Do You Want Me to Bath You? (9)

Gu Qingchen had seen such a person before. Ever since Doctor Hua retired, she had encountered such a situation several times.

It was because she had seen such a person before that Gu Qingchen was not so worried.

"I've said that my master has retired and no longer receives patients. Even if you wait here, the result will still be the same. Uncle Liu, if they are willing to wait here, just let them wait. You can go and do your thing."

The Hundred Herb Hall was open for business, and they could not lose their sense of propriety just because of these few people.

"Yes, Doctor Gu!" Old Liu was very obedient. Now that the Hundred Herb Hall belonged to Gu Qingchen, naturally, he had to listen to Gu Qingchen.

"You! How dare you treat our Deng family members in such an attitude? Are you tired of living! You don't know your place!" The girl was furious.