Chapter 290: Bethune Would Be Useless Even If Alive

The guests and medical staff walked down the mountain, each person carrying a basket on their back. Sweat kept streaming down their foreheads and they were utterly exhausted.

By the time they reached the bottom, it was already late, but at least the flat ground was a relief to walk on.

At this moment, they saw a middle-aged man dressed in simple attire, emitting a palpable aura of despondency.

His face was sallow, his eyes devoid of any yearning for life, and his whole appearance suggested that he might well be on the verge of dying.

His footsteps were unsteady, and he was visibly reeking of alcohol.

Molly Martin revealed a trace of disdain in her eyes as he walked past, but it vanished nearly without a trace, escaping the camera's detection.

Dr. Smith couldn't bear to see him suffer, and called out to the man, "Please wait a moment."

He walked over and put his hand on the man's wrist.