different direction.






Nevertheless, the blue-haired didn't show any painful expression and spoke before closing her eyes, letting darkness took her away.

Eula: End it.

Three Lightfall Sword could be seen hovering at her spot. She was able to make them by sacrificing her life force. And by now, they all were fully charged.

And then they descended and exploded violently.


The explosion of the three Lightfall Sword was at a whole different scale as a small mushroom of cloud rose in the sky.

Everything around the vicinity of the explosion was destroyed.

The shockwave released from it also turned the rubble and debris around it into pieces.

A few minutes later.

The cloud, smoke, and dust settled down, as the Armoured-Man could be seen falling from the sky.

That explosion truly blew it away in the sky.


But just when he was about to touch ground, his instincts started warning him about the incoming doom.

Moving his head, he saw Amber standing on a broken pillar, holding her bow while pointing towards him.

Her face was covered in blood tears and only rage was present in her eyes. Her vision was also shining brightly as she was concentrating her everything into her last arrow.

And then she let go of the string.


Yuuya also had no intention of dying like this, so he directly threw his "Dragon Slayer" at her.


Both weapons were reaching each other. One giant sword and other fire arrows.

Though instead of colliding, both went past each other.



The giant sword thrusted through Outrider chest and came out from her back before taking her away with it.




After breaking some obstacles in the way, it impaled her right on the city wall.

On the other side, the flame arrow also reached Yuuya, entered the hole in this armour plate and also smashed him on the city wall, opposite of Amber.

Both parties who were plastered on the wall, raised their heads with some difficult and looked at each other.

Blood was coming out of Amber's mouth and also from her body. That blood was streaking down the wall making a trail in the wake.

The Armoured-Man was looking at the Outrider menacingly and was trying his best to came out of the wall.

And just when it seemed like it will succeed, the red light coming from his eyes ceased, the movements of his body stopped and, in the end, he lowered his head.

Witnessing this, Amber let out a sigh of relief before a smile appeared on her face.

Amber: We won...…Jean..Lisa…Kaeya…Diluc…Eula...….......…Lumine...…

However, there was no one to answer her and take part in her happiness.

Knowing that more tears streamed down her eyes as she closed them.

Amber: Wait…for...me....... I will…soon...…join you all.........on the...…other…side.......

As her consciousness was fading away, she thought.

'Amber: Take care...Mr. Herrscher. Sadly, I, we… really wanted to spend......more…time…. wit.h............y..o…u.......'

Then she finally accepted her fate and embraced death.

With this, the Battle of Knights of Favonius and Yuuya finally came to an end.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
