
After leaving the hospital, Lu Jinqi returned to the Song family's home and took out all her documents.

Then, she went back to the bookstore where the past Lu Jinqi used to work in. She casually flipped through the documents on the table with one hand and occasionally picked out a small cake to eat with the other.

A gentle light fell on her body, giving her a sense of gentleness.

There were not many people in the bookstore, so Lu Jinqi's appearance had attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, look, that young lady is so pretty," the girl said in a low voice. She tugged at her companion's sleeve and pointed excitedly.

The girl beside her was reading when her best friend tugged at her sleeve. Her expression turned ugly as she looked at Lu Jinqi's figure.

What greeted her eyes was Lu Jinqi's beautiful glow.

Everyone had a heart for beauty. Seeing her face, the girl's ugly face was filled with excitement. "Is such a pretty young lady real?"

The two girls completely forgot why they were here and watched as Lu Jinqi continued to do what she was doing.

At that moment, a Weibo user with the ID Sweet Tomato posted a video, and the main focus in the video was Lu Jinqi.

[Sweet Tomato: Look at the treasure I found today.]

Sweet Tomato was a famous blogger with one million fans. The moment he posted on Weibo, many people immediately commented on it.

[Did the blogger say the treasure was the bookstore or the beautiful young lady?]

[I bet 50 cents that it would be the young lady.]

[I don't care about either, I want to eat that little cake.]

[Woah, how can the young lady look so good when she eats?]

[Why is it that every time I eat, it's a terrible sight.]

[Sweet Tomato, you've changed. You have to know that you're already a mature blogger, so I'll give you one minute to reply. I want to know all the information about the young lady!]

[Haha, the comment above is making me die of laughter.]

Of course, for people to like this video, there would obviously be people who would dislike it. Not long after, a group of weird comments appeared.

[Looking at her, she must have undergone plastic surgery.]

[That's right, she's a plastic surgery doll.]

[A good self-media blogger actually became a h*rny dog. Disgusting. Unsubscribed.]

Seeing those comments, Sweet Tomato was so angry that he laughed out of spite. He immediately retorted those comments on the spot.

[You only think other girls have plastic surgery because you're ugly, so why don't you blame your mom on your looks instead? And those who said they wanted to unsubscribe, thank you. You know where the exits are.]

When his Weibo post was posted, everyone liked it. The comments were all the same, and it turned into a funny outcome.

Meanwhile, the main character, who was the center of the conversation, was currently receiving love and care from the store manager

"Jinqi, I'm telling you, you can't do this anymore.

"This time, you're lucky you survived. What about next time?

"You won't be so lucky every time this happens. If this gets too far, you can go to the police..."

Ai Qing spoke earnestly, she looked at Lu Jinqi with a broken heart.

Lu Jinqi's hand that was flipping through the book paused. The voice beside her continued, showing no signs of stopping.

Did she forget that this was a bookstore? She had to be quiet. Right now, the entire store rang with her voice.

Ai Qing saw that Lu Jinqi did not say a single word despite her saying so much. She did not even look at her. Her curiosity could not help but be piqued as to what book she was reading, so much so to be ignored by her.

She reached out to pick up the book. When she saw the words The Cultivation of Scum, the corner of her mouth twitched.

How could her bookstore have such a weird book? Was this to teach bad children? 

No, she decided that she should confiscate it.

Lu Jinqi sat on the chair calmly as she watched Ai Qing take the book away. She saw every expression on her face, and a hint of a smile flashed across her eyes.


Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Ai Qing interrupted her. "How can a child read this?" Seeing Lu Jinqi's innocent gaze, she instantly felt even more guilty. "Hey, were you even listening to me just now?"

This change of topic was indeed a little awkward. However, Lu Jinqi did not expose her. She just nodded to show that she listened.

"You sure you remember? Then tell me what I said just now," Ai Qing replied in disbelief.

"A child can't read this," Lu Jinqi glanced at the book. Her meaning was self-evident.

Seeing the smile on Lu Jinqi's face, how could Ai Qing not know that she was doing it on purpose? She raised her hand and ruffled Lu Jinqi's hair in annoyance. Only when her hair was tangled and messy did she let go.

With a head full of tangled hair, Lu Jinqi only blinked as a reply. She was extremely obedient.

Seeing this, Ai Qing felt that she had gone a little overboard. She started to blame herself for her actions. How could she do this to such an obedient child?

The two girls who witnessed this scene were so excited that their faces turned red. "She's so obedient, just like a cat."

"Right, look at that hair, I really want to untangle it with a comb for her."

Hearing this, Ai Qing looked at Lu Jinqi's hair and felt a little restless.

It felt really good to do that.

Lu Jinqi had just tidied up her hair when she heard this. She raised her head and met Ai Qing's eyes.

Ai Qing averted her gaze and smiled unnaturally. "Jinqi, do you still want to eat the cake?"

Seeing her like this, Lu Jinqi looked at the half-eaten cake on the table and nodded.


After getting the answer she wanted, Ai Qing turned around and left without hesitation.

She looked like she was running away in a panicked state.

Lu Jinqi took her phone and slowly followed behind her, her eyes full of smiles.

When Ai Qing came to the bar counter, she patted her chest. After she calmed down, she took a piece of cake and prepared to leave. However, when she turned around, she saw Lu Jinqi standing there. She was so shocked that the cake in her hand almost fell off.

Fortunately, Lu Jinqi reached out to steady the manager. She took the cake with her slender hand and took a bite. "Thank you, Qing."

"Ah, it's good that you like it," Ai Qing whispered with a red face.

The way Jinqi ate was a little alluring.

Lu Jinqi did not understand why her manager's face had turned red, but she did not plan to ask.

"Qing, I won't be coming back in the future."

Lu Jinqi was grateful to Ai Qing. After all, she was the only person who gave warmth and care to who Lu Jinqi used to be, so Lu Jinqi did not treat her coldly.

When she suddenly heard this, Ai Qing was stunned. She looked at her silently, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere instantly became awkward. Lu Jinqi was someone who did not like to engage in conversations, so when there was no reply, she turned around to leave.

However, after a while, Ai Qing's voice came from behind. It was a little soft, and if one was not paying attention, they might not have heard her.


Lu Jinqi did not turn back. She pushed the door open and saw that it had started to rain heavily outside. Just like that, she walked into the rain.

Ai Qing stood there. When Lu Jinqi turned around, the manager heard what she said before she left. "I have to do what I have to do."

She was not st*pid. Ever since Lu Jinqi came to the shop today, she had felt the change in her. In the past, she had been gentle like water, but now, she felt distant, like a brewing storm.

She understood that the gentle girl was at death's door yesterday, knocking. Thinking about the change now, Ai Qing smiled. That was considered a good change, right?

However, when she smiled, tears started to fall. It should not have been like this.

When the customers in the bookstore saw the manager laughing and crying at the same time, they were a little worried.

"Yo, Qing, you alright?" The customer who spoke was also a regular at the bookstore.

"I'm fine. I'm just very happy right now." Ai Qing wiped her tears. Her tone could not hide her happiness.

"Okay, it's good that you're alright."