Chapter 327: Witness of Labor

Caroline Edwin returned to the paddy field, where three-quarters of the seedlings had already been planted. It wouldn't take long to finish planting this field.

Seeing her return, the others greeted her and continued to work without having the time or energy to chat.

"How is the person?"

Ernie Daniel exuded a rugged manliness, somewhat like an ordinary farmer.

That is, if you ignore the overwhelming evil mana surrounding him when he's angry, which is an aura only those in high positions can have.

"She's fine."

Caroline picked up a handful of seedlings, bent down, and planted them in her row.

Although she was behind the others, Caroline worked efficiently and soon caught up.

Uncle Gus nodded continuously, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

The sun was high in the sky, and the scorching heat intensified.