Chapter 406: Does "Other People" Include You?



With a soft click, the door was shut and locked from within.

Hearing the sound, Caroline Edwin stopped in her tracks, leaning languidly against the sink.

She looked at the man in front of her, a wild mischief twinkled in her eyes. An inscrutable chuckle surfaced in her throat.

He was dressed in a simple white shirt, black trousers, each button of his shirt neatly fastened, oozing an astounding air of restraint.

"So, it's Director Fuller. I thought it was some stalker or pervert," her voice dripped with mirth, her eyes sparkled with wildness and abandon as she spoke in her blue retro velvet dress.

Blake Fuller idly traced his fingers, feeling a thin layer of callus on them. He parroted her words, "Oh? A stalker, a pervert?"

His voice was low and magnetic, layered with a seductive quality. He was impeccably dressed, his gold-rimmed glasses complimenting his scholarly appearance.