Chapter 508: I Want to See How You'll Be Impolite

Caroline Edwin walked into the alley, seeing seven or eight shabby-looking, colorfully haired shady men gathered around a young girl.

She leaned against the cold wall, shaking her right leg nonchalantly.

Her fingers loosened, her eyes expressing calm indifference, as if she were observing someone about to die.

"Huh, they seem to be enjoying themselves."

Recalling what these people were just saying, she chuckled disdainfully.

The group didn't pay Caroline any mind, their moods worsened by the interruption. They glared viciously at her.

"You can't just butt into this sort of thing, so you'd better beat it before we lose our patience!"

One man, wearing a colorful shirt, raised his phone flashlight and shone it towards Caroline.

Seeing her clean face devoid of makeup, they exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming viciously and vulgarly.