Chapter 374: Do I Look Like a Moron?

Hearing his wife's words, Gordon Edwin's gaze fell on the high ice species green jadeite in Joan Edwin's hand, which had the finest quality.

Carol had given the kid three pieces, but none to him.

There was a hint of shadow in Gordon's eyes, and he spoke understandingly, "This thing is a bit precious, I'm afraid you might lose it."

"How about this, you give it to me for safekeeping, and I'll have someone make it into a jade pendant for you."

Joan didn't let himself be bewitched.

He pocketed the three jade stones, stood up from the sofa, and looked up with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

He pointed at his handsome and oppressive face, his tone unfriendly, "Do I look like an idiot? An imbecile? Easy to deceive?"

Safekeeping for him? That was the biggest lie Sir had ever told. Safekeeping turned into lost over time.

Without waiting for the unhappy Gordon, he strode upstairs, as if he was afraid of wolves and tigers chasing behind him.