Chapter 359: Famous Actress Abandons Foster Parents

Old Mr. Thomson's eyes were sharp as he said, "I need to call the butler right away to prepare a big meal to welcome our Alison home."

His granddaughter was coming home to inherit the family business!

He walked to a corner, excitedly took out his phone to call the butler, his face full of joy as if he'd just won a huge lottery prize.

Frey Thomson looked at Caroline Edwin, "Master, from now on, whenever you need help, just call me. I may not be able to move heaven and earth, but I can still handle some small matters."

Master had done such a big favor for the Thomson family; even kneeling down and kowtowing in thanks wouldn't be too much.

Caroline Edwin nodded, "If I need help, I will ask Mr. Thomson."

Hearing her words, Alison Morrison raised the corner of her mouth with a teasing smile, "But I'm afraid that asking for help will be far off in the future, that it will be hard to wait for."