Chapter 84: Overthinking Can Lead to Hair Loss

They left the inner area.

Caroline Edwin walked towards the lounge.

Pushing open the door, she saw Rex Leanne sitting on the sofa, holding a mobile phone and watching the live stream replay.

He didn't know what he saw, but he was laughing with his mouth wide open, in a delightful mood.

But the next second, his face darkened and he grumbled, "Well, that pretty boy's scheme is well played. Not much ability, but he dreams big."

Caroline's eyebrows lifted slightly, probably knowing who he was scolding. She didn't bother him, and went to sit down at one side.

Upon hearing the door opening, Rex Leanne stood up, put away his irritated mood, and proudly reported his achievements.

"Carol, I've booked the hotel, and I've already had someone send the package."

There was a hint of excitement in the man's voice, like a child who'd gotten good grades and wanted praise.

"Hmm, good."

Caroline nodded, picking up a bottle of unopened mineral water from the table.