Chapter 794: Always Shallow Fate, Yet Deeply In Love

Samuel Quentin V:[Holding your hand and growing old together, how fortunate I am to embrace you. [picture]]

He attached a nine-grid photo to his post, showcasing the handsome couple. Every shot was carefully chosen, showing off their stunning beauty and flawless skin.

In the pictures, the couple wore traditional Chinese red wedding attire. Emily Well looked at him with affectionate eyes, smiling, joy overflowing on the surface.

These pictures fueled the passionate fans to make even more noise.

Countless people announced their withdrawal from the fandom, and Samuel Quentin's Twitter followers dropped by a million in half an hour, with the number continuing to decline.

The public relations staff at the company urgently contacted Samuel Quentin, hoping he could post a clarification, but they were brutally hung up on before they finished speaking.

On Twitter, fans argued and wrangled, disrupting the endorsement and commercial cooperation.