Chapter 518, Shocking News (8)

Rong Rui was very powerful. Although Gu Qingchen had not completely understood him, Rong Rui should not have such skills.

If it was not Rong Rui, then... who could it be?

For a moment, Gu Qingchen was a little confused.

All along, Gu Qingchen had been very confident in controlling the overall situation.

But now that such a mysterious person had suddenly appeared, Gu Qingchen was a little surprised.

Things... did not seem to be as smooth as she had thought.

At least this mysterious person was a variable.

After thinking for a moment, the green bird began to slowly recount what he had encountered previously.

“According to Master’s instructions, I followed those people along the way. I was very careful along the way, so they could not have discovered my whereabouts. But when I was halfway there, the injured man suddenly fell down. His companion took a look and found that the man was actually dead.”