Pinky Swear

When Su Luo made the call, Gu Zhan was still in Gu Bei and Gu Xi's small study room helping them pack up the things they needed for school the next day.

At this moment, he had already brought his two children out to wash up.

Seeing that Su Luo had finished her call, Gu Xi ran over and hugged Su Luo. She asked, "Mom, are we going to Grandma and Grandpa's house tomorrow to visit them?"

Su Luo hugged her daughter and kissed her face. She smiled and said, "Yes! After school tomorrow, we'll go visit Grandma and Grandpa."

Gu Bei also came over and hugged Su Luo's thigh. He asked Su Luo, "Then, Mom, can you and Daddy come to the school to pick us up tomorrow?"

Gu Xi also looked at Su Luo and said, "Yes! Mom, can you come to the school gate with Daddy to pick us up? The other kids' Daddy and Mommy always come to pick them up."