Chapter 493: People Have Only One Face, So Don't Lose It Too Often

Upon opening WhatsApp, a video of a slightly overweight and haggard woman continuously weeping came into view. She was recounting Caroline Edwin's deeds in front of the camera, her voice so distressing it broke your heart.

"I... I am truly grateful that Miss Edwin saved my son, but I can't understand why they turned around and had the police take our entire family away."

"My son is still so young, how could he possibly be the arsonist given his usual kind-hearted nature?"

"Is it right to determine a perpetrator without distinguishing between right and wrong?"

"Because my son was suspected by Miss Edwin of being the arsonist, my husband blamed me for not educating our child properly, and in anger, he mentioned divorce."

"Miss Edwin... do you know that your casual suspicion, reporting to the police without any evidence, has shattered my family, led my marriage to unfortunate loss and unbearable sorrow..."