Chapter 643: Listen, Don't Wander Around Randomly

The next day.

The dawn breaks, the weather is clear, and the warm rays of the rising sun shine upon the world.

Autumn has arrived, and the leaves of some trees have begun to slowly wither, while people on the streets are wearing long sleeves and pants.

Caroline Edwin wears a black long shirt, with a pair of simple jeans with slightly slit cuffs, tied with a black belt, and steps in a pair of gray daddy shoes.

Wearing a hat, she picks up her cellphone and heads to the Azure Police Station under the escort of a driver.

As it is work hours, a group of criminals was detained last night, making the police station busy in the early morning.

People around are coming and going, each performing their duties, and in every interrogation room, police officers are severely interrogating the human traffickers from Lotus Village.

Wilder Pauly comes out of his office, chats with her for a while, and then hurries to interrogate the sinful Mr. Jeroen.