Chapter 782: You Are Not Worthy to Oppress My Disciple

Warmth flows through the limbs and heals the damaged body, relieving the tension in one's nerves.

Healing is complete.

Linda Calvin gazes at Dylan Grant's dust and blood-stained clothes, with a complicated expression flashing in her eyes, a heavy feeling filling her chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Can it really be Leonard Frederick?

Would Leonard allow himself to be humiliated like this?

She closes her eyes, shakes off the thoughts in her mind, suppresses the pain spreading in her heart, and takes out two books on basic sword law and Mana Circulation, tossing them to Dylan Grant.

"Memorize the contents of these books. As for where you're staying, it's in a side hall. You'll be provided with three meals a day and do not need to worry about it," she said.

"Yes, Master."

He carefully touches the unblemished and well-preserved books, his eyes brimming with fanaticism.