Chapter 651: Collective Presentation of Banners

Both of them went to the cafeteria.

Some police officers were already in line.

The people at Azure Police seemed to be very familiar with and respectful towards Director Fuller, and some of them actively made way for both of them to cut in line.

Blake Fuller and Caroline Edwin declined one by one, and both of them queued up behind the queue at the second window.

Among the group of police officers, only the two of them were not wearing uniforms, making them particularly conspicuous and eye-catching, attracting frequent glances from the surrounding people.

The two of them remained calm as they received scrutiny from all directions.

After queuing for a while, it was their turn, and the cafeteria lady served them food without trembling hands, with a generous portion and good variety of dishes.

Picking up a tray and placing a bowl of soup on the empty spot, Blake Fuller swiped his cafeteria card and found an empty seat to sit down.