Chapter 640: Family Will Always Be Your Support

The two of them approached Caroline Edwin.

Dressed in the police's black raincoat, their faces drenched with rain, and their forelocks were also wet.

Both hurriedly strode, neither willing to lag behind, both utterly unconcerned about getting their shoes and pants wet from stepping in puddles.

"Little brother, you've worked hard."

Caroline Edwin looked at the young man in front of her. She appreciated how he let go of his habitual defiance and bravely stepped forward to look for her during this crisis.

Joan Edwin raised his chin, "Knowing that makes it worth it. Looking for you in the rain was indeed hard, I almost tripped several times in the rough mountain woods."

So... can you take care of yourself next time? Don't put yourself in danger and make everyone worry?

During his disappearance, the atmosphere at home was consistently gloomy, even his grandfather, who always complained about him, couldn't sleep from worry.

"Carol, I'm glad you're safe."