The Tense Moment

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became lively, with shouts and cheers mixed together.

Meanwhile, Gu Qingchen found a seat with a good view and sat down.

Xu Tianyi was very fast and agile. His fists seemed to have eyes. Every time he made a move, he would stare at Luo Yu's face.

It was as if he wouldn't stop until Luo Yu's face turned into a pig's head.

Luo Yu wasn't bad either. From his steady steps and his calm demeanor when facing attacks, it could be seen that Luo Yu wasn't a pushover.

One of them was attacking while the other was defending. Although Luo Yu seemed to be at a disadvantage, Gu Qingchen thought that he was just looking for an opportunity to defeat his opponent in one move.

Hehe, this one-on-one fight was really interesting to watch.