Ear-to-ear Intimacy (5)

All of this was to get rid of Rong Yu without anyone knowing!

Once Rong Yu died, Rong Qingtian could find out about Jiang Yi and Jiang Zhong. He could find out that Rong Cheng had drugged the wine, but he would not know that Rong Rui was the mastermind!

Thinking of this, Gu Qingchen could not help but feel a chill down her spine!

This was a brilliant trap!

The person who set the trap was too vicious. If it were not for her ability to read minds coupled with Rong Yu's wisdom, she might not have known who was behind the plot to harm them.

Gu Qingchen was silent for a long time before she spoke again, "Why are you so tolerant of Rong Rui's attack on you?"

This did not seem like Rong Yu's personality. In Gu Qingchen's eyes, Rong Yu was definitely a good person on the surface, but deep down, she knew that he was a cold-blooded and merciless person. How could he let Rong Rui jump around in front of him for so long?