Chapter 654: Trending

A stack of homework was piled up on the table in the living room, and a teenage boy wearing pajamas held a black ballpoint pen and wrote fervently.

The light was good, the dim light from outside streamed through the window and generously bathed the boy.

The serious teenager doing his homework had an air of calmness, and the defiance in his eyebrows and eyes was much more restrained.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was evening. The sky outside darkened, and the temperature was dropping.

"Damn, I've finally finished one book!"

Joan Edwin put down the ballpoint pen, stood up and rubbed his numb legs, feeling a wave of hunger from his stomach.

He cleared up his homework on the table and walked to the kitchen to see Aunt Minnie had already prepared dinner and kept it warm in the microwave.

Thinking of Caroline Edwin who hadn't come down since going upstairs, his hand stopped while picking up a bowl and chopsticks, "Does that idiot not know it's time for dinner?"