Chapter 434: No need, too expensive (Added)

They got on the train after checking their tickets.

The three of them had seats in the same row.

As soon as Caroline got on the train, she took out her phone, plugged in the charger and headphones, and started playing Happy Match.

Jolene Kin didn't sleep well last night and dozed off with her eyes closed in her seat. She would occasionally open her eyes to look at Kyle Harriman, worried that he might disappear.

This little mite must be taking the high-speed train for the first time, and it was the first time he had encountered so many people since his death.

There were many children on the train, and he would float up to them to greet them and then babble about his thoughts.

The difference between his pure and innocent smile on his white face and his terrifying appearance last night was quite significant.
