Chapter 6: Slap in the Face

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The girls were scared beyond measure, their faces pale, nodding fervently in agreement.

Caroline Edwin raised an eyebrow, pulled down her hat brim, and left the gloomy alley.

She had already issued her warning. Whether these girls would be affected or not, depended entirely on whether they would behave themselves, and genuinely start doing good deeds.

After Caroline Edwin left, the girls helped each other to their feet, and one by one, they skittishly left the scene.


Ola Lucius lingered in the alley for a long time, her breathing becoming more and more difficult, her mind filled with the image of her sister.

"Who allowed you to be so obedient and well-behaved, so loved by Mom and Dad? You being abandoned is entirely because you stole what belonged to me!" She wrapped her arms around herself, gasping for breath, her face twisted with rage.

Ola Lucius staggered out of the alley in a daze.

Her head was down, and she didn't notice the red stoplight in front of her!

Honk honk honk——

The frantic sound of a car horn rang out.

Looking up, she was faced with the glaring turn signal light of a car.

Her brain froze, her feet felt as if they were chained down, unable to move.


The car sped towards her, ploughing directly into her body.

She was launched into the air with the force of the impact, only to fall down heavily a few seconds later.

The driver of the car was unable to brake in time, vainly swerving and crashing into the wall of a convenience store.

The pedestrians on the street started screaming.

"Ah, someone is dead!"

"Quick, quick, somebody call 911, we need an ambulance."

"Tragic, the woman who got hit was so young. To die at such a young age, how pitiful."

After a brief period of panic, people started crowding around. Some were worried, some were anxious, while some took out their phones to film the scene and post videos on their Facebook Wall.

A child standing in the crowd looked lost. "Mommy, what happened to that lady?"

"Sweetheart, that lady has gone far away. Remember, never cross the road like she did. Not waiting for the green light is against traffic rules."

The young woman quickly covered her child's eyes, hugged him, and hurried away, worried that the child might have nightmares after witnessing such a scene.


Orangeheart Community, No.3 rented apartment.

When Caroline Edwin got home, she took a shower and put on a white bathrobe. Under the lamplight, her skin was almost dazzlingly white.

Her hair was wet, dripping water down her cheeks.

Wiping her hair casually, she sat on the sofa and opened up Twitter.

The feed was in chaos due to the scandal exposed by the celebrity paparazzo.

Sulin's post read:[Doing my teeth in the emergency room, Morrison is really tricky! Attached photo.jpg]

Anna Morrison's medical records were not blurred at all, the important parts were even highlighted.

After brewing for a single afternoon, this news was now trending on social media, ranking at the number one position.

Netizens were absolutely shocked, and many online fans turned against Anna, attacking her with their words.

[Haha, I'm dying of laughter. If it weren't for the exposure, were you planning to keep this from everyone?]

[Damn, I stood up for Anna Morrison and shamed Caroline Edwin before, now my face is all swollen from the self-inflicted slap, I need to be more careful while spilling the tea.]

[I think Caroline has been blamed unjustly, poor girl, I feel sorry for her now.]

[The one upstairs, shut your mouth! No matter what, that bitch Caroline wrecking her friend's relationship and playing the third party can never be justified!]

[Molly Martin, weren't you supposed to be anxiously waiting outside the emergency room? Are you worried your best friend's teeth will be ruined? @MollyMartin]



Caroline Edwin crossed her legs, her peekhole eyes slightly raised, an expression of nonchalance and coldness on her face.

She exited Twitter, clicked on her messages, and sent a text to Stitch Smith.

Caroline Edwin: [Well done.]

Stitch Smith: [Thanks for the compliment, boss. This leak was quite profitable, I made a whopping three million!]

Caroline Edwin: [Good boy, use it to buy some candy. Pat on the head.jpg]

Her phone began to ring.

Upon answering, she heard her manager's excited voice, "Carrie sweetheart, this paparazzi did an amazing job this time, I'm so happy."

Rex Leanne was lying on the sofa, doing a face mask. Her eyes were bloodshot.

Finally, the scheming little bitch Anna Morrison had her car crash moment. She deserved it.

"You will be even happier afterward, save some of your energy, you'll need it for all the laughing you'll be doing." Caroline Edwin smiled, her eyes flashing dangerously, radiating an aura of nonchalance.


Longevity Hospital.

Director's office.

Blake Fuller removed his glasses, his deep eyes filled with a cold light.

Closing Twitter and putting his phone aside, he swiveled his chair around. "The doctor who was bribed privately, fire him."

On the kind of terms Anna Morrison was in, how could she have been admitted to Longevity without pulling some strings, let alone have such a comical event as having her teeth fixed in the emergency room?

While savoring the tea, Claud Stuart put his phone away, stood up and stretched. "Sure thing, I'll get right on it."

Daring to let people stay in Longevity privately? That's bold. A doctor fired from Longevity would also mean the end of their career.

After Claud Stuart left.

Blake Fuller rested one hand on the arm of his chair, the other holding his phone, which displayed Caroline's picture.

His well-defined fingers gently stroked the image, his eyes revealing an indiscernible look.