Was That the Main Point?

"Little Cheng is here," The sharp-eyed student shouted when he saw the figure making their way to the door.

Cheng Xin glanced at him and placed the test papers on the podium. She smiled and said, "We have a new student in our class today. Everyone, please welcome her well."

She looked at the entrance and clapped.

Lu Jinqi turned off her phone and slowly made her way inside.

When they one saw the girl's appearance, everyone sucked in a deep breath. The class turned silent.

The girl's face was incomparably exquisite. The ends of her eyes were raised, carrying a trace of wickedness and arrogance.

"I'm Lu Jinqi."

She introduced herself succinctly without any further introduction.

The classroom was so quiet that even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

Cheng Xin's lips twitched from the silence. This new classmate was really fresh and refined. She had never seen anyone introduce themselves like this before.

She looked at the last seat in the class and pointed to it.

"You can sit next to Xiao Yao first. I'll readjust the seatings later."

Xiao Yao came back to his senses and looked at the girl who was walking towards him with a dumbfounded expression.

Lu Jinqi definitely had the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Although, every rose has its thorns. Looking at her now, it was as expected.

She wore a shirt and had a tie around her neck. Perhaps she felt uncomfortable, so she raised her hand and tugged at it. The other hand was in her trouser pocket. She looked casual and seductive at the same time.

This was the first time that everyone had the same thoughts — the girl wearing a tie looked very handsome. Some of the girls even blushed when they looked at Lu Jinqi.

Lu Jinqi put her things on the table and sat with her legs crossed. Then, she began to play the games on her phone. Following that, gunshot sounds could be heard in the classroom.

Everyone looked at each other. This newcomer seemed to be very arrogant.

Xiao Yao turned his head and saw the girl skillfully manipulating the character in the game. She held a K98 and shot the person on the opposite slope in the head.

He could not help but silently exclaim to himself, 'Cool.'

When the little fatty saw him look at her, tears of sadness welled up in his heart. 'You were annoyed at me for waking you up, but now, you're staring at someone else with heart eyes.'

On the podium, Cheng Xin clapped her hands to garner everyone's attention to sit properly. Then, she handed out the test papers.

"Today, we'll have a small test."

As she finished her sentence, a wave of wails sounded.

"Be quiet, just do the test." Cheng Xin's voice was not loud, but it was stern enough for everyone to stop complaining.

The moment she received the test paper, Lu Jinqi barely glanced at the content inside. The next second, she immediately fell asleep on the table.

Xiao Yao watched her and shook his head. He then lowered his head to take a look at the test paper. Thinking of his terrible results from last time, he accepted his fate and picked up a pen to write down his name.

Everyone was given a break after the test. 

After class, everyone's eyes fell on the girl behind Xiao Yao. Everyone knew that this girl had fallen asleep during the exam.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, "Look, the school forum is active."

Everyone took out their phones and took a look. A post with the title mentioning that the school belle was about to change was filled with comments. When they clicked on it, they found out that someone had posted Lu Jinqi's photo on the forum. Now, the whole school knew that a transfer student had arrived.

The person who posted a photo of Lu Jinqi left a caption.

[I heard that there's a transfer student in grade 12 today, so I was curious and wandered around the school. In the end, I saw who it was. The moment I saw Miss Qi, I fell in love. I'm sharing a photo of her for everyone to see.]

In the photo, the girl was wearing a white shirt. She had one hand in her pocket, one leg against the wall, and her eyes were focused on her phone.

There was a casual smile on the corner of her mouth, showing her laziness and unruliness.

Other students quickly commented below the photo.

[I didn't believe it when I read the title, but now I believe it.]

[You're not alone in this bro. I thought the person who posted it was exaggerating, but I didn't expect to get slapped with her beauty.]

[What class is she in? If anyone finds out, please let me know.]

[To be honest, she is much prettier than Song Yayin. Speaking of which, Song Yayin's looks aren't bad, but how did she become the school beauty?]

[Hey, how dare you question her beauty? You better watch your back, her suitors might come get you.]

The people in Class One who saw the post secretly sneaked a glance at Song Yayin. They felt that the people who commented were not wrong. The newcomer was indeed beautiful.

"What nonsense are these people talking about?" Zhu Lanzhi stared at the phone screen with flames in her eyes. Her jealousy could obviously be seen through her expression.

Song Yayin raised her hand and pushed her hair back, revealing the side of her face. She then asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Lanzhi hid her phone behind her back, avoiding her gaze. "Nothing."

Yayin's body has not fully recovered. Seeing this post would definitely make her sad. Therefore, Zhu Lanzhi decided that it was better for her to not know.

Observing her friend act like this, Song Yayin knew that something was wrong. She opened her phone and saw the link to the post from someone in the group. When she clicked on it, she saw Lu Jinqi's face and pushed the phone further away from her.

How could this be? How did she transfer schools? Was she not supposed to be from Defeng High School?

Zhu Lanzhi stood there and saw Song Yayin's complicated expression. Her heart skipped a beat. It was over for her.

"Yayin, all they do is talk nonsense. That girl looks like she's had plastic surgery. I don't believe that anyone could be born like that."

Song Yayin did not reply. She was the only one who knew that Lu Jinqi's face was pure and natural. After all, it was a face that had made her jealous countless times.

"Yayin, Yayin…" When Zhu Lanzhi saw that she did not react, she raised her voice by a few degrees to get Song Yayin's attention.

Pulling her thoughts back, Song Yayin smiled. "Lanzhi, don't say such a thing. Jinqi isn't like that."

"You know her?"

Song Yayin was silent for a moment. She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice laced with worry, "Jinqi is an orphan. We grew up together, and we have a pretty good relationship. It's just that Jinqi used to study in Defeng, so I don't know why she suddenly transferred to our school."

"Shouldn't you have known?"

"Maybe she's still angry with me. It's only right that she chose not to tell me." Song Yayin's eyes reddened slightly as she forced a smile.

Zhu Lanzi immediately sympathized with Sony Yayin.

Lu Jinqi was just an orphan. She should have been grateful that the Song family sponsored her to study in Defeng. Now, she has used some unknown method to enter the Minsong High School.

Only Yayin could be this kind and treated her as one of their own. In her eyes, Song Yayin was seen as a saint because they grew up together. However, to put it bluntly, Lu Jinqi was just a servant raised by the Song family. How dare she revel against her master.

"Yinyin, you're too kind. Maybe she was the one who directed and acted out this post," Zhu Lanzhi said, feeling more and more convinced that Yayin was on the short end of the stick. "I won't let her get away with it."

Song Yayin's eyebrows moved slightly, and a bright light flashed in her eyes. She looked nervous. "Lanzhi, what're you planning on doing?"

Zhu Lanzhi grinned and ran out after quickly saying, "Don't worry about it. Since she wants to be famous, I'll give her a helping hand in that."

Looking at Zhu Lanzhi's back as she left, Song Yayin's mood lifted as she scrolled through Weibo as she thought to herself..

'Lanzhi, don't disappoint me, okay?'

In Class Six, the little fatty looked at the photo and leaned over. "Yao, why do I feel like your position as the school bully is about to be lost?"

Xiao Yao gave him a cold glance. 

"Why ask? Want a beating?"

"I'm just joking, I'm joking."

Seeing him like this, Xiao Yao snickered and poked the person sleeping beside him.

Being woken up by someone, Lu Jinqi's expression became even more perverse. She turned her head and looked over, "What's up."

"Deskmate, you've become popular." As he spoke, he handed his phone over and gestured for her to take a look.

Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows and took the phone. She flipped through the post and said, "That's a good photo."

Xiao Yao was stunned. That was not the main point.