How Could I Take Advantage of This?

"Why are you doing this? Look at what you've done. Hurry up and go home." Xie Lingchuan glared at her and threw the documents in front of her.

Xie Shuyao pursed her lips and said disapprovingly, "Everyone has a responsibility to deal with sc*m. I'm not going back."

"If that's the case, I guess we'll have to wait for Master Jing."

Sure enough, Xie Shuyao's face froze when she heard this. She looked at Xie Lingchuan in disbelief.

"Are you sure you're my biological brother?"

Xie Lingchuan patted her head and said slowly, "Maybe we can go for another biological test to find out."

Ever since they were young, these words were practically his catchphrase. Once, she actually went for a biological test to find out. It made him so angry that he wanted to sever all ties with her.

Qi Ye saw the two of them like this and could not help but sigh. "The two of you are at it again."

"We have no choice. She is only afraid of Master Jing." Xie Lingchuan's words were right. After all, they had grown up together. Xie Shuyao was not afraid of anyone except Si Jingyun.

"I'm not going back. I've decided to stay in Rongcheng to study," Xie Shuyao said resolutely.

Lu Jinqi stood outside her room and looked at Si Jingyun. "Do you want to come in and sit down?"

Si Jingyun chuckled softly and leaned closer to her, patting her head. "Child, are you an adult?"

Lu Jinqi's lips curled up, her eyes filled with amusement. "When you offered to send me down, I thought you were more anxious than I was."

Si Jingyun paused for a moment, then the crinkle in his eyes deepened.

"Little child, let's not have such dirty thoughts."

Lu Jinqi closed the distance and raised the ends of her eyebrow. She stared at him as she replied, word by word, "How would you know what I'm implying? It seems like you have a rich life."

What she meant was completely different from what she said. However, she was still having fun, so she carried on.

Who would have thought that the man only looked at her with a faint smile. His deep and soothing voice made some people's ears itch for more.

"If I really wanted to do something, you wouldn't be standing here."

After saying that, he reached out his hand.

Lu Jinqi instinctively grabbed his hand. When she looked up, she saw the man looking at her meaningfully. In his deep dark eyes, she saw her own reflection.

"Little child, do you plan on taking advantage of me?"

Si Jingyun's tone was honey-like as the corners of his lips curled up. He placed Lu Jinqi's hand on the doorknob and pushed it down.

"If we're talking about taking advantage. It looks like I won't lose out." Lu Jinqi looked at their hands meaningfully as she licked her lips and smiled.

"Let's go in." Si Jingyun's pupils dilated as they entered the room.

Then, Si Jingyun retracted his hand. She walked in and turned around. "Lu Jinqi."

Si Jingyun's lips curled up even more. His tone was casual. "I'm Si Jingyun, little child. You should sleep early or you won't be able to grow taller." With that, he walked away.

Lu Jinqi looked down at his receding figure and her lips twitched. This man...

"Yayin, quickly, look at the forum," Zhu Lanzhi said with a smile as soon as she returned to the classroom. 

When Song Yayin opened the forum, she saw the comments that she had been following. Now, they were all scolding and questioning Lu Jinqi's behavior.

She silently chuckled and feigned a disapproving look. "You didn't do this, did you?"

Zhu Lanzhi nodded. "I'm just sharing the truth."

"Lanzhi, what if someone finds out about you like this?" Song Yayin looked at her worriedly.

"It's fine. I posted it anonymously," Zhu Lanzhi said nonchalantly as her fingers kept scrolling through the comments.

Seeing the abusive replies in the comments, she felt more at ease.

'Let's see who would still like her now.'

As she scrolled through the comments, the page refreshed itself. Then, it said that the page did not exist anymore.

Zhu Lanzhi returned and clicked on it again. She could not help but raise her head. "Yayin, can you still see the posts on the forum?"

Song Yayin opened it and saw that the whole post was gone. She shook her head. "I can't see it either."

"What happened? The post suddenly disappeared."

Seeing her like this, Song Yayin's eyes revealed a hint of disdain. 'You Id*ot.'

The sound of panic rang out in all the classes. Everyone scrolled through the forum and realized that all the other posts about Lu Jinqi were gone as well.

"Yao, the posts are gone," Wen Yu, who had been updating himself with the drama, immediately told Xiao Yao when he realized that they were gone.

"They're all gone?"

"Yeah, I wonder who did it," Wen Yu said as he showed the page to Xiao Yao.

Hearing this, Lu Jinqi's figure flashed across Xiao Yao's mind. He immediately shook his head. How could it be her?

The next day, Lu Jinqi appeared at school with a backpack hanging on one shoulder. Her eyes were red and her face was filled with displeasure.

When the students saw her, they started to whisper among themselves.

When she walked into the classroom, she saw that her seat was in a mess and her books were scattered all over the floor. She stopped in her tracks and a cold look appeared in their eyes. "Who did this?"

Xiao Yao and Wen Yu, who came in later, saw Lu Jinqi standing next to her desk. Her entire body quivered. When they walked closer, Xiao Yao's expression turned ugly. He glanced around and asked, "What's going on? Who did this?"

Everyone glanced at him but did not say anything. At that moment, no one dared to make a sound. They did not want to bear the brunt of Xiao Yao's anger that was about to explode.

"I'll ask again. Who did this?" Lu Jinqi asked in a low voice, her face expressionless.

"It's Zhang Hao." A girl carefully looked at Lu Jinqi and pointed at someone.

Following her finger, she saw a boy with a pockmarked face and glasses. At that moment, his body trembled from the attention.

Lu Jinqi walked over slowly. With every step, everyone felt the tense atmosphere grow.

"You did it?"

"So what if it was me? A person like you doesn't deserve to stay in Minsong," Zhang Hao looked at her in disgust and admitted out loud.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw Lu Jinqi kick his shin, causing him to drop to the ground. She placed her foot on his stomach and grabbed a book closely. She lowered her head and patted his face with it. "Tell me more about myself."

No one expected Lu Jinqi to kick him without hesitation.

"How dare you hit me? I'm going to tell everyone in school." Zhang Hao, who was lying on the ground, felt the pain in his stomach. He gritted his teeth and glared at her.

"That's up to you." Lu Jinqi's strength increased by a few degrees and she pressed down harder. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, she looked at him with evil intent.

Behind her, Wen Yu poked Xiao Yao and said softly, "Yao, your position as the school bully is gone."

Xiao Yao's face darkened when he heard that. Was this the time to bring something like this up?

"What's wrong with your class? The bell rang. Didn't any of you hear it?" The director walked past Class Six and saw that everyone in the class was gathered together.

When they heard the noise, everyone turned around and saw the director, Hu Lei, standing on the podium. He looked at them angrily.

Only then did Hu Lei realize that something was wrong.

"What are you doing? Let go of your foot," he shouted at Lu Jinqi.

Who would have expected Lu Jinqi to act as though she did not hear him. She raised her foot and kicked the student to the back door. Then, she kicked his desk over as well.

Everyone who witnessed everything sucked in a breath.

She looked menacing.

Hu Lei's anger deepened. The cheeks on his face trembled with anger. Were this not a serious situation, the students would have made fun of comical expression.

"Both of you, come to the office." With that, he took the lead to leave.

Lu Jinqi threw her bag to Xiao Yao and lazily followed him out.

Zhang Hao struggled to get up. He could not understand how things had turned out like this.

When they left, the classroom instantly exploded.

"What the f*ck, bro, sister Jinqi is so manipulative." Wen Yu looked at the books on the floor and thought of how the scene unfolded. He could not help but exclaim in admiration.

"You're already calling her sister this early on?" Xiao Yao casually asked as he placed her bag on her table.

Wen Yu put his things away and squatted down to pick up Lu Jinqi's books. "It's all because you, my brother, only have a strong aura whereas for her, she's different."

"She's impressive," Xiao Yao tilted his head, "but she really does have an explosive anger."