Chapter 20: Seeking Mercy from the Director

Su Lin's fatal blow left Jim Oliver in tatters.

He entrapped a female celebrity, slandered her for sleeping her way to the top, and in a short time, his reputation plummeted.

Jim tried to contact Su Lin multiple times, wanting to bribe him to delete his Twitter posts, but Su Lin steadfastly held on to his professional ethics and refused.

Heyday Mansion.

In his room, the young man changed out of his blue school uniform into a white tracksuit. He petted his golden retriever while scrolling through his phone.

When he came across the statement issued by Star Universe Entertainment, the childish yet devilishly attractive face darkened.

"F*ck this sh*t!"

Was Caroline Edwin dumb or what? She was tormented like this but still didn't return home.

He swept everything on the table to the floor, making a series of crashing sounds.

The golden retriever was frightened and howled, clamping its jaws on Joan Edwin's pant leg, "Woof woof woof, woof woof woof..."