Chapter 388: Late Night Rescue

Late at night, at the upscale Heyday complex.

Caroline Edwin who had not watched any news online, was fast asleep when a ringing phone woke her up.

She opened her eyes, reached for the phone on the bedside table, seeing the caller's ID on the screen.

Upon recognizing the caller was Jean Norris, she rolled off the bed and swiped the screen to answer.

As soon as she picked it up, a heart-wrenching cry came through the handset from the other end.

"Master, Master, please help, if you don't come now, I might not live past tonight."

"I...I can't deal with what's happening here, my spells are no match for them."

Jean Norris was trembling slightly as he held the phone, looking at the entities that were relentlessly battering the shield he had erected. His legs felt weak from fear.

Initially, he thought he could make a fortune without lifting a finger, but who would have expected such entities to appear?

There's no such thing as a free lunch: a fact he now fully understood.