An Ambush at the Shallow Sea Bay

The sky lit up dimly. Gu Bei heard the door open with a "Clang".

Gu Bei, Gu Xi, and Qi Yi all woke up in a daze from the light that had entered the dark room.

Lin Tian held a long rope in his hand and walked straight toward the three of them.

As Lin Tian walked over, he threw one of the ropes to Qi Yi who was beside him and said to her, "Hurry up and tie up these two children. Afterward, send them to the shallow sea bay."

Qi Yi hesitated, and Lin Tian glared at her. Qi Yi was so scared that she didn't dare to say anything. She quickly took the rope and tied Gu Bei up.

Gu Bei didn't resist. Instead, he was very obedient and allowed Qi Yi to tie him up.

Compared to Gu Bei, Gu Xi was more difficult to deal with. She had been struggling with all her might. If it wasn't for the fact that Gu Xi's face looked similar to Su Luo's, Lin Tian would have slapped her in the face.