Chapter 750: Wire Tower Fracture

The wire tower was cracked, and the iron chains in the air were shaking, creating a powerful oppressive feeling that pressured everyone's heart.

The scene was chaotic, people were crowding and shoving each other, and some people had not yet evacuated from under the tower.

Seeing this, Caroline Edwin's slender eyebrows furrowed.

Her figure swiftly moved like lightning through the crowd, weaving in and out, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared beside an old actor who hadn't run away yet.

She grabbed their hand and pulled Abigail Julius back to a safe distance.

At the moment they moved away, more and more cracks appeared densely on the wire tower.

"Rumble rumble——rumble——"

With a thunderous roar, the wire tower completely broke, and steel pipes and steel bars fell to the ground, steel wires from the air also fell, stirring up dust.

Fearful screams filled the air, mixed with various sounds, even the air was filled with tension and unrest.